Targeted by:
HN300 'Jim Pickford' (1974 - 1975)
At least spied on:
Other names:
Related groups:

Battersea Redevelopment Action Group (BRAG) was a community campaign group active between 1974 and 1984 which was infiltrated by HN300 'Jim Pickford'  between 1975 and 1977. It was one of a handful of groups that Pickford infiltrated that was both based in south-west London and involved Ernest Rodker, including the street newspaper Pavement.  Ernest Rodker described BRAG's activities:

Our main activity revolved around what was happening at Battersea power station. The council and developers wanted to transform it into luxury housing. If the power station was to be developed, BRAG wanted there to be affordable council housing and community projects and facilities. This was BRAG's overarching objective. We also campaigned against the council selling off other property, council houses in the area. 

Another focus of both BRAG was the demolition of the Morgan Crucible site in Battersea and its subsequent redevelopment. Rodker said that the group’s tactics involved lobbying the local council and non-violent direct action (NVDA). 

Crucible Wall Mural by Brian Barnes
Morgan Crucible site in Battersea (c.1978).

Brian Barnes, a noted community artist and member of BRAG, created a large mural with assistance from local residents along the site's wall in 1976. A film about the mural can be viewed here: 

Documentary about Morgan Crucible Mural, The Wall. Directors: Caroline Goldie, Ron Orders, Geoff Richman and Marie Richman  (1978).

Later, in 1978, many locals mounted a considerable campaign to stop the mural's destruction, and the issue even reached the UK parliament. In 1979, Brian Barnes and Julian Turner, another BRAG member, were arrested for stealing bricks from the now-demolished wall. The case was brought to court but collapsed when the witness, purporting to be the arresting officer, was found not to have been involved in the arrest.


Ernest Rodker's witness statement to the Undercover Policing Inquiry


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the search by the Battersea Redevelopment Action Group for new premises 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of South London Anarchist Workers Association, held at the Kings Arms pub SW15 on 9 Sept 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of Battersea Redevelopment Action Group
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Wandsworth branch of the Anarchist Workers Association, held at the Peoples Aid and Action Centre, Falcon Rd Battersea 27 Jan 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal detials of a member of the Anarchist Workers Association
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Wandsworth group of the Anarchist Workers Association, held at the Peoples Aid and Action Centre, 8 Falcon Road SW11 on 27 Nov 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees of a social event of the Battersea Park Action Group, held at York Road Library, Wye Street SW11 on 4 Nov 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in demo by Battersea Park Action Group against the proposed redevelopment of a funfair site, held at Battersea Park on 7 Sept 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming meeting of the Battersea Redevelopment Action Group and the Camden Compulsory Purchase Order Campaign Committee to be held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road NW1 on 13 March 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Pavement editorial group, held Ernest Rodker's home on 27 Feb 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the arrest and court appearance of Ernest Rodker for Highway Obstructon while selling Pavement on Northcote Road SW11 on 1 Feb 1975, held at South Western Magistrates Court
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Battersea Redevelopment Group, held at the Battersea Peoples Aid and Action Centre, 8 Falcon Road SW11 on 30 Jan 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Battersea Redevelopment Group with other action groups and plans to meet again at either Battersea or Camden Town Hall on 4 March 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of Battersea Redevelopment Group to discuss plans to redevelop the Battersea Fun Fair site, held at St Mary le Park, Park Gate Road SW11 on 9 Jan 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Battersea Redevelopment Action Group leafleting staff at Wandsworth Town Hall on 16 Dec 1974 (leaflet attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a party held by the Wandsworth International Marxist Group at 8 Falcon Road SW11 on 14 Dec 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1974, inc letters to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch report by HN298 on Ernest Rodker's change of address and personal details inc local activist work


Ernest Rodker’s Statement
Hodge Jones & Allen