Gary Roberts
Dead child identity:


Hearing Day
First Witness Statement of HN353 ‘Gary Roberts’


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 5 May 2021


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a demo organised by the Blackburn Action Committee Against Racism held in Blackburn on 11 Sept 1979
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the telephone number of a member of IMG
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the number of members in the Birmingham branch of IMG compared to that of Manchester
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Chief Inspector Pryde to Commander Ops requesting authorisation for HN353 to travel with IMG to the North of England
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing IMG members who participated in an anti-fascist demo in Hyde, Cheshire on 8 Oct 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report estimating the current numbers and demographics of the national membership of the IMG
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of SE London IMG discussing planning joint action between Big Flame and the IMG in elections and campaigns, held at Flat 2, 53 Limes Grove SE13 on 12 May 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a day of action organised by the National Union of Public Employees at Weir Maternity Hospital and St George's Hospital, held on 28 April 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on election campaign aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 21 April 1977, inc leaflets (not attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an IMG member joining the Bromley Labour Party Young Socialists for the purposes of entryism
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an IMG member joining the Deptford Labour Party Young Socialists for the purposes of entryism
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal physical, vehicle, employment and union details of a member of SE London IMG and Greenwich NUT
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group discussing internal matters and Piers Corbyn standing in GLC election, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 10 Mar 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of East London Libertarians inc discussion of setting up bookshop/cafe and upcoming Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law demo, held at redacted venue on 2 March 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing the new home address of Richard Chessum
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an anti-racist caucus of SE London International Marxist Group (3 people inc spycop) discussing the Deptford Anti-Racist Campaign, held at redacted venue on 11 Feb 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group discussing local finances and London perspectives for the coming months, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 10 Feb 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing the International Marxist Group party name of Piers Corbyn
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing the party name of the organiser of South London International Marxist Group
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of all London student members of the International Marxist Group, held at the St Clements Building, LSE on 27 Jan 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing IMG members who attended that National Abortion Campaign tribunal, held at Central Hall, Westminster on 29 Jan 1977 (list wholly redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of N London District SWP titled ‘Why you should be a Socialist’, held in the North Library, Manor Gardens E7 on 19 Jan 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal bank account details of a member of SE London International Marxist Group
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a founding delegate conference of the All Lewisham Campaign against Racialism and Fascism, held at Catford Town Hall on 22 Jan 1977 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group inc discussion of upcoming All Lewisham Campaign against Racism and Fascism conference, held at redacted venue on 16 Dec 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal address and phone number of organiser of SE London International Marxist Group
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a six month fundraising drive planned by the International Marxist Group to move premises and start newspaper
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on planned picket of a National Front election meeting by the International Marxist Group and International Socialists, to be held at Loughborough School, Brixton on 10 Nov 1976
Met phone message from MI5 A/Chief Supt Kneale thanking him for HN353's report on IMG National Conference
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report oon regular meeting of SE London sub-area of the International Marxist Group, held at 10 Rainton Road, SE7 on 22 Oct 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on composition of London Committee of IMG as agreed at the London aggregate meeting
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing restructuring of the London organisation, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford SE8 on 29 Sept 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing various topics inc a proposed week of action to protest against public sector cuts, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford SE8 on 23 Sept 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of International Socialists on the subject of 'Fight Racism', held at Albany Empire, Creek Rd, Deptford on 5 Aug 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on IMG plan to call for a national mobilisation of its members to participate in the anti-fascist demonstration in Blackburn on 9 Sept 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular business meeting of SE London IMG inc discussion of interventions in Greenwich Labour Party by two members, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 28 July 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular business meeting of SE London IMG inc a general discussion of anti-racist work, held at 233 Holden House SE8 on 22 July 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the 1976 National Conference of the International Marxist Group, very detailed (55 pages)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on routine business meeting of the SE London IMG, held at 23 Holden House SE8 on 15 July 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the London IMG anti-racist ad-hoc sub-committee, held at 97 Caledonian Rd N1 on 2 July 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular business meeting of the SE London area of the International Marxist Group, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 24 June 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a pre-conference summary aggregate meeting of London membership of IMG, held at Lindhurst Hall W6 on 22 May 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a pre-conference discussion between the SW and SE London branches of IMG, held at Lambeth Town Hall on 13 May 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on organisational changes to 'Tendencies' within International Marxist Group agreed during its pre-conference discussion period
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of various groups including the IMG, the Greenwich Labour Party and NALGO
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on IMG meeting to build support for a SE London branch of the National Co-ordinating Committee Against Cuts in the NHS, held at Charlton House SE6 on 21 April 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the planned support of IMG for a demo by the Basque Centre, to be held at Iberian Airlines, Regent St W1 on 13 March 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in an IMG picket for an unspecified purpose, held at Camden Town Hall on 6 March 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of South East London International Marxist Group, inc discussion of campaigns against cuts in public expenditure, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church St SE8 on 26 Feb 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on bank account and other personal details of a member of the South East London IMG
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular weekly meeting of rSouth East London International Marxist Group, held at 23 Holden House, Deptfort Church Street SE8 on 18 Dec 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular monthly meeting of the Greenwich Trades Council, held at Charlton House SE7 on 4 Dec 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular weekly meeting of the South East London International Marxist Group held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 27 Nov 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that London members of the International Marxist Group have been urged to take part in a picket called by Hackney Trades Council against NHS cuts, to be held at the East London Area Health Services on 11 Dec 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing a telephone number for a member of the International Marxist Group
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a national aggregate meeting of International Marxist Group's Tendency B ('Majority Tendency') which decided to dissolve the grouping, held at unspecified London venue on 8 Nov 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on march and meeting organised by SE London Labour Party Young Socialists on current economic recession, held from Lewisham Railway Station to Catford Town Hall on 8 Nov 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular business meeting of South East London members of the International Marxist Group discussing entryism into Labour Party, held at redacted venue on 5 Nov 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on business meeting of South East London International Marxist Group mainly discussing activity at Thames Polytechnic, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 30 Oct 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an aggregate meeting of the London International Marxist Group, held at St Bride's Foundation Institute, Bride Lane EC4 on 20 Oct 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a Marxist discussion group of the International Marxist Group studying 'Predictions of the Founders of Marxism on the Development of World Revolution' by Luis Vitale, held at 234 Burrage Road SE18 on 12 Oct 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report containing bank account details for a member of the South East London International Marxist Group
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a business meeting of the SE London International Marxist Group discussing potential agitation among students at Goldsmiths & Thames Poly, held at a private residence on 17 Sept 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the International Marxist Group who married Mary
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report noting rumours that members of the IMG have been instructed to join the Labour Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of International Marxist Group will be concerning himself with gay work in future
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on proposed International Marxist Group participation in an anti-National Front demo on 6(?) Sept 1975, and support pickets of the Chilean Embassy by the Chile Solidarity Campaign on 8 and 11 Sept 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a business meeting of SE London International Marxist Group held at the Queens Arms, Burrage Road SE18 on 21 Aug 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a business meeting of SE London International Marxist Group, main topic Portugal situation, held at the Queens Arms, Burrage Road SE16 on 13 Aug 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on cancellation of an International Marxist Group meeting 'The current situation in Portugal', to have been held at Conway Hall on 20 Aug 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an open discussion of 'The Nature of the Soviet Union' held jointly by the NE Lewisham Communist Party and SE London International Marxist Group, held at the Lee Centre, Aislibie Road SE12 on 8 August 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly aggregate meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing attendance at upcoming TOM picket of Woolwich Barracks on 4 July, held at the Queens Arms, Burrage Road SE18 on 2 July 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly aggregate meeting of SE London district of the International Marxist Group discussing activity at Thames Poly and entryism into the Labour Party, held at the Queens Arms pub, Burrage Road SW18 on 26 June 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on 'Mary''s plans to travel to South Africa with a former housemate who's in the International Marxist Group/ Troops Out Movement
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in the National Abortion Campaign march and rally on 21 June 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a woman who is employed by the International Marxist Group as Red Weekly circulation manager
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly aggregate meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing arrangements for the National Abortion Campaign demo on 21 June, held at the Queen's Arms pub, Burrage Road SE18 on 18 June 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an area aggregate meeting of SE London International Marxist Group inc making arrangements for National Abortion Campaign demo on 21 June, held redacted private home on 13 June 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the SE London International Marxist Group who's not taking much part in the group's work
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of London members of the IMG to vote on idea about group structure and membership (document attached), held at the Marx Memorial Library, Clerkenwell Green EC1 on 22 May 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a demo by the SE London National Abortion Campaign, going from Deptford to Catford Town Hall on 31 May 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing various topics including recent TOM Conference held at a private residence on 28 May 1975, inc leaflet 'Vote No to the Capitalist Common Market'
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report noting the cancellation of a proposed speaking tour of the UK by a member of the Irish Republican Socialist Party 11th June 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly aggregate meeting of the SE London district of the IMG, held at the Queen's Arms pub, Burrage Road SW18 on 24 April 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on details of the personal bank account of a member of the IMG
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a member of the Hackney International Socialists who wants a 'firmer approach' on Northern Irish affairs
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing leaflet advertising a public meeting for International Women's Day organised by the IMG to be held at Conway Hall on 28 Feb 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a demo against the imprisonment of a student from Sheffield University arrested at an anti-fascist demo, held in Leeds on 18 Jan 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on London student aggregate meeting of the International Marxist Group, held at University of London Union, Malet Street WC1 on 8 Jan 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of an IMG member who is active in student politics at Thames Polytechnic
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an IMG education meeting discussing Democratic Centralism, held at the Queens Arms, Burrage Rd SE18 on 12 Dec 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on IS response to the failure of the left to stop the National Front holding its meeting in Conway Hall on 15 June (the demo Kevin Gately was killed at)


Document Type
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 20
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (September 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (March 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 18
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 17
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 14 and Ruling 14
Explanatory note
HN353 Gary Roberts – Anonymity Order (Order 47)
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 13
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Ruling 11)
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 12
Explanatory note
Press Notice: Ruling on anonymity applications by 38 SDS officers, and a ‘Minded to’ note in respect of one officer
Press Notice
NSCPs – July 2018 submissions on restriction order applications of various SDS officers
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications (Direction 34)
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 11
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 9
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 8
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 7
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 6
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 5
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Minded-To Note 4)
Minded-To Note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 4
Explanatory note
Press Notice: Minded-To and explanatory note re SDS anonymity applications
Press Notice
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (January 2018 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (November 2017 update)
Explanatory note
HN353 Gary Roberts – Open application for restriction order
Directions on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and SDS restriction order applictions (Direction 16)
Anonymity, Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974