
Legal Representation

This was a short hearing in the Undercover Policing Inquiry which discussed legal representation of non-state core participants. The then Inquiry Chair, Sir Christopher Pitchford, acknowledged two important issues:

  • That in general core participants should have their costs covered in the Inquiry if they were involved through no fault of their own. However, some large organisations with sufficient means such as trade unions or police forces would have to meet their own costs.
  • That core participants were entitled to choose their own legal representation in the Inquiry, with the Inquiry Chair recognising that there were pre-existing relationships with lawyers which the core participants wished to maintain.

The role of core participant is central to the hearings of the Inquiry as they have the opportunity to make open and closing statements, make submissions and request that their legal costs are covered. It is usually a recognition they have a role or stake in what the Inquiry is investigating, and can also assist the Inquiry reach its Terms of Reference.

This was the only preliminary hearing on these issues, further rulings simply being handed down by paper.


Counsel / Solicitor Advocate / IndividualClient / Applicant for CP status
David Barr KC (CTI)UCPI
Nick Stanage (Counsel)Freedom Press, Peace News Trustees
Jason Kirkpatrickhimself
Matthew Varnhamhimself
Jesse NichollsCMR
Patrick Roche (counsel)77 Hillsborough Families – applicants for CP status
Peter Weatherby KC (counsel)26 Hillsborough Families – applicants for CP status
Hugh Robertson (counsel)Trades Union Congress
Judith Lancetherself
Mike Schwarz (solicitor)On behalf of two unnamed animal rights individuals and in relation to the Good Easter Hunt Saboteur case
Jules Carey (solicitor)Relatives of Deceased Individuals (Category F)
Danny Friedman KC (counsel)Stephanie Lightfoot-Bennett, Alastair Morgan, Deborah Coles / INQUEST, Ken Fero / United Friends and Family Campaign, Stafford Scott / Broadwater Farm Defence Campaign, National Union of Journalists, Legal Defence & Monitoring Group.
Courtenay Griffiths KC (counsel)Rolan Adams Family Campaign, James Ashley Justice Campaign, Family of Paul Coker / Justice4Paul family, Family of Robin Goodenough
Jane Deighton (solicitor)Family of Michael Powell
Ann FelthamCampaign Against the Arms Trade
Alison Gerry (counsel)Undercover Research Group
Brian Richardson (counselUnited Against Fascism / Anti-Nazi League
Helen SteelMcLibel Support Group
Paul GravettLondon Animal Action
Jonathan Reeshimself
Dave SmithBlacklist Support Group
Sylvia Jonesherself

Also present, though not speaking, was an unnamed barrister representing EN12 Mark Kennedy 'Mark Stone'  and Neil Garnham KC on behalf of the Metropolitan Police.


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 2: Legal Representation


Document Type
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 2: Legal Representation
Opening, Core participants