Letter from HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary to Hayden Phillips (Home Office) advising against publication of a document on Special Branches
Robert P Bryan
Letter from Hayden Phillips (Home Office) to DAC Bryan on whether to update guidance for Special Branches and more detailed info on them, inc draft public document (not attached)
Robert P Bryan
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with head of 'S' Squad to discuss operational overlap, training possibilities and communications security, held on 31 Jan 1978
Robert P Bryan
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting between F6 and Special Branch 'C' Squad to discuss targets and coverage of Trotskyist, Maoist and Anarchist groups, held on 4 Nov 1977
Robert P Bryan
Letter from DAC Bryan to MI5 recording a meeting on MPSB and MI5 working more closely together, plus memo copying it to MPSB senior officers
Robert P Bryan
Special Branch letter to MI5 about draft review of SB responsibilities and deployment, and actions taken following an earlier meeting in UCPI0000030776
Robert P Bryan
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with Commander Watts discussing future joint agent-running operations and purpose of SDS officers
Robert P Bryan
Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Group on Subversion in Public Life discussing MI5 report 'The Threat of Subversion in the UK', held at Cabinet Office on 11 July 1977 (CAB 163-269)
Robert P Bryan