Targeted by:
HN348 'Sandra Davies' (1971 - 1973)
At least spied on:
Other names:
London Alliance in Defence of Workers Rights (LADWR)

The North London Alliance in Defence of Workers Rights (NLADWR) was formed in April 1971 by Maoist groups, including the Mao Tse-Tung (Zedong) Study Group, members of the Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist League (RMLL) and its later splinter group the Marxist-Leninist Workers Association (MLWA).  

NLADWR was a community-orientated, broad-front organisation that allowed the founding groups to co-ordinate public meetings, film showings, rallies, demonstrations and pickets and to engage with other campaigning bodies. The group produced a bulletin and campaigned against the 1971 Industrial Relations Act, 1971 Immigration Act, and other manifestations of state racism and police brutality. 

From mid-1971 to the end of 1972, NLADWR held street meetings, rallies and demonstrations in Wood Green and Hornsey with groups including the Black Unity and Freedom Party (BUFP) , Women’s Liberation Front (WLF) , the Hackney United Tenants Association Ad-Hoc Committee (HUTAAC)  and Schools Action Union (SAU).  

'Smash Creeping Fascism', NLADWR leaflet, 1971
'Smash Creeping Fascism', NLADWR leaflet, 1971.

Several protests ended in clashes with police leading to the arrest of NLADWR members and, in February 1972, the imprisonment for three months of leading organisers Dave Mackinnon and Kobad Ghandy. This stymied the public activities of NLADWR to a degree, though in the interim it gained control of SAU, shortened its name to the London Alliance in Defence of Workers Rights (LADWR) and produced a printed broadsheet newspaper. 

The LADWR played an active role in the Anti-Imperialist Co-ordinating Committee, protested against US imperialism in Vietnam and, towards the end of 1972, began to organise against the National Front (NF).  

The first mention of the NLADWR in SDS files appears shortly after the group was founded, in a report by SDS undercover HN348 ‘Sandra Davies’  who had infiltrated the Maoist WLF, latterly the Revolutionary Women’s Union (RWU).

In July 1971, HN45 ‘Dave Robertson’  joined the NLADWR and reported on meetings in private homes throughout the rest of 1971 and 1972. In February 1973, MI5 enquired whether two members of the NLADRW had a phone at their new address, suggesting ongoing interception of phone calls. 

That month, however, a member of the public recognised Robertson as a police officer at a meeting. He was immediately withdrawn from deployment, along with female officers Davies and HN346 Jill Mosdell  who had just started reporting on Maoist groups to the SDS.


Marxists Internet Archive, Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line



Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report in response to unspecified letter asking for detailed background and personal information about a person connected with the Revolutionary Women’s Union
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a photographic exhibition and film showing by the Anti-Imperialist Co-ordinating Committee celebrating the truce in Vietnam, held at Conway Hall on 3 Feb 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report in response to request from MI5 concerning details of the address of the London Alliance in Defence of Worker’s Rights and the personal address of LADWR and Revolutionary Women's Union activists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 12 Nov 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 9 Oct 1972, inc North London Alliance newsletter “Workers Organise”
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the employment details of a member of the Revolutionary Women’s Union and the North London Alliance
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on employment details of an activist in London Alliance
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 25 Sept 1972, inc petition titled ‘Women of Islington Demand Adequate Day Nurseries’
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women's Union, held at redacted venue on 31 July 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1972, inc letter to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 15 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and political details of the current chairman of the North London Alliance
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Revolutionary Women’s Union inc discussion of liaison with Haringey Women’s Lib workshop, held at redacted venue on 17 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Revolutionary Women’s Union (same report twice), held at redacted venue on 20 Feb 1972, inc 3 page regination letter from redacted member
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1971, inc letter to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front discussing nurseries, held at redacted venue on 25 Nov 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front weekly meeting inc discussion of nursery provision, held at redacted venue on 25 Nov 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on attempts by a member of the London Alliance in Defence of Workers Rights to organise a picket of Tottenham Magistrates' Court where three members are on trial
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front weekly meeting inc discussion of factionalism at recent women's conference in Skegness leading to division in the WLF meeting, held at redacted private home on 28 Oct 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front discussing their 'Women's Liberation' newspaper, held at redacted venue on 6 Oct 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front meeting inc discussion of WLF newspaper and a paper to be presented at the Women's National Conference in Skegness, held at redacted venue on 6 Oct 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front meeting, held at redacted private home on 22 Sept 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal holiday and employment details of a member of the Women’s Liberation Front and the North London Alliance in Defence of Workers’ Rights, inc photo (not attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front weekly meeting inc discussion of North London Alliance in Defence of Workers’ Rights, held at redacted private home on 12 Aug 1971, inc copy of NLAWDWR Aims statement and first issue of their bulletin (not attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on screening of Eisenstien’s film ‘Strike’ organised by North London Alliance in Defence of Workers’ Rights, held at Woodside House, 300 High Road, Wood Green N22 on 30 July 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women's Liberation Front study group meeting discussing a paper presented at the Women’s National Co-ordinating Committee conference, also announcing upcoming events and members' arrests, held at redacted private home on 22 July 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly Women’s Liberation Front meeting inc planning leaflet on police racism, held at redacted private home on 15 July 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of North London Alliance in Defence of Worker’s Rights planning public meeting and demo, held at redacted venue on 7 July 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of North London Alliance in Defence of Workers’ Rights planning demo on 25 July, held at redacted private home on 21 June 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front meeting inc planning screeening of Chinese Ballet film 'Red Detachment of Women', held at redacted private home on 13 May 1971


Encyclopaedia of anti-Revisionism On-line (website)
Marxists Internet Archive
Second Encyclopaedia of anti-Revisionism On-line (website)
Marxists Internet Archive