MI5 note for liaison file after discussion between Dave Short, Martin Gray and F6 listing current SDS officers with RF numbers and the groups they're infiltrating, held at the SDS office on 11 March 1982, inc MI5 briefings on the SWP (attached)
Report submitting a blank Right to Work Campaign sponsorship sheet for a sponsored run, to be held from Hampstead Heath to Parliament Hill on 14 Feb 1982 (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler and F6 to discuss MI5 briefs and SDS personnel changes, held at SDS office on 24 Nov 1981
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between HN68, DCI Butler and F6 where it was confirmed an SDS would send an officer to the SWP national conference, held at MI5's Curzon Street House offices on 6 Nov 1981
Report on the SWP computer being programmed to give a breakdown of the circulation of 'Socialist Worker' and its financial accounts and details of branch organisers
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between HN68, DCI Butler and F6 confirming the SDS had given them photos of SWP banking records listing members who pay subs by bank transfer
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between DCI Butler, HN68 and F6 to confirm the list of officers and express MI5's desire for an officer in the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L) and the SWP membership records
Report on personal details of a couple that work for the SWP - member of the Central Committee and the full-time organiser in the industrial department - who have split up and now live separately
Report on personal and political details of a 16 year old National Committee member of the National Union of School Students and contributor to SWP's youth publication 'Rebel'
Report on meeting to plan the Right to Work march and its culmination at the Tory conference in Blackpool on 16 Oct, held at SWP HQ, Reading Lane E8 on 5 Aug 1981
Report on the completion of construction of a computer at SWP National Office and enclosing copy of a print-out showing weekly distribution of 'Socialist Worker' (attached)
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 23 June 1981 inc discussion of mobilisation to attend Northern Carnival in Leeds (attached)
Report submitting SWP internal document informing Branch/District SWP organisers of a new method of recording paper sales, dated 8 April 1981 (attached)
Report on upcoming 'People's March for Jobs' organised by NE Region of Trade Union Congress, to go from Liverpool to London on 1-30 May 1981, inc leaflet and internal organisation docs (attached)
Report listing new recruits to the Socialist Workers Students Organisation and the National Union of School Students, inc NUSS leaflets and campaign materials (attached)
Report on personal details and the arrest of an SWP member who works in the Industrial Department of the National Office, arrested near his home on 13 March 1981 for waving an SWP banner and encouraging support for the IRA
Report listing participants in the 1980 Right to Work Campaign march rom Port Talbot to London, culminating in march to Brighton to picket the Conservative Paryy conference (list wholly redacted)
Report on a fundraising social to support the miners strike organised by Welsh branches of SWP, held at the Regent Ballroom, Great Western Hall, Pontypridd on 20 Feb 1981
Report on SWP support for the National Union of Mineworkers' strike action in South Wales, inc 17 pages of SWP internal news sheets and leafelts for CND, TOM etc (attached)
Report on a planned march of unemployed people from Liverpool to London organised by the Labour Party and TUC's NW and SE regions, Right to Work planning parallel march from Newcastle, to be held on May 1981, inc 10 pages of SWP docs and leaflets (attache
Report that the Right to Work march will join the Mass Rally Against Unemployment in Liverpool on 29 Nov 1980, inc 18 pages of SWP leaflets and 3 weekly internal news sheets (attached)
Report on upcoming 1980 National Delegate Conference of the SWP moving dates and venues, now to be held at the Africa Centre, 38 King Street WC2 on 13-17 Dec 1980, inc leaflets supporting Irish republican prisoners and SWP weekly internal news sheets
Report listing members of the Liaison Committee for the Defence of Trade Unions who attended the TUC Conference, held at Brighton Conference Centre on 1 Sept 1980
Report on meeting called by the SWP Central Committee for all London Branch & District Secretaries to stimulate support for demo at Tory Party conference on 10 Oct, to be held at the Friends Meeting House, Euston Road NW1 on 20 Sept 1980
Report on the founding conference of the Defend Our Unions Campaign organised by the Right to Work Campaign, held at The Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Road W1 on 5 July 1980
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP and enclosing copy of weekly information sheet, held at a redacted private home on 20 Aug 1980, inc internal news sheet of 19 Aug 1980 (attached)
Report on aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP inc talk on 'United Front Politics', held at Highgate Wood Lower School, Wolesey Road, Hornsey N8 on 27 Aug 1980, inc internal news sheet of 25 Aug 1980 (attached)
Report on a half-day SWP conference formulating Party perspectives and activities, held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Rd, 9 Aug 1980, inc minute sheet
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP inc a talk on 'Pornography in a Socialist Society', held at the Trade Union Centre, Brabant Road, Wood Green N22 on 25 June 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 24 June 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP enclosing a weekly information sheet, held at redacted private home on 28 May 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 27 May 1980 (attached)
Report on public meeting of the Right to Work Campaign inc a performance of 'The Participation Waltz' by the Broadside Mobile Workers Theatre, held at the Howard Hall, Ponders End, Enfield on 20 March 1980
Report on aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP discussing future branch activity, held at Tottenham Community Project, High Road, Tottenham N17 on 10 April 1980
Report listing attendees of a fund-raising social evening held by Tottenham Women's Voice, held at the Trade Union Centre, Brabant Road N22 on 26 April 1980
Report on plans of The Autonomists and Rising Free Collective to disrupt an anti-cuts rally organised by TUC to be held at Central Hall, Westminster on 14 May 1980, inc leaflet (attached)
Extract from a Special Branch report by HN80 that, as book keeper of the Right to Work, he will authorise opening a bank account in the name of the RtW Committee
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP inc discussion on the General Strike, held at redacted private home on 6 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 5 Feb 1980 (attached)
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP inc talk on Afghanistan, held at redacted private home on 30 Jan 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 29 Jan 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP including a talk on Art and Revolution, held at redacted private home on 20 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 19 Feb 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP, inc a talk on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, held at redacted private home on 13 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 12 Feb 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Haringey SWP inc HN80 being proposed for nomination to District Treasurer, held at the Ship pub, High Road, Tottenham N17 on 21 Nov 1979
Report on pre-conference aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP, held at Labour Rooms, Trades Hall, Bruce Grove N17 on 31 Oct 1979, inc weekly internal news sheet (attached)
Report on ‘post-conference’ aggregate meeting of the Lea Valley District of the Socialist Workers Party with HN80 nominated for District Committee, held at Ship Inn, Tottenham N17 on 28 Nov 1979, inc internal news sheet (attached)
Report on redacted SWP official's promotion to Industrial Dept at HQ, inc 25 page draft policy document about building rank and file support 'Shop Floor Politics and the Experience of Lea Valley' (attached)
Report listing participants in a picket at Tottenham Police Station to protest against the killing of Blair Peach, held at Tottenham Police Station on 10 Oct 1979
Report on meeting of Hackney District Committee of Socialist Workers Party discussing Stop the Cuits demo in Hackney on 13 Sept, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 10 Sept 1979
Report on Socialist Workers Party Women’s Aggregate involving a general discussion on 'Women’s Voice' and role of women in the party, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 10 Sept 1979
Report listing participants (7 pages, almost entirely redacted) in a demo commemorating 10 years of British troops in Ireland organised by the National League of Young Liberals, held at Speakers Corner on 12 Aug 1979
Report on weekly discussion group held of Haringey SWP on ‘The Two Bad Years’ (peasant and workers struggles in Italy 1919-20) inc personal descriptions of attendees, held at redacted private home in E17 on 1 July 1979
Report listing participants in anti-racist demo organised by the April 29th Co-Ordinating Committee, held from Shoreditch Park N1 to St Mary's Park E1 on 29 April 1979
Report listing participants in a demo demanding justice for Blair Peach organised by the Indian Workers Association and the Anti-Nazi League, held in Southall on 28 April 1979
Report listing participants in an Anti-Nazi League demo against the National Front Rememberance Day march, held at the Cenotaph, Whitehall held on 12 Nov 1978
Report on weekly meeting of Seven Sisters SWP with redacted speaker on 'Women and Fascism', held at West Green Library, Vincent Road, Tottenham N15 on 8 Feb 1978
Report on public meeting of Lea Valley District SWP titled 'Russia 1917 - How the workers took power', held at the Golden Fleece pub, Upper Fore Street, Edmonton N18 in Nov 1977
Report on an aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP inc discussion of jailed member and the Fire Brigades Union strike, held at The Fleece pub, Edmonton N18 on 15th Nov 1977
Report on Delegate Conference of Haringey Labour Movement Anti-Racist and Anti-Fascist Campaign, chaired by Ted Knight and organised by Jeremy Corbyn both of Haringey Labour Party, held at Hornsey Town Hall on 5 Nov 1977
Report enclosing a leaflet titled ‘Statement from the Rank and File Trade Unionists’ supporting the firefighters' strike (copy attached) distributed by the SWP in North London and Enfield
Report on SWP Lea Valley District Aggregate meeting seemingly announcing formation of the ANL, held at the Golden Fleece pub, Upper Fore Street N18 on 22 Sept 1977
Report on public meeting of the Women's Voice faction of Lea Valley District SWP titled 'What is Sexism?', held at the Lord Morrison Hall, Tottenham on 14 Sept 1977
Report concerning upcoming public meeting of newly formed Hornsey Branch of the SWP inc Paul Foot on ‘Why you should be a socialist’, to be held at the Edison Centre, Edison Rd N8 on 8 Sep 1977
Report on a joint weekly meeting of Seven Sisters and Tottenham branches of the SWP preparing for the Battle of Lewisham, held at the West Green library on 10 Aug 1977
Report on a meeting of N London district SWP and people involved in the September Right to Work March, following the Battle of Lewisham anti-fascist demo, held at redacted address on 13 Aug 1977
Report that, following violent clashes between the National Front and the SWP, the SWP plan to drive National Front paper sellers off the streets at Wood Green and Barking Reg Court on 16 July 1977
Report on personal physical and employment details of a member of Seven Sisters SWP and the National Association of Operative Printers and Assistants woh works at the SWP print shop
Report on informal meeting Lea Valley District SWP following a demo in support of the Lewisham 24 Defence Committee, held at redacted private home N15 on 2 July 1977
Report listing members Lea Valley District SWP who took part in demo organised by Cypriot Defence Campaign, held outside All Saints Greek Orthodox Church, Camden St NW1 on 12 June
Report on meeting of Finsbury Park SWP inc talk on 'Black music and the origins of modern popular music', held at 265a Seven Sisters Rd on 6 April 1977