MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with DCI Ferguson to discuss how cooperation between F6 and SDS could be developed, held at MI5 offices on 22 Feb 1979
Report on personal details of an active member of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) who failed to attend court on charges of assault, and his efforts to avoid arrest
Report on HN13's appearance, alongside three other individuals, on various public order charges arising from a National Front meeting at Loughborough School, Minet Rd, hearing held at Lambeth Magistrates' Court on 29 June 1978
Report on sentences given to people at an Irish support demo in Sparkhill, Birmingham on 20 May 1978, and Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) policy on fines and imprisonment
Report on the final court appearances of 8 of those arrested (inc HN13) at an East London People's Front demo on 8 Oct 1977, trial on 12 April 1978 at Barking magistrates
Report on two events planned by the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist); 'denounce the sham of India's Republic Day' at East Ham Town Hall on 28 Jan, and 'British Imperialism Get Out of Ireland' concert at Trinity Community Centre E12 on 29 Jan
Report on the Communist Party of England's (Marxist-Leninist) plans to hold a concert to raise moral and financial support for its members awaiting trial
Report on Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) plans to launch a campaign on behalf of its members on bail for offences arising from demos, and to picket outside Redbridge Magistrates' Court
Memo from Pryde to Commander Ops concerning National Conference of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist), to be held in Birmingham, 28-30 Oct 1977
Report containing a list of attendees at Progressive Cultural Association concerts in recent months who gave their contact details to organisers (two pages, wholly redacted)
Report on the inaugural meeting of the East London People's Front with major anti-fascist focus, held at the Methodist Church Hall, Barking on 25 Aug 1977, inc its bulletin leaflet
Report on meeting of Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) held under broad front-group names, inc staging of anti fascist play, due to be held at Co-op Hall, Ilford but cleared by police(!) so moved to Methodist Church Hall on 29 July 1977
Report on a small social by the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) inc performance of Progressive Cultural Association play, held at the Lord Palmerton pub on 11 July 1977
Report on meeting of Progressive Cultural Association inc dicussion of a proposed anti-monarchy campaign, held at the Recreation Ground, 31 Winchester Rd NW3 on 26 June 1977
Report on private meeting of East London Branch of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) inc discussion of unrest at Fords Dagenham and in the wider motor industry, held at Barking Polytechnic on 2 March 1977
Report on members of East London Branch of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) holding inaugural meeting of Outer East London Anti-Fascist Anti-Racist Committee, held Methodist Hall, Albert Rd, Illford at 24 Feb 1977, inc leaflet (attached)
Report on open letter from the the Communist Unity Association (Marxist-Leninist) to the Communist Workers League of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) in response to a CWLB (M-L) policy document (letter attached)
Report on the fourth in the series of party-building studies hosted by the Communist Unity Association trying to reconcile M-L factions, held at Willingham Hall NW3 on 7 Sept 1976
Report on the first of a series of talks on party building held between members representing several Marxist-Leninist groups, held at Burgh House, New Road NW3 on 22 May 1976
Report on a study class by the Communist Unity Association (Marxist-Leninist) on Lenin's lecture 'The State', held at redacted private home on 30 Jan 1976
Report on a meeting of the West London Campaign against Racism and Fascism that was attacked by the NF, held at the Tavistock Medical Centre, Tavistock Road W11 on 21 Sept 1975
Report on the Central Committee Political Bureau of the Marxist-Leninist Organisation of Britain declaring support for the aims of the Troops Out movement