Report containing a very comprehensive analysis of Troops Out Movement covering topics inc politics, membership, finances, affiliates, liaison with the republican movement, and publicity materials. HN96 is national membership secretary
Report on personal, accommodation, employment and physical details of the Treasurer of the Troops Out Movement's May 7th Organising Committee, taking over from HN96
Report on upcoming 'Bloody Sunday' commemoration demo to be held in Savile Park, Leeds on 30 Jan 1983 with details of coaches from London and elsewhere
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement on upcoming 'Hunger Strikers' demo of 7 May 1983 and dispute with Sinn Fein over their demo on the same day, held at the Bread and Roses Print Shop, Camden Road NW1 on 19 Dec 1982
Report that a petition of 2,000 signatures collected by 'H' Block Committee in New Zealand will no longer be presented at Downing St by Troops Out Movement but instead by Richard Balfe MEP
Report on upcoming public meeting of Troops Out Movement at which Gerry Adams and Danny Morrison are due to speak (inc handwritten note from B Squad that both are banned from GB), to be held at Islington Town Hall on 14 Dec 1982
Report on a meeting of the Troops Out Movement Steering Committee of TOM chaired by HN96, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 21 June 1982, inc minutes of the previous week's meeting (14 June 1982)
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement Steering Committee inc decision to ask Sinn Fein member of the NI Assembly to speak at 'Anti-Repression' TOM conference to be held on 11 Dec, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 15 Nov 1982
Report on London activists planning to attend rally commemorating the 'Manchester Martyrs' executed in 1867 for demanding Irish independence, to be held at Platt Fields, Manchester on 25 Nov 1982 (leaflet attached)
Report submitting minutes of two Troops Out Movement Steerinrtg Committee meetings, held at the Prince Albe pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 1 and 8 Nov 1982 (attached)
Memo from DCI Short to Chief Superintendent of 'S' Squad requesting reinstatement of HN126's overtime payments on Police Pay Computer, inc list of 13 UCOs with their operational start dates and expected finish dates
Report on Troops Out Movement National Delegate Conference (HN96 is membership and affiliation secretary), held at University of Manchester on 11 Sept 1982, inc numerous conference docs (attached)
Report submitting minutes of a Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee meeting, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road on 13 Sept 1982 and a TOM report on the Ireland visit delegation report back meeting (both attached)
Report on public meeting of East London Troops Out Movement inc Gareth Pierce and Pat Finucane on the Prevention of Terrorism Act, held at the Hackney Trades Club, 96 Dalston Lane E8 on 20 Sept 1982
Report on upcoming public meeting of S London Troops Out Movement to protest against Kenneth Newman becoming Met Commissioner, to be held at Abeng Centre, Gresham Road, Brixton on 27 Oct 1982, inc letter asking for sponsorship of the event (attached)
Report submitting minutes of the Troops Out Movement Steering Committee meeting (HN96 is membership officer and branch liaison), held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 7 July 1982 (attached)
Report on meeting of the Troops Out Movement Delegation Committee to Northern Ireland, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 16 June 1982
Report submitting minutes of a recent Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee meeting held on 21 June 1982 with a program of forthcoming events (both attached)
Report submitting minutes, financial report and balance sheet from the Troops Out Movement's annual conference held in London on 3 April 1982 (attached)
Report on upcoming demo by Provisional Sinn Fein protesting against the trial of Gerard Tuite (IRA escapee from UK prison, charged for offences in the UK), to be held outside the Irish Embassy on 21 June 1982
Report on regular meeting of the Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee discussing the upcoming delegation to Belfast on 7-9 Aug, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 7 June 1982
Report on personal accommodation and employment details of a member of an East London branch of the SWP who is also a member of the National Union of Journalists
Report that left-wing groups, including Red Action, often meet at the Carpenters Arms, 12 Seymour Place W1 before rallies and marches that start at Speakers Corner
Report on the final meeting of the May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee with overview of activity and Troops Out Movement, held at redacted private home on 13 May 1982
Report submitting an SWP-distributed Reagan Reception Committee leaflet for a demo at the US embassy on 7 June 1982 and calling for support of a national CND demo the day before (attached)
Report on meeting of May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee, held at redacted venue on 19 April 1982, inc minutes of 1 April meeting and leaflets for the demo (attached)
Report on meeting of the May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee for 'Britain Out of Ireland' demo, held at redacted home of a member of the Irish Republican Socialist Party on 25 March 1982, inc leaflet advertising the demo (attached)
Report on the Troops Out Movement Steering Committee organising a demo in London on 8 May 1982 to mark the anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands, discussing need to write to other groups to involve them (letter attached)
MI5 note for liaison file after discussion between Dave Short, Martin Gray and F6 listing current SDS officers with RF numbers and the groups they're infiltrating, held at the SDS office on 11 March 1982, inc MI5 briefings on the SWP (attached)
Report on the Labour Committee on Ireland and the Committee for Withdrawal from Ireland's 'Labour Movement Conference on Ireland', held at the Theatre, Regent Street W1 on 27 Feb 1982
Report on public meeting of Red Action discussing Ireland, racism, fascism and unemployment, held at the Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Road WC1 on 19 Feb 1982
Report submitting discussion document circulated by East London Troops Out Movement suggesting action to take when detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (15 pages, attached)
Report submitting leaflet distributed in Hackney by Red Action explaining who they are and that they take a stonger line on Irish issues and fascism than the SWP (attached)
Report on upcoming East London Troops Out Movement rally to be held at Hackney Town Hall on 23 Jan 1982 to mobilise support for the Bloody Sunday march to be held in Coventry on 31 Jan 1982, inc leaflet for Hackney demo (attached)
Report that Troops Out Movement, Revolutionary Communist Party and Sinn Fein have arranged at least 6 coaches to transport participants to a Bloody Sunday demo, to be held in Coventry on 31 Jan 1982
Report that 3 members of Troops Out Movement attended the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis conference, held in Dublin 31 Oct-1 Nov 1981, inc detailed 11 page TOM report for members (attached)
Report submitting minutes of a meeting of Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee, held at Cinema Action, Winchester Road SW3 on 6 Dec 1981, inc TOM internal bulleting winter 1981-2 (attached)
Report on march by Hackney Black Peoples Association and Hackney Legal Defence Committee in protest against police violence against Black people and in support of the Knight family, to be held from Hackney Town Hall via Stoke Newington police station
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee, held at Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 16 Nov 1981, inc minutes (attached)
Report on meeting of the Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee of TOM, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 17 Nov 1981, inc enclosing minutes of the meeting (attached)
Report on time and place of weekly meetings of Troops Out Movement's London-based National Steering Committee, inc minutes of meeting held at Prince Albert, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 2 Nov 1981 (attached)
Report on meeting of East London Troops Out Movement, held at Hackney Trades and Labour Club E8 on 15 Sept 1981, inc Steering Committee Minutes (attached)
Report submitting minutes of a meeting of London H Block/Armagh Committee on 28 Aug 1981 (attached) and providing info on a planned visit to London of 100 relatives of Republican hunger strikers
Report on demo in opposition to the National Front organised by Anti-Nazi League, held at Islington Green on 12 July 1981, inc leaflet given out at the rally 'Voice of the Youth' by Communist Youth Union of Britain (attached)
Report that Hackney Anti-Nazi League have organised a benefit event in aid of New Cross Massacre Action Committee, to be held at Abney Church Hall, Stoke Newington Church St on 18 July 1981
Special Branch report on occupation of Trade Union Congress headquarters by several people protesting against the TUC’s silence on Republican hunger strikers, held at TUC HQ in Great Russell St WC1 on 28 May 1981
Report on upcoming 'People's March for Jobs' organised by NE Region of Trade Union Congress, to go from Liverpool to London on 1-30 May 1981, inc leaflet and internal organisation docs (attached)
Report on the 1981 National Conference of the Anti-Nazi League, held at Central London Polytechnic on 28 March 1981, inc ANL Organisers report and conference declaration (attached)
Report on upcoming Troops Out Movement anti-SAS demo on 6 June 1981 and support of proposed Blair Peach Commemorative demo on 23 April 1981, inc minute sheet
Report on ANL meeting, held at Centreprise Community Centre N16 on 11 Feb 1981, inc Time Out article on the Deptford Massacre Action Committee, SWP leaflet on the campaign and ANL leaflet (attached)
Report on upcoming march organised by Militant Tendency and supported by SWP to launch Waltham Forest 'Campaign Against Youth Unemployment', to be held from the DHSS on Church Hill E17 to Leyton tube station on 21 March 1981
Report on political activity of Mike Griffin of the Right to Work Campaign, inc Feb 1981 Socialist Worker article 'Miners All Set To Fight Pit Closures' that mentions him (attached)
Report on re-activation of Hackney Anti-Nazi League and upcoming public meeting following racist attacks in East London, to be held at the Centerprise Community Centre N16 on 11 Feb 1981
Report on a public meeting about the 'H' Block Hunger Strike, organised jointly by Revolutionary Communist Tendency and Troops Out Movement, held at Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street E8 on 3 Dec 1980
Report on a public meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP with speaker Duncan Hallas on 'The Future - War or Socialism', held at Ross Wylde hall, Church Hill E17 on 23 July 1980
Report on attempts to form a national co-ordinating body to deal with cases of 'state brutality' by police and prison authorities, inc Friends of Blair Peach , Richard 'Cartoon' Campbell and Jimmy Kelly Campaign
Report on upcoming protest picket organised by Socialist Workers Party to coincide with Prime Minister's visit to Toynbee Hall to open a new nursery on 11 July 1980, inc leaflet (attached)
Report on upcoming demo by Socialist Workers Party's Right to Work Campaign to coincide with visit by Social Services Secretary Patrick Jenkins MP, to be held at Whipps Cross Hospital, Leytonstone E11 on 11 July 1980
Report on 'Voices for Withdrawal Forum on Northern Ireland' held by Liberal Party's Committee for Withdrawal from Ireland, held at Conway Hall on 14 June 1980
Report on demo organised by Hackney and Tower Hamlets Trades Council as part of TUC's 'Day of Action', held from Hackney Town Hall to Victoria Park, Hackney on 14 May 1980
Report on upcoming demo by Waltham Forest Trades Council and Waltham Forest Trade Union Action Committee as part of TUC 'Day of Action', to be held near the Bakers Arms pub, Stanley Road E10 with march to rally in Selborne Park on 14 May 1980
Report listing police stations to be picketed by members of Friends of Blair Peach/ SWP protesting death of Blair Peach on 23 April 1980, inc leaflet for demo on 27 April (attached)
Report on public meeting of Hackney District Socialist Workers Party to discuss redundancies at local toy manufacturer Lesneys, held at Chats Palace, Brookaby Walk E5 on 27 Feb 1980
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party with striking steelworker speaking, held at the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 6 March 1980
Report on upcoming public meeting of Hackney District SWP to discuss recent redundancies at the local Lesneys toy factory, to be held at Chats Palace, Hackney on 27 Feb 1980
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party inc speaker on 'Bennism' and 'Left Reformism', held at Hackney Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 31 Jan 1980
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party on suppporting the steel workers strike, held the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 23 Jan 1980
Report listing SWP members who took part in a demo against financial cuts affecting schools and hospitals in Hackney on 13 Sept 1979, inc leaflet (attached)
Report listing people at a picket about the death of Blair Peach organised by Socialist Workers Party, held at Stoke Newington police station on 10 Oct 1979
Report on meeting of Clapton Socialist Workers Party chaired by HN96 inc discussion of Blair Peach inquest, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 3 Oct 1979
Report on weekly meeting of Hackney District Committee of the SWP dicussing upcoming demos about Blair Peach inquest, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 1 Oct 1979
Report on a NW London District Committee meeting of the SWP inc planning demos for Blair Peach inquest and against the National Front, held at The Vale W3 on 1 Oct 1979
Report on meeting of co-ordinating committee for 'Stop the Cuts' demo, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 28 Aug 1979, inc 2 leaflets (attached)
Report on meeting of Clapton SWP inc summary of recent Rank and File Conference and plans for demo in Hackeny against cuts, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 25 July 1979
Report on meeting of Clapton SWP at which it was decided to split to form an additional branch in Homerton, held at the Clarence pub, Clarence Rd E8 on 6 June 1979
Report on a confrontation between National Front paper sellers and Socialist Workers Party/Anti-Nazi League members at junction of Church Lane and High Road E11 on 10 Feb 1976