
Saunders Solicitors represents political campaigners and social and environmental activists in the Undercover Policing Inquiry. These include Tariq Ali and (before his death) Ernest Tate of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign / International Marxist Group. It also represents the Advisory Service for Squatters and Piers Corbyn. It additionally represents Friends of Freedom Press Ltd, which includes acting for witnesses Stephen Sorba and Dave McCabe.

The recognised legal representative is Richard Parry. 

It is not to be confused with Saunders Law,  which also represents some core particpipants at the Inquiry.


Core ParticipantCategory
Advisory Services for Squatters[L] Social and environmental activists
Michael Zeitlin[L] Social and environmental activists; Advisory Services for Squatters
Norman Blair[L] Social and environmental activists; London Greenpeace
Tariq Ali[K] Political activists (IMG / VSC)
Ernest Tate (deceased)[K] Political activists (IMG / VSC)
Piers Corbyn[L] Social and environmental activists
Friends of Freedom Press Ltd[K] Political activists

In Tranche 2 Phase 1, Saunders also represented the civilian witnesses Stephen Sorba (who gave evidence on behalf of Friends of Freedom Press Ltd), David Bruce McCabe and Patrizia Giambi.


Document Type
Saunders Solicitors Clients – Supplementary submissions for Procedural Hearing of 26 January 2021
Conduct of evidence hearings
Saunders Solicitor Clients – Submissions for Procedural Hearing of 26 January 2021
Conduct of evidence hearings
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 14: Tranche 1 Directions hearing
Conduct of evidence hearings