Report summarising a document published by Workers Against Racism titled 'Evidence to the Greater London Police Committee - October 1981 - Racist Violence and Police Harassment'
Report on a half-day SWP conference formulating Party perspectives and activities, held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Rd, 9 Aug 1980, inc minute sheet
Report on a weekly meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc discussion dealing with the National Front in aftermath of Battle of Lewisham, held at the Rose and Crown on 17 Aug 1977
Report on weekly meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc conversation supposedly agreeing that armed revolution was imminent and inevitable, held at the Rose & Crown pub on 10 Aug 1977
Report on a joint weekly meeting of Seven Sisters and Tottenham branches of the SWP preparing for the Battle of Lewisham, held at the West Green library on 10 Aug 1977
Report on a meeting of N London district SWP and people involved in the September Right to Work March, following the Battle of Lewisham anti-fascist demo, held at redacted address on 13 Aug 1977
Report on national aggregate conference of the Workers’ League of Trotskyists, held at Birmingham Uni Students Union and Digbeth Civic Hall on 18-19 June 1977
5 reports on Stop The Seventy Tour; 1. a branch is to be set up at the 'North West Polytechnic' (North London Polytechnic?); 2. personal details of the secretary of the NW London Committee; 3. list of attendess NW London STST meeting of 28 April 1970; 4.