
The main body of work carried out by the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI), both investigatory and legal, is overseen by a team of solicitors. The head of this team is a statutory position under the Inquiries Rules called Solicitor to the Inquiry. It is usually held by a qualified solicitor, though it can also be a barrister, and is appointed by the Inquiry Chair.

The Solicitor to the Inquiry oversees the Inquiry Legal Team.

Within the UCPI, the responsibilities of senior solicitors include taking lead on various tranches, overseeing costs, communication with core participants, and providing instructions to the Counsel to the Inquiry.

People who have occupied the position are:

  • Mark Perry: December 2024 –. A partner at TLT specialising in public inquiries, national security, technology and privacy. Previously a government lawyer for 19 years, including eight years at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

  • Image
    Zaqia Rashid, Solicitor to the Undercover Policing Inquiry
    Zaqia Rashid, Solicitor to the Inquiry 2022-2024

    Zaqia Rashid: June 2022 – December 2024. From February 2017 to November 2021 she was Head of the Public Inquiries, Reviews and Litigation Team for the Government Legal Department. Since November 2021 she has been Head of the Public Inquiries and Public Law Team at TLT Solicitors. 

  • Dr. Paul Bishop: September 2020 – June 2022. A barrister, from 2016 to 2020 he was a legal advisor to the Intelligence and Security Committee.
  • Piers Doggart: August 2015 - August 2020. Prior to this he had been Deputy Director, Head of the National Security and Counter-Terrorism Team for the Government Legal Department.



Document Type
Press Notice: Zaqia Rashid appointed as new Solicitor to the Inquiry
Press Notice
Letter from Steven Bramley (MPS Director of Legal Services) to Paul Bishop (Inquiry Solicitor) regarding Tranche 1 Phase 1 hearings
Press Notice: Dr Paul Bishop appointed as new Solicitor to the Inquiry
Press Notice
Direction: extension of time for MPS re Risk Assessments (Direction 11)
Also incorporates letters from the MPS to the Inquiry Solicitor (Piers Doggart) on the issues experienced with the anonymity process
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
Letters from the MPS to the Inquiry Solicitor (Piers Doggart) on the issues experienced with the anonymity process
Letter from the Inquiry Solicitor to NSCPs re destruction of documents and other issues
Paper delivered at conference on undercover policing
Presented by Piers Doggart, Solicitor to the Inqury, and his deputy Stephen Brown