Special Branch cover letter to Home Office enclosing assessment of London CND blockade of US Air Force base in Upper Heyford 31 May-3 June 1983 (not attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, HN45 and MI5 to summarising current SDS officer activities, personnel changes and potential new targets, held at unspecified venue on 24 Feb 83
Correspondance between senior officers about the report ''Political Extremism and the Campaign for Police Accountability within the Metropolitan Police District' and countering such monitoring groups, inc minute sheet
MI5 note for liaison file report on meeting at New Scotland Yard with DCI Kneale (A/CO), DCS Craft and DCI Short to discuss contact between HN106 and a Soviet Military Attache
MI5 Minute Sheet detailing an Assistant Military Attache from the Soviet Embassy making contact with the Revolutionary Communist Party so infiltrator HN106 had meetings to sound out funding for the RCP and the Attache tried to involve him in spying
Report on a proposed rally organised by the East London Workers Against Racism titled 'Clear the fascists out of Brick Lane', to be held at the Brick Lane/Bethnal Green Road junction on 11 Jan 1981
Report on a half-day SWP conference formulating Party perspectives and activities, held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Rd, 9 Aug 1980, inc minute sheet
Minutes of informal conference of Special Branch and MI5, held at 70 Grosvenor Street on 17 Aug 1979, inc cover letter for copy sent to Cmdr John Wilson (SB)
Report on regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group inc discussion of upcoming All Lewisham Campaign against Racism and Fascism conference, held at redacted venue on 16 Dec 1976
Report on public meeting of Islington International Socialists supported by the Finsbury Park branch with speaker Duncan Hallas on the socialist alternative to the Labour government, held at Essex Rd Library on 8 Dec 1976
Report on national aggregate conference of the Workers’ League, held at Birmingham University Students Union and Selly Oak Institute, Birmingham, on 23-24 Oct 1976
Report on planned picket of a National Front election meeting by the International Marxist Group and International Socialists, to be held at Loughborough School, Brixton on 10 Nov 1976
Report on contact details provided to members of Hackney and Tower Hamlets International Socialists who want to help with the pre-election campaign in Walsall
Correspondence stating HN297 DS Clark has been confronted with 'his' birth and death certificates by members of Big Flame and is being withdrawn, inc minute sheet
Memo from Rodger to Ch. Supt. 'S' Squad requesting set up of group to assess the continuing need for SDS, breadth of coverage and dissemination of intelligence
MI5 note for policy file on meeting between DCI Kneale, DI Craft and F5 on MI5 using outdated SDS infiltration info, and on Met Special Branch giving lectures to provincial SBs about the supposedly secret SDS and what it's done
Report on public meeting of Inner West London District of International Socialists on the subject of 'The Right to Work', held at Woodlands Hall, Crown Street W3 on 11 Dec 1975
Report on a regular weekly meeting of rSouth East London International Marxist Group, held at 23 Holden House, Deptfort Church Street SE8 on 18 Dec 1975
Report on a closed district aggregate meeting of the Inner West London District of International Socialists discussing suspension of a group of IS members in West Middlesex, held at the Red Cow pub, Hammersmith W6 on 4 Dec 1975
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM inc discussion of a recent Greenwich Trades Council meeting, held at Charlton House SE7, 8 Dec 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on a meeting of the Wandsworth group of the Anarchist Workers Association, held at the Peoples Aid and Action Centre, 8 Falcon Road SW11 on 27 Nov 1975
Report on a public meeting of the Committee of the Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law, held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road on 3 Dec 1975, inc leaflet for demo to be held on 28 Feb 1976
Report on a regular weekly meeting of the South East London International Marxist Group held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 27 Nov 1975
Report that London members of the International Marxist Group have been urged to take part in a picket called by Hackney Trades Council against NHS cuts, to be held at the East London Area Health Services on 11 Dec 1975
Report that Lewisham IMG will hold a public debate on fascism with Tariq Ali as guest speaker at Goldsmiths College on 28 Nov 1974, and IMG students will hold a seminar on education cuts on 21 Nov with Betty Hunter as guest speaker
Report on a national aggregate meeting of International Marxist Group's Tendency B ('Majority Tendency') which decided to dissolve the grouping, held at unspecified London venue on 8 Nov 1975
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM in which Richard Chessum was elected SE London delegate to the next TOM London Co-Ordinating Committee meeting, held at Charlton House SE7, 10 Nov 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on march and meeting organised by SE London Labour Party Young Socialists on current economic recession, held from Lewisham Railway Station to Catford Town Hall on 8 Nov 1975
Report on a regular business meeting of South East London members of the International Marxist Group discussing entryism into Labour Party, held at redacted venue on 5 Nov 1975
Report on meeting of Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council Anti-Fascist Committee including discussion of upcoming National Front meeting at Batterseas Town Hall on 19 Nov 1975, held at 172 Lavender Hill SW11 on 11 Nov 1975
Report on a meeting of Organising Committee of the Troops Out Movement discussing pre-rally mobilisation suggested by the Ad Hoc Committee for the Bloody Sunday demo, held at University of London Union, Malet Street on 7 Nov 1975, inc leaflet
Report on business meeting of South East London International Marxist Group mainly discussing activity at Thames Polytechnic, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 30 Oct 1975
Report on meeting of the TOM Organising Committee discussing a forthcoming meeting coinciding with the Communist Party of Great Britain congress, held at ULU, 31 Oct 1975, inc minute sheet
Report that a member of the Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council Anti-Fascist Committee has joined the International Socialists and is a member of NALGO Action Group, inc NALGO Action Group leaflet
Report on a meeting of Wandsworth group of the Anarchist Workers Association in HN300 giving account of delegates conference, held at unspecified venue on 23 Oct 1975
Report on a public meeting of the Workers Revolutionary Party and All Trades Union Alliance to 'Protest against police raids and in defence of democratic rights', held at the Bloomsbury Centre, Coram Street WC1 on 13 Oct 1975
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM inc report on recent National TOM Delegate Conference, held at Charlton House SE7, 13 Oct 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on a Marxist discussion group of the International Marxist Group studying 'Predictions of the Founders of Marxism on the Development of World Revolution' by Luis Vitale, held at 234 Burrage Road SE18 on 12 Oct 1975
Report on an aggregate meeting of the WRP discussing the General Secretary's report on 'The campaign to defend the basic rights of the Party and the investigation into the police raids', held at Chelsea Town Hall on 6 Oct 1975
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM inc discussion of the National TOM Delegate Conference, held at Charlton House SE7, 29 Sep 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on meeting of the London Co-Ordinating Committee of TOM discussing participation in future demonstrations and vigils, held at Friends International Centre, 19 Sep 1975, inc minute sheet
Memo from Chief Inspector to Chief Superintendent requesting permission for HN298 to travel to a Workers Revolutionary Party education centre in Derbyshire to attend a course
Report on upcoming public meeting of the Campaign for the Repeal of the Immigration Act, to be held at the Friends Meeting House, Euston Road on 10 Oct 1975
Report on open meeting of Big Flame on the subject of 'Portugal: the Building of Popular Power', held at the Rugby Tavern, Rugby Street WC1 on 20 Sept 1975
Report on a TOM picket of delegates attending the Greater London Association of Trades Council meeting, held at Unity House, Euston Road, 13 Sept 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on public meeting of Inner West London District of International Socialists on 'Portugal', held at the Luncheon Club, Ladbroke Grove W12 on 14 Sept 1975
Report listing participants in demo by Battersea Park Action Group against the proposed redevelopment of a funfair site, held at Battersea Park on 7 Sept 1975
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM discussing a forthcoming public meeting of Greenwich Trades Council, held at Charlton House SE7, 15 Sep 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on a meeting of the Campaign for the Repeal of the Immigration Act, heldat the offices of the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 152 Camden High Street NW1 on 9 Sept 1975
Report (focusing on activities of International Socialists) on meeting and demo of 'left-wing' and 'broad-front' groups to counter a National Front march held at Bethnal Green on 6 Sept 1975
Report on the possible use of stink bombs by members of the Anarchist Workers Association at a Young Liberals counter-demo against Royal Navy recruitment, to be held in Kingston on 20/21 Sept 1975
Report on fortnightly meeting of the London Co-Ordinating Committee of TOM inc discussion of forthcoming TOM rally, held at Friends International Centre WC1, 3 Sep 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on meeting of Big Flame Ireland Commission chaired by HN297, held at redacted private home on 20 Aug 1975, inc a 'draft comment on TOM' document (attached)
Report on a business meeting of SE London International Marxist Group, main topic Portugal situation, held at the Queens Arms, Burrage Road SE16 on 13 Aug 1974
Report on Special Delegate Conference of Workers Revolutionary Party (very detailed), held in London on 12-13 July 1975, inc numerous conference docs (not attached)
Report on public meeting of West London branch of Troops Out Movement inc screening of 'Ireland Behind The Wire' and a talk on a recent visit to Northern Ireland by a delegation from the Greater London Association of Trades Councils, held at the Red Cow p
Report on a meeting of Wandsworth Anarchist Workers Association inc HN300 arguing refusal of membership to others, held at redacted private home on 17 July 1975
Report on meeting of East Ham Sub-District of Workers Revolutionary Party discussing Delegate Conference earlier the same day, held at redacted venue on 13 July 1975
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM inc details of Week of Action featuring rally outside the home of Roland Moyle MP, held at Charlton House SE7, 14 July 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on the first private meeting of Wandsworth Anarchist Workers Association with HN300 introducing it, held at redacted private home on 10 July 1975
Report on personal details of the owner of a car seen containing Workers Fight literature around the time and area of the Troops Out Movement demo in Kilburn on 5 July 1975
Report on a public meeting of SE London branch of TOM discussing the TOM Labour Movement Delegate Conference, held at Charlton House SE7, 30 June 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on weekly aggregate meeting of SE London district of the International Marxist Group discussing activity at Thames Poly and entryism into the Labour Party, held at the Queens Arms pub, Burrage Road SW18 on 26 June 1975
Report on weekly aggregate meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing arrangements for the National Abortion Campaign demo on 21 June, held at the Queen's Arms pub, Burrage Road SE18 on 18 June 1975
Report that members of SE London TOM attended a Labour party meeting on the forthcoming by-election in West Woolwich, held at Alderwood School SE9, 17 June 1976, inc minute sheet
Report on a public meeting of Twickenham International Socialists to discuss the railway workers' pay dispute, held at the Albany Hotel, Station Yard, Twickenham on 19 June 1975
Report on an area aggregate meeting of SE London International Marxist Group inc making arrangements for National Abortion Campaign demo on 21 June, held redacted private home on 13 June 1975
Report on aggregate meeting of London members of the IMG to vote on idea about group structure and membership (document attached), held at the Marx Memorial Library, Clerkenwell Green EC1 on 22 May 1975
Report on meeting of the London Co-Ordinating Committee of the Troops Out Movement following the Labour Movement Conference, held at private home, 27 May 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing various topics including recent TOM Conference held at a private residence on 28 May 1975, inc leaflet 'Vote No to the Capitalist Common Market'
Report on a upcoming public meeting of SE London National Abortion Campaign to be held at Deptford Town Hall, New Cross Road SE14 on 6 June 1975, inc personal details of campaign secretary
Report on a meeting of Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council Anti-Fascist Committee, held at the People's Aid and Action Centre, 8 Falcon Road SW11 on 24 April 1975
Report on meeting of Kingston Anarchist Workers Association appointing HN300 as branch delegate for Annual General Conference, held at 16 St Leonards Road, Surbiton on 16 April 1975
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM inc discussion of future activities eg fly-posting and picketing, held at private home, 24 Mar 1975, inc minute sheet
Report on 5th National Conference of All Trades Union Alliance held under aegis of Workers Revolutionary Party and attended by representatives of unions inc policy docs, held at City Hall, Sheffield on 9 March 1975
Report on employment details of E London Sub-district secretary of Workers Revolutionary Party who delivers milk to East Ham police station. Seriously.
Report on meeting of the Anarchist Workers Association to promote a new branch of the Association in Kingston, held at private residence on 9 March 1975
Report on upcoming rally and meeting of National Front and likely clash with antifascists, to be held culminating at an evening meeting outside Islington Town Hall on 25 March 1975
Report on upcoming meeting of the Battersea Redevelopment Action Group and the Camden Compulsory Purchase Order Campaign Committee to be held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road NW1 on 13 March 1975
Report that members of the National Front will attempt to gain entry to the May Day Theatre for the performance of anti-fascist play 'Jack Boot' at Latchmare Road Baths on 5 March 1975
Report on the chair of Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council who is also a member of the Anti-Fascist Committee of that Council & engaged in picketing Leach's site (inc leaflet)
Report on the arrest and court appearance of Ernest Rodker for Highway Obstructon while selling Pavement on Northcote Road SW11 on 1 Feb 1975, held at South Western Magistrates Court
Report on a meeting of Battersea Redevelopment Group with other action groups and plans to meet again at either Battersea or Camden Town Hall on 4 March 1975
Report on meeting of North London Sub-District Committee of Workers Revolutionary Party (very detailed, UCO clearly familiar with minutiae of top echelon), held at private residence on 15 Jan 1975
Report that Richard Stourac took part in Broadside Mobile Workers Theatre's 'The Big Lump' during a Shrewsbury Two demo, held at Tower Hill on 14 Jan 1975, inc BMWT leaflet (attached)
Report on a public meeting of Battersea Redevelopment Group to discuss plans to redevelop the Battersea Fun Fair site, held at St Mary le Park, Park Gate Road SW11 on 9 Jan 1975
Report on the first conference of Workers Revolutionary Party (v detailed, HN303 highly familiar with internal workings), held at the Town Hall, Battersea SW11 on 15-17 Dec 1974
Special Branch report on a closed meeting of the International Socialists held to discuss the stance taken by the IS on recent IRA bombings, held at redacted private home on 5 Dec 1974
Report on meeting of Freedom Collective and discussion about reviving the Syndicalist Workers Federation, inc personal details of attendee, held at unspecified venue on 5 Dec 1974
Report on aggregate meeting of N London District of International Socialists on the subject of Ireland, held at the Plimsoll Arms pub, St Thomas Road N4 on 28 Nov 1974
Report on a member of the Prisoners' Families and Friends Association who is due to speak at a public meeting of Pavement, to be held outside Wandsworth Prison on 12 Dec 1974
MI5 note for file concerning attendance by Det Supt Bicknell and DCI Kneale at MI5 on instruction from Commander Rodger to discuss handling of agent material - how SDS reports are made and how to share info without identifying the officer to others who se
Report on meeting of Freedom Collective inc discussion of 14 people arrested for conspiracy to affect desertion from armed forces in Ireland, held at at Freedom Bookshop on 31 Oct 1974
Report on London aggregate meeting of Workers Revolutionary Party welcoming a large number of new young members, held at the Railway Training Centre, Wood Lane, White City on 13 Oct 1974
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting on current SDS structure, activity and management, held at New Scotland Yard on 30 Aug 1974, inc list of infiltrated groups (attached)
Report on IS response to the failure of the left to stop the National Front holding its meeting in Conway Hall on 15 June (the demo Kevin Gately was killed at)
Report on public meeting held by 'Irish Forums' (formerly Anti-Internment League Forum) discussing the general election and its bearing on Ireland, held in the General Picton pub, Caledonian Rd N1 on 8 March 1974
Report that West Middlesex District Organiser of the International Socialists is trying to persuade a member to get a job as a labourer on the M3 motorway extension