
A special measure is where the Inquiry Chair grants specific exceptions to their rulings or orders. 

Within the Undercover Policing Inquiry there have only been a couple of such matters, relating to certain core participants with particular needs in relation to the evidential hearings. 

In the normal course of events, these hearings are governed by the Hearings Protocol (see under Conduct of Evidential Hearings), however these general rules were unable to handle every situation. 

The special measures the Inquiry dealt with included:

  • Given the Covid-19 pandemic, and that many of the Tranche 1 police witnesses were elderly, the Chair permitted that they could give evidence via video link.
  • That the non-state core participant known as ‘Rosa’ could view the Tranche 1 Phase 2 and Phase 3 hearings by video link, the only individual granted this right.
  • Permitting former Special Demonstration Squad manager HN3378 Derek Brice  to give evidence remotely in the Tranche 1 Phase 3 hearings due to ill health.


Document Type
Hearings Protocol – June 2024
Conduct of evidence hearings
HN3378 Derek Brice – Ruling permitting the former SDS manager to give evidence by video
Special measures due to health and age issues
Special measures
Rosa / DIL – Ruling regarding access to the Tranche 1 evidence hearings
Conduct of evidence hearings, Special measures
Rosa / DIL (NSCP) – Application to access the Tranche 1 evidence hearing remotely
Conduct of evidence hearings, Special measures
Ninth Update Note
Special measures, Conduct of evidence hearings, Photographs, Anonymity, Costs
Sir John Mitting – Statement on special measures applications by former undercover police officers in Tranche 1
Chairman's statement
Special measures
Press Notice: Chairman issues statement in response to special measure applications
Press Notice
Special measures
Hearings Protocol
Conduct of evidence hearings