Home Office letter to the Public Relations Branch enclosing drafts of the Guidelines for Special Branches and Surveillance and what to say to the press (not attached)
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between David Short, Mike Barber and F6 discussing which campaigns and groups were being infiltrated, held at SDS office on 7 July 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, DI Barber and MI5, inc discussion of peace movement, sacking a public sector employee SWP member, and request to debrief HN106 after his withdrawal, held at Curzon St House on 8 June 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting two meetings between SDS and F6 for routine exchange of views and update on SDS personnel changes and request info on CND, held at SDS on 22 and 28 Apr 1983
Special Branch cover letter to Home Office enclosing assessment of London CND blockade of US Air Force base in Upper Heyford 31 May-3 June 1983 (not attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting with DCI Dave Short and HN68 to discuss intelligence requests on SWP, CND and the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L), held at SDS offices on 20 Jan 1983
MI5 note for liaison file on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss coverage and progress of SDS officers, and SDS invite MI5 to the Christmas party, held at SDS offices on 10 Nov 1982
Report submitting an SWP-distributed Reagan Reception Committee leaflet for a demo at the US embassy on 7 June 1982 and calling for support of a national CND demo the day before (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file after discussion between Dave Short, Martin Gray and F6 listing current SDS officers with RF numbers and the groups they're infiltrating, held at the SDS office on 11 March 1982, inc MI5 briefings on the SWP (attached)
Report on meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP inc a talk encouraging entryism into CND, held at West Hampstead Community Centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 24 June 1981
Report on a meeting to form the Trade Union Committee Against the Prevention of Terrorism Act in Nov 1975 and its launch conference, held at Hammersmith Town Hall on 10 April 1976
Report on a meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front concerning a CND march and an upcoming conference, held at the Union Tavern WC1 on 6 April 1969
Report on weekly meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, discussing RSSF conference and participation in 7 April CND march, held at Union Tavern, King's Cross Rd on 30 Mar 1969.
Report on meeting of Camden Human Rights Year discussing the March 1968 Grosvenor Square Vietnam War demo and protest in general, held at unspecified venue on 26 April 1968