Minutes of informal conference of Special Branch and MI5, held at 70 Grosvenor Street on 17 Aug 1979, inc cover letter for copy sent to Cmdr John Wilson (SB)
David Richard Edward Bicknell
Correspondence on invitation from MI5 to a party to thank Special Branch officers, held at Curzon St House on 22 Feb 1978
David Richard Edward Bicknell
Minutes of the third informal twice-yearly meeting between representatives of the Security Service and Special Branch, discussing investigative journalism and Trotskysit entryism, held on 27 Sept 1977
David Richard Edward Bicknell
Note for File on the Second Informal Conference between representatives of Special Branch and MI5, held at Curzon St House on 8 Feb 1977
David Richard Edward Bicknell
Minutes of first informal twice-yearly meeting between representatives of the Security Service and Special Branch, held at New Scotland Yard on 11 Oct 1976
David Richard Edward Bicknell
Correspondence stating HN297 DS Clark has been confronted with 'his' birth and death certificates by members of Big Flame and is being withdrawn, inc minute sheet
David Richard Edward Bicknell
Memo from Chief Superintendent Bicknell to Commander Admin concerning new SDS officers, inc ref to HN300 ending deployment
David Richard Edward Bicknell
Report on Special Delegate Conference of Workers Revolutionary Party (very detailed), held in London on 12-13 July 1975, inc numerous conference docs (not attached)
David Richard Edward Bicknell
MI5 note for file concerning attendance by Det Supt Bicknell and DCI Kneale at MI5 on instruction from Commander Rodger to discuss handling of agent material - how SDS reports are made and how to share info without identifying the officer to others who se
David Richard Edward Bicknell
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting on current SDS structure, activity and management, held at New Scotland Yard on 30 Aug 1974, inc list of infiltrated groups (attached)
David Richard Edward Bicknell