Report on personal accomodation arrangements of SWP Central Committee member Lindsey German who lives with a National Committee member, and that Central Committee member claims to have IRA connections
Michael Clifford Barber
Report on East London Workers Against Racism attending a Newham 8 Defence Campaign march, held through East Ham and Plaistow on 24 Sept 1983
Michael Clifford Barber
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between David Short, Mike Barber and F6 discussing which campaigns and groups were being infiltrated, held at SDS office on 7 July 1983
Michael Clifford Barber
Report on meeting of Wood Green SWP to discuss the branch's potential merger with the Enfield to create new Tottenham branch, held at unspecified venue on 5 July 1983
Michael Clifford Barber
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, DI Barber and MI5, inc discussion of peace movement, sacking a public sector employee SWP member, and request to debrief HN106 after his withdrawal, held at Curzon St House on 8 June 1983
Michael Clifford Barber
MI5 note for liaison file reporting two meetings between SDS and F6 for routine exchange of views and update on SDS personnel changes and request info on CND, held at SDS on 22 and 28 Apr 1983
Michael Clifford Barber
Report on Workers Against Racism's involvement in the case of a 13 year old boy who says he was stabbed by police in Notting Hill
Michael Clifford Barber