Correspondance between senior officers about the report ''Political Extremism and the Campaign for Police Accountability within the Metropolitan Police District' and countering such monitoring groups, inc minute sheet
Minutes of informal conference of Special Branch and MI5, held at 70 Grosvenor Street on 17 Aug 1979, inc cover letter for copy sent to Cmdr John Wilson (SB)
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting between F6 and Special Branch 'C' Squad to discuss targets and coverage of Trotskyist, Maoist and Anarchist groups, held on 4 Nov 1977
Minutes of first informal twice-yearly meeting between representatives of the Security Service and Special Branch, held at New Scotland Yard on 11 Oct 1976
Cabinet Office letter on history and revival of the Committee on Subversion at Home and the Group on Subversion in Public Life, with terms and composition of the latter (CAB 301-489)