Memo from DCI Short to Chief Superintendent of 'S' Squad requesting reinstatement of HN126's overtime payments on Police Pay Computer, inc list of 13 UCOs with their operational start dates and expected finish dates
Report on personal relationship and education details of a member of the SWP who rarely attends meeting, whose partner inflicted violence on her and she temporarily moved out of their home
Report on personal relationship and education details of a member of the SWP who rarely attends meeting, whose partner inflicted violence on her and she temporarily moved out of their home
Note recording details of a SYS discussion at the SDS with Dave Short and HN68, inc specific officers withdrawn and their replacements, held at SDS office on 12 May 1982
Report on meeting of Paddington SWP inc talk on the 'Left-Wing Family Tree', held at the Lisson Green Estate Residents Club on 31 March 1982, inc talk notes (attached)
Report on personal family and accommodation details of a 'schoolgirl' member of Harlesden SWP, inc photo taken on the Feb 1982 Right to Work march (attached but redacted)
MI5 note for liaison file after discussion between Dave Short, Martin Gray and F6 listing current SDS officers with RF numbers and the groups they're infiltrating, held at the SDS office on 11 March 1982, inc MI5 briefings on the SWP (attached)
Report on a meeting of the Paddington SWP, held at the Lisson Grove Estate Residents' Association Club, Rossmore Road NW8 on 20 Jan 1982, inc leaflet for Right to Work march on parliament in Feb (attached)
Report on meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP discussing 'Entryism into the Labour Party', held at the West Hampstead Community Centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 28 Oct 1981
Report on demo in opposition to the National Front organised by Anti-Nazi League, held at Islington Green on 12 July 1981, inc leaflet given out at the rally 'Voice of the Youth' by Communist Youth Union of Britain (attached)
Report on meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP inc a talk encouraging entryism into CND, held at West Hampstead Community Centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 24 June 1981
Collected documents on members of Troops Out Movement arrested at a ‘Beating the Retreat’ event at Horseguards Parade on 11 June 1981 and prosecuted, inc minute sheet
Report on a joint meeting of Paddington Campaign Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League to prepare for a counter-demo against planned British Movement march in the area on 23 Nov, held at the 510 Centre, 510 Harrow Road W9 on 10 Nov 1980, inc 2 leaflets
Report on meeting of Paddington Campaign Against Racism and Fascism to plan countering of a British Movement march from Hyde Park to Paddington on 22 Nov 1980, held at the 510 Centre, 510 Harrow Road W9 on 27 Oct 1980
Report on district aggregate meeting of NW London SWP discussing apathy amongst members, HN126 elected to District Committee, held at Cricklewood Hotel, Edgware Road NW2 on 30 April 1980
REport on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP announcing upcoming events inc demo at Harleson police on anniversary of Blair Peach's death and demo at Chix chewing gum factory, held at the Lancefield Building, Beethoven Street W9 on 14 April 1980
Report on personal details of a member of Kilburn SWP who is also chair of North London Area AUEW Organising Committee, inc bank details and photo (attached but redacted)
Report on a sponsored walk organised by Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League fundraising as part of a nationwide day of action to cover fines and legal costs after the Southall protest in 1979
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of Cricklewood SWP inc photograph taken on an End Low Pay demo on 3 March 1979 (attached but redacted)
Report enclosing a photograph taken at the funeral of Blair Peach of a woman who has left the SWP but is involved in Women's Voice and the Anti-Nazi League (attached but redacted)
Report enclosing a photograph from the Kilburn Times of a man taken at vigil for Blair Peach organised by the Anti-Nazi League at Kilburn police station on 12 Oct 1979 (attached but redacted)
Report listing participants in a picket at Kilburn Police Station on the eve of the inquest into the death of Blair Peach, held at Kilburn Police Station on 10 Oct 1979
Report on meeting of Kilburn SWP discussing the campaign against the proposed Abortion Amendment & ANL Blair Peach demo, held at redacted venue on 26 Sept 1979
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc a talk on 'Selling the Socialist Worker' and discussion of demos at police stations regarding the murder of Blair Peach, held at redacted addtess on 24 Sept 1979
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP discussing cancellation of the Socialist Worker conference, held at redacted private home on 17 Sept 1979
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc member accused of setting fire to chairs and a garden fence at an SWP fundraising party, held at redacted private home on 28 Aug 1979
Report on the main hearing at the 'International Tribunal on Britain's Presence in Ireland' of the case against the British Government, held at Conway Hall on 7-8 July 1979, inc agenda and indictment (attached)
Report listing attendees at a Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism / Anti-Nazi League Group fund-raising social, held at home of Bob Cox on 30 June 1979
Report on personal accommodation, phone and employment details of a leading member of the SWP in North London who is also active in the Anti-Nazi League and the United Troops Out Movement
Report on aggregate meeting of NW London District SWP inc talk by Duncan Hallas on the SWP after the general election, held at White Horse pub, Church St NW10 on 31 May 1979, inc a document titled 'The Friends of Blair Peach Committee' (attached)
Report on personal employment, accommodation and relationship details of a member of Barnet SWP who is a National Union of Public Employees shop steward
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of the Finchley SWP, Rebel, School Kids Against the Nazis and the National Union of School Students, inc physical description and photo (attached but redacted)
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc discussion of recent events in Southall and an investigation into the death of Blair Peach, held at redacted private home on 30 April 1979, inc minutes of meeting of 23 April 1979 (attached)
Report on public meeting of NW London District SWP inc talk by Tony Cliff on clashes with police and National Front, held at the White Horse pub, Church Rd NW10 on 24 April 1979
Report on committee meeting of NW London District SWP discussing arrangements for an anti-National Front demo in Leicerster on 21 April 1979, held at redacted private home on 17 April 1979
Report on meeting of NW London District SWP branch secretaries and Socialist Worker paper organisers (HN126 is the District Socialist Worker Organiser), held at redacted venue on 3 April 1979
Report on the AGM of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism / Anti-Nazi League, held at Methodist Church Hall, Quex Rd NW6 on 11 March 1979, inc Treasurer's report (attached)
Report that an SWP member is an ambulance driver for Central Middlesex Hospital, a shop steward for the National Union of Public Employees and involved in the current inductrial dispute at the hospital
Report on two siblings who are members of Cricklewood SWP and involved in strike action at Smiths Industries as members of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers
Report that a hospital porter at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond St, is a shop steward for the National Union of Public Employees and was engaged in industrial action at the hospital
Report on a general meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden / Anti-Nazi League chaired by HN126 inc a talk on Racialism in the Community, held at Methodist Church Hall, Quex Rd NW6 on 21 Jan 1979
Report on fortnightly meeting of NW London District SWP discussing leafletting council depots and factories, hled at redacted private home on 22 Jan 1979
Report on Organising Committee meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism/ Anti-Nazi League, held at redacted private home address on 8 Jan 1979
Report on a Post Office worker in Cricklewood who sells about 8 copies of the Socialist Worker per week and occasionally goes to SWP meetings, inc photo (redacted)
Report listing attendees at a fund-raising social organised by the Hampstead and West Hamsptead Camden Against Racism/Anti Nazi League, held at redacted private home on 25 Nov 1978
Report on a general meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League chaired by HN126, held at the Methodist Church Hall, Quex Road NW6 on 19 Nov 1978
Report providing detailed analysis of NW London District of SWP and ANL inc summaries of branches, activities and associated groups eg SKAN and Women's Voice
Report on a meeting of West Hampstead Anti-Nazi League to amalgamate with Camden Against Racism (HN126 to chair first 3 meetings and is elected to organising committee), held at Quex Road Methodist Church Hall NW6 on 22 Oct 1978
Report detailing the vehicle and its owner in which members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League travelled to the Festival of Racial Harmony, held at Kilburn Grange Park on 23 July 1978
Report that a juvenile member of the Finchley and Barnet SWP was arrested during a protests against a National Front meeting at Pavillion Hall, Hemel Hempstead on 2 Nov 1978 and has been bailed
Report on meeting of the Organising Committee of West Hampstead Anti-Nazi League, held at a private residence on 4 Sept 1978, inc minutes of that meeting (attached)
Report listing attendees at 'Carnival Against Racialism' organised by the Brent Trades Council, held at Stonebridge Recreational Ground on 20 Aug 1978
Report on personal details of two co-habiting members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League and an article on the ANL for 'Womens Voice' authored by one of them (attached)
Report on meeting of the Organising Committee of the Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League arranging details for the Multi-Racial Festival scheduled for Kilburn Park on 23 July 1978, held at redacted venue on 3 July 1978
Report on public meeting of Barnet Trades Council to support the Hendon Times and Acton Gazette journalists' strike, held at Hendon Public Library, The Burroughs NW4 on 16 May 1978
Report on details of a vehicle and driver that took children to a School Kids Against Nazis meeting, held at the Labour Party rooms, Uxbridge W12 on 22 Apr 1978
Report on a public meeting of Finchley SWP inc a talk by Paul Foot on 'Why you should be a Socialist', held at the Bull and Butcher pub, High Road, Whetstone on 6 April 1978