
A restricted reporting order (RRO) is an order which prevents onward publication in the press or otherwise of material disclosed while live evidence is given in the Undercover Policing Inquiry. 

Though members of the public and press physically at the hearing are able to hear the material, the order prohibits them from sharing it. It is a tool to allow evidence to be given more freely during hearings but without the fear of onward transmission.

RROs were not used in Tranche 1 hearings. However, a number of non-state witnesses expressed concern over material provided to them in disclosure for Tranche 2. This led to various applications for RROs being made, which were discussed in a Procedural Hearing of 12 April 2024.


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 15: Reporting Restriction Orders


Document Type
Ruling on the reporting restriction order hearing of 12 April 2024
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 15: Reporting Restriction Orders
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Second Note by Counsel to the Inquiry regarding applications for restricted reporting of inquiry hearings
Counsel note
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Restriction order for 12 April 2024 hearing – Applicant F
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Restriction order for 12 April 2024 hearing – Applicant D and E
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Restriction order for 12 April 2024 hearing – Applicant C
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Restriction order for 12 April 2024 hearing – Applicant A and B
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Operational note for 12 April 2024 reporting restriction order hearing
Operational Note
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Response by the BBC to the applications for restricted reporting of Inquiry hearings
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Reporting restriction order hearing (submission by MPS)
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Note by Counsel to the Inquiry regarding applications for restricted reporting of inquiry hearings
Counsel note
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders
Inquiry hearing set to discuss privacy issues and potential reporting restrictions
Press Notice
Privacy, Restricted Reporting Orders