MI5 note for liaison file after meeting with Dave Short to discuss SDS coverage and intelligence esp with 121 Bookshop, SWP, Revolutionary Communist Party and the women's peace movement, held at the SDS office on 6 Dec 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting F6 telling DCI Short how HN19 is regarded within the Revolutionary Communist Party but needs to avoid 'going the way of HN106', also mentions of HN85
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, HN45 and MI5 to summarising current SDS officer activities, personnel changes and potential new targets, held at unspecified venue on 24 Feb 83
Memo from DCI Short to Chief Superintendent of 'S' Squad requesting reinstatement of HN126's overtime payments on Police Pay Computer, inc list of 13 UCOs with their operational start dates and expected finish dates
MI5 note for liaison file reporting on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss MI5's intelligence requests and SDS officers, held at SDS offices on 10 Sept 1982