Battersea Redevelopment Action Group (BRAG) was a community campaign group active between 1974 and 1984 which was infiltrated by HN300 'Jim Pickford' between 1975 and 1977. It was one of a handful of groups that Pickford infiltrated that was both based in south-west London and involved Ernest Rodker, including the street newspaper Pavement. Ernest Rodker described BRAG's activities:
Our main activity revolved around what was happening at Battersea power station. The council and developers wanted to transform it into luxury housing. If the power station was to be developed, BRAG wanted there to be affordable council housing and community projects and facilities. This was BRAG's overarching objective. We also campaigned against the council selling off other property, council houses in the area.
Another focus of both BRAG was the demolition of the Morgan Crucible site in Battersea and its subsequent redevelopment. Rodker said that the group’s tactics involved lobbying the local council and non-violent direct action (NVDA).

Brian Barnes, a noted community artist and member of BRAG, created a large mural with assistance from local residents along the site's wall in 1976. A film about the mural can be viewed here:
Later, in 1978, many locals mounted a considerable campaign to stop the mural's destruction, and the issue even reached the UK parliament. In 1979, Brian Barnes and Julian Turner, another BRAG member, were arrested for stealing bricks from the now-demolished wall. The case was brought to court but collapsed when the witness, purporting to be the arresting officer, was found not to have been involved in the arrest.
Ernest Rodker's witness statement to the Undercover Policing Inquiry