
The Lambert Report, or more formally Discussion Paper on SDS Targeting Strategy and Deployment in Relation to the Animal Liberation Front, was an investigation by HN10 Robert Lambert ‘Bob Robinson’,  a former Special Demonstration Squad officer and manager, into the activities of several former undercovers, in particular HN11 Michael Chitty ‘Mike Blake’,  but also identifying problems with the deployments of undercovers HN155 ‘Phil Cooper’  and HN95 Stefan Scutt ‘Stefan Wesolowski’.

It noted that Chitty, after his deployment had ended and taken up duties as a protection officer, had returned to socialising with members of his target group, this only being discovered when spotted by another undercover. HN155 and HN95 were considered to have gone rogue and jeopardised the secrecy of the SDS by their actions. These two were also viewed with suspicion by management for claiming psychiatric issues arising from their undercover work.

It had passed into the hands of The Guardian journalists Rob Evans and Paul Lewis with the result that the Chitty case was referenced in their book Undercover: the true story of Britain’s secret police.  

As such, the journalists were aware of the real name of HN155 ‘Phil Cooper’, a point which was raised during the anonymity hearings as it impacted on whether granting a restriction order over the real name had any practical value should the journalists decide to release it. The Inquiry Chair, Sir John Mitting directed that submissions on the matter needed to be made and the issue was addressed at the hearing of March 2018. 

Sir John Mitting eventually ruled that HN155’s real name would remain restricted as it was not knowledge readily available. However, the issue did mean that the Inquiry made the Lambert Report public, albeit in redacted form.


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
'Lambert Report': Discussion Paper on SDS Targeting Strategy and Deployment in Relation to the Animal Liberation Front, authored by Bob Lambert


Document Type
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 10: Anonymity IV, Lambert Report
Anonymity, Lambert Report
MPS – Submissions re the Lambert Report on the law of confidence and misuse of private information
Restriction order approach, The Lambert Report
Designated Lawyers – Submissions re the Lambert Report
Restriction order approach, Lambert Report
Directions re the Lambert Report (Direction 23)
Restriction order approach, The Lambert Report
Guardian News and Media – Submissions re the Lambert Report
Restriction order approach, The Lambert Report