SpycopsResearch.info is an Undercover Research Group project. It aims to make the material that has been released during the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) accessible for all and to set an example for future public inquiries.

A public inquiry into the spycops scandal was announced in 2014, long after activists exposed how undercover police officers had infiltrated their movements, creating fake identities from the birth certificates of dead children and deceiving female activists into sexual relationships. 

After years of delay – mainly to grant anonymity to former spycops and to redact their real names from documents before disclosing them – evidence hearings started in late 2020.

However, the UCPI is still shrouded in secrecy. A public inquiry should make its material available in an easily accessible and comprehensive fashion that places the public first. The Spycop Research project is established to show what is possible, what is best practice, and to inspire others.

The November 2024 soft launch presents all the documents from Tranche One of the UCPI in a simple, searchable way, covering the activities of the Special Demonstration Squad from its start in 1968 to 1982. 

Accompanying this are detailed individual profiles of the undercover officers deployed and their managers in the very early period of spying of 1968-1972 – which Tranche One, Phase One of the Inquiry has covered. Overviews of the groups spied upon during this formative period are also included.

This is just the beginning: SpycopsResearch.info will be updated on an ongoing basis.

It also features an extensive procedural section explains and simplifies the Inquiry’s complicated workings. It allows those likely to be called to give evidence an in-depth understanding of their rights and what might be expected of them.

This resource is designed for journalists, lawyers, academics and – most importantly – those spied on.

We hope that by making the Inquiry disclosure available to everyone, more people will understand what’s at stake, revealing the details of 50 years of undercover political policing in the UK, and holding those responsible to account.

  • If you have anything to add, including pictures of spycops, we want to hear from you. Should you spot errors or imperfections, please do let us know. Reach us at: contact@undercoverresearch.net

SpycopsResearch.info is an Undercover Research Group project funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.