Report on a National Planning Meeting of Stop All Racist Tours regarding the South African rugby tour of Britain in 1979/80, held at Central London Polytechnic, New Cavendish Street W1 on 16 Sept 1979
Report listing participants in anti-racist demo organised by the April 29th Co-Ordinating Committee, held from Shoreditch Park N1 to St Mary's Park E1 on 29 April 1979
Report listing participants in a demo demanding justice for Blair Peach organised by the Indian Workers Association and the Anti-Nazi League, held in Southall on 28 April 1979
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc discussion of recent events in Southall and an investigation into the death of Blair Peach, held at redacted private home on 30 April 1979, inc minutes of meeting of 23 April 1979 (attached)
Report on public meeting of NW London District SWP inc talk by Tony Cliff on clashes with police and National Front, held at the White Horse pub, Church Rd NW10 on 24 April 1979
Report on fortnightly meeting of NW London District SWP discussing leafletting council depots and factories, hled at redacted private home on 22 Jan 1979
Report on Organising Committee meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism/ Anti-Nazi League, held at redacted private home address on 8 Jan 1979
Report on a Post Office worker in Cricklewood who sells about 8 copies of the Socialist Worker per week and occasionally goes to SWP meetings, inc photo (redacted)
Report listing attendees at a fund-raising social organised by the Hampstead and West Hamsptead Camden Against Racism/Anti Nazi League, held at redacted private home on 25 Nov 1978
Report on a general meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League chaired by HN126, held at the Methodist Church Hall, Quex Road NW6 on 19 Nov 1978
Report - 42 pages - on the Eighth National Conference of the IMG, British Section of the Fourth International, held in at Chelsea Town Hall and Conway Hall on 15-18 April 1978
Report on aggregate meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP discussing the recent SWP National Conference, held at the Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 12 July 1978
Report on public meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP featuring a talk entitled “Is the Labour Party Socialist?”, held at Chequers Pub on 29th June 1978
Report on a regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc talk from a local AUEW trade union official, held at the Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 21 June 1978
Report on meeting of the Organising Committee of the Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League arranging details for the Multi-Racial Festival scheduled for Kilburn Park on 23 July 1978, held at redacted venue on 3 July 1978
Report on a joint meeting of Walthamstow and Leyton SWP to discuss possible merger and the development of newly-created Waltham Forest area of the Outer East London District, held at Rose and Crown pub on 18 Jan 1978
Report on public meeting of Lea Valley District SWP titled 'Russia 1917 - How the workers took power', held at the Golden Fleece pub, Upper Fore Street, Edmonton N18 in Nov 1977
Report on two events planned by the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist); 'denounce the sham of India's Republic Day' at East Ham Town Hall on 28 Jan, and 'British Imperialism Get Out of Ireland' concert at Trinity Community Centre E12 on 29 Jan
Report on the Communist Party of England's (Marxist-Leninist) plans to hold a concert to raise moral and financial support for its members awaiting trial
Report on an aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP inc discussion of jailed member and the Fire Brigades Union strike, held at The Fleece pub, Edmonton N18 on 15th Nov 1977
Report on a delegate conference of the Labour Movement Delegation to Ireland entitled ‘Britain Out of Ireland – How and When?’, held at Conway Hall on 19 Nov 1977, inc 36 page conference programme
Report on Delegate Conference of Haringey Labour Movement Anti-Racist and Anti-Fascist Campaign, chaired by Ted Knight and organised by Jeremy Corbyn both of Haringey Labour Party, held at Hornsey Town Hall on 5 Nov 1977
Report on a readers’ meeting of the Freedom Collective held to discuss format and distribution of ‘Freedom’, held at Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Rd on 19 Nov 1977
Report on a weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective discussing the decision to accept premises for the Anarchist Centre, held at 29 Grosvenor Ave on 10 Nov 1977
Report enclosing a leaflet titled ‘Statement from the Rank and File Trade Unionists’ supporting the firefighters' strike (copy attached) distributed by the SWP in North London and Enfield
Report on a Regional Delegate Conference of the London District of the SWP with main discussions on building workplace involvement, held at Holborn Library on 15 Oct 1977
Report on Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) plans to launch a campaign on behalf of its members on bail for offences arising from demos, and to picket outside Redbridge Magistrates' Court
Report on joint meeting of Leyton and Walthamstow branches of the SWP discussing the life and work of William Morris, held at the Wood Street library on 27 Oct 1977
Report on weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective discussing a potential firework display outside Wormwood Scrubs but deciding against, held at 29 Grosvenor Ave N5 on 20 Oct 1977
Memo from Pryde to Commander Ops concerning National Conference of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist), to be held in Birmingham, 28-30 Oct 1977
Report on SWP Lea Valley District Aggregate meeting seemingly announcing formation of the ANL, held at the Golden Fleece pub, Upper Fore Street N18 on 22 Sept 1977
Report on public meeting of the Women's Voice faction of Lea Valley District SWP titled 'What is Sexism?', held at the Lord Morrison Hall, Tottenham on 14 Sept 1977
Report on attempt by anti-apartheid Shareholders Action Group to disrupt the AGM of GEC shareholders, held in ballroom of the Park Lane Hotel on 13 Sept 1972
Report on a private meeting of the Spartacus League and IMG discussing Marxist theory, held on 7 Nov 1971 at redacted private address, inc minute sheet
Report on a public meeting of Croydon International Socialists on women's liberation, held at Ruskin House, Coombe Road, Croydon on 28 Oct 1971, inc minute sheet
Report on weekly meeting of Women’s Liberation Front discussing bad printing of their publication and a recent Women's Liberation conference, held at redacted private home on 21 Oct 1971