
Tranche 4 of the Undercover Policing Inquiry will examine the activities of the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (its undercovers and its managers) which was active from 1999 to 2010. This will include former undercovers such as EN12 Mark Kennedy / ‘Mark Stone’ , EN34 ‘Lynn Watson’ , HN519/EN1 ‘Marco Jacobs’ , and HN596/EN32 ‘Rod Richardson’ .

Work on this tranche has begun, with most of the relevant anonymity applications having been determined. According to the Inquiry’s Twelfth Update Note (July 2023),  the Inquiry had started to send out witness packs and some police witness statements have been received. 

As of June 2024 all Rule 9 requests to undercovers had been sent; and witness statements from manager were also being received. Obtaining witness statements from those affected, government agencies or senior officers had yet to start.

Officers whose nominals start with EN (as opposed to HN or PN), will be heard in this tranche.  

It is believed hearings will begin November 2025.


Document Type
The Undercover Policing Inquiry announces the dates of future hearings
Press Notice
Module 1 NPOIU Issues List
Issues list
Issues lists