Letter from Special Branch to MI5 highlighting withdrawal of SB's source from Workers Revolutionary Party and enclosing SB report on Workers Revolutionary Party Education Centre in Derbyshire (attached)
Matthew David Rodger
Memo from Rodger to Ch. Supt. 'S' Squad requesting set up of group to assess the continuing need for SDS, breadth of coverage and dissemination of intelligence
Matthew David Rodger
Minute sheet containing correspondence between various managers, including the Commander and DAC, discussing HN298's reporting on the WRP course in Derbyshire
Matthew David Rodger
Minute sheet of correspondence between HN332, Commander Ops and DAC discussing a potential trip by HN297 DC Clark to Northern Ireland
Matthew David Rodger
Report on conference of the Workers Revolutionary Party's 'Shrewsbury Two Action Committee', held at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool on 29 June 1975, inc draft resolution, national conference flyer and document prepared for Croydon Trades Council (attached)
Matthew David Rodger
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting on current SDS structure, activity and management, held at New Scotland Yard on 30 Aug 1974, inc list of infiltrated groups (attached)
Matthew David Rodger
MI5 note for file reporting meeting set up by MI5 with DAC Gilbert and Cdr Rodger on inter-service cooperation, with Special Branch complaining they supply a lot to MI5 with no feedback and get overwhleming useless info in return, but agreed co-operation
Matthew David Rodger
Special Branch letter to MI5 enclosing minutes of meeting of MI5, Commander Rodger, Dixon, Saunders, HN294 and DS Smith to discuss coverage and overlap, inc names of targeted groups and problem areas, held at New Scotland Yard on 13 Jan 1972
Matthew David Rodger
Minute sheet of reports of arrests and charges of demonstrators against English Rugby Team's departure for South Africa, May-June 1972
Matthew David Rodger
Memo from DCI B Squad to SB Records Section re reclassification of file, praise for HN344's infilration of the Northern Minority Defence Force, plus report on a private meeting of the NMDF at the Albany pub, Gt Portland St W1 on 10 Feb 1972, inc minute sh
Matthew David Rodger
MI5 note for policy file rebutting points in minutes of 13 Jan 1972 meeting with Special Branch about relations between them on coverage and overlap
Matthew David Rodger
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC discussing public meeting at Conway Hall on 15 May, held at the Earl Russell pub NW1 on 9 April 1970, inc minute sheet
Matthew David Rodger
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign and upcoming ICRSC sponsored rally, held at Earl Russell pub on 2 April 1970
Matthew David Rodger
Report on meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC to dicuss upcoming Islington North by election, held at redacted venue N4 on 17 Sept 1969
Matthew David Rodger
Report on NW London Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front planned participation in upcoming Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign demo on 20 July 1969
Matthew David Rodger
Report on meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign rejecting approach from NICRA for cooperation, held at The Dolphin pub, Bidborough Street WC1 on 24 June 1969
Matthew David Rodger
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at the Grafton Arms, Prince of Wales Road NW5 on 18 June 1969, inc poster for upcoming civil rights rally on 22 June at Trafalgar Square
Matthew David Rodger
Report on regular private meeting of Camden VSC discussing a potential film to be made by the group, held at Laurel Tree pub NW1 on 21 May 1969
Matthew David Rodger