MI5 report for the Home Secretary, ‘Subversive Involvement in the Brixton Riots and their Aftermath’ with cover letter from Phillips (Home Office) (report attached)
Report on public meeting of East London Workers Against Racism inc talks by Fran Eden and Joan Lamont on fascism and immigration, held at Conway Hall on 23 Jan 1981
Report on meeting of Clapton SWP inc summary of recent Rank and File Conference and plans for demo in Hackeny against cuts, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 25 July 1979
MI5 Prime Ministerial briefing paper ‘The Threat of Subversion in the UK’, annotated by Thatcher, inc letter from Cabinet Secretary to the PM (attached)
Report on meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington International Socialists discussing upcoming picket outside a Magistrates Court for trail of people arrested at Notting Hill Carnival riots, held 17 Sept 1976
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with DAC Gilbert and Commander Rodger after Commissioner’s ruling that Special Branch must not have agents in industrial affairs
Report on meeting of Islington branch of Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing the Irish Solidarity Campaign national founding conference in Birmingham, held at 10 Venetia Road on 12 Oct 1970
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting ensuring close co-operation with Special Branch, inc Dixon detailing SDS deployments, held at Scotland Yard on 14 Jan 1969
Report on march by people inc W London VSC, the Black Power Movement, and the Wednesday Group Powis Square to tear down fencing inc details of 10 arrests, held on 25 May 1968 from Portobello Road