Targeted by:
HN303 'Peter Collins' (1974 - 1976)
HN298 'Michael Scott' (1975 - 1976)
At least spied on:
Other names:
Socialist Labour League

The Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP) is a Trotskyist group established in the 1940s as 'The Club', a faction of the Revolutionary Communist Party  advocating for entryist tactics in the Labour Party and trade unions. It became the Socialist Labour League in 1959 before changing its name to the WRP in 1973. The WRP still exists and publishes its daily paper, The News Line, online.

The party was infiltrated by HN303 'Peter Collins'  and HN298' Michael Scott'  between 1973 and 1976, although there is also some SDS reporting after this. Two former members of the party, Liz Leicester  and playwright Roy Battersby , gave evidence to the Inquiry. This included Battersby's account of being blacklisted  due to his work for the WRP.

Spearheaded by Gerry Healy and John Lawrence, WRP advocated 'entryist' tactics in the British Labour Party and trade unions. The WRP also published literature such as internal bulletins that amounted to book-length discussions of Marxist and communist dogma. It also published a magazine titled The Workers Press, which later changed its name to News Digest and then to Daily Newsline.

The party also had a chain of five bookshops and five youth training centres involving young people and a film production business. The WRP counted among their members many who were involved in the arts, most famously actor Vanessa Redgrave (now Dame Vanessa Redgrave) and her brother Corin. In 1973, one of these centres, 'The White House', was raided by police, reports by HN298 ‘Michael Scott’ report on the impact of this on the party’s security measures. 

Much later, in 1985, Gerry Healy, one of the founders, was expelled from the party following allegations of sexual abuse.


Workers Revolutionary Party website.


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1983
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Huge report entitled ‘Political Extremism and the Campaign for Police Accountability within the Metropolitan Police District’
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Newham 8 Defence Campaign discussing the recent arrests of eight Asian youths, held at East Ham Town Hall E6 on 28 Oct 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the Workers Revolutionary Party on 'The world significance of the PLO in Lebanon', held at Conway Hall on 6 Aug 1982, inc leaflet for WRP commemoration of the 42nd anniversary of Trotsky's death (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing an overview of the Socialist Alliance and enclosing a Nov 1981 issue of its newspaper the Workers News
MI5 Loose Minute enclosing briefs prepared ahead of meeting Commissioner Sir David McNee and Mr Kelland on how MI5 works with the Special Branch and the SDS in particular
MI5 cover letter to Phillips (Home Office) submitting appendices to MI5 report ‘Subversive Aspects of Racialist Activity’ (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report assessing political activity in Brixton after the 1981 uprising
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting at which MI5 asked DI Butler and DI HN68 to get specific info, held at MI5 on 3 Feb 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1979
MI5 note for liaison file summarising interaction of MI5 and SDS - largely MI5 being supplied with info - since the start of 1979
MI5 Prime Ministerial briefing paper ‘The Threat of Subversion in the UK’, annotated by Thatcher, inc letter from Cabinet Secretary to the PM (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on proposed National Front election meeting at Newham Town Hall on 25 April 1979
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with DCI Ferguson to discuss how cooperation between F6 and SDS could be developed, held at MI5 offices on 22 Feb 1979
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1978
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with head of 'S' Squad to discuss operational overlap, training possibilities and communications security, held on 31 Jan 1978
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Two memos on direct communication with the Security Service
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting between DCI Craft, DCI Pryde and MI5 to discuss specific SDS target groups
Cabinet Office
Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Group on Subversion in Public Life discussing MI5 report 'The Threat of Subversion in the UK', held at Cabinet Office on 11 July 1977 (CAB 163-269)
Group on Subversion in Public Life cover letter attaching MI5 report ‘The Nature of Trotskyism – With Particular Reference to the UK’ (CAB 163-269)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the IMG in support of leaders of the American Socialist Workers’ Party, held at Friends House, Euston Road on 14 Jan 1977, inc cuttings from Observer, Red Weekly and News Line (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on suspension of a member of Central Committee of Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the Save Acton Hospital Campaign inc screening of IS film stopped due to adverse response, held at Woodlands Hall W3 on 13 April 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting Workers Revolutionary Party publications, thrice-weekly 'News Digest' and a sheet trailing a new newspaper 'Daily Newsline' (neither attached), and details of upcoming Mayday march
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Onward copy of Special Branch report on the WRP White Meadows ('Red House') Education Centre
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Letter from Special Branch to MI5 highlighting withdrawal of SB's source from Workers Revolutionary Party and enclosing SB report on Workers Revolutionary Party Education Centre in Derbyshire (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on press conference by Workers Revolutionary Party to announce cessation of trading of Plough Press and publication 'Workers Press', held at WRP HQ in Clapham, 13 Feb 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming weekend school hosted by Workers Revolutionary Party for North and East London regions of WRP Young Socialists, to be held at White Meadows (aka Red House) Parwich, Derbyshire on 31 Jan and 1 Feb 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on resignation of an individual from National Front and application by that individual to join National Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a 16-year-old member of Dagenham branch of Young Socialists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on 'Free George Davis Campaign' seeking the support of the Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Rreport concerning personal details, including criminal convictions, of person who receives 'Workers Press' newspaper
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report concerning personal details members of Hackney branches of the Workers Revolutionary Party and Young Socialists in response to letter from redacted source
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on abortive police raid on Workers Revolutionary Party Education Centre in Derbyshire and security measures put in place by the group
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the Workers Revolutionary Party and All Trades Union Alliance to 'Protest against police raids and in defence of democratic rights', held at the Bloomsbury Centre, Coram Street WC1 on 13 Oct 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an aggregate meeting of the WRP discussing the General Secretary's report on 'The campaign to defend the basic rights of the Party and the investigation into the police raids', held at Chelsea Town Hall on 6 Oct 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a person selling copies of WRP paper ‘Workers Press’ outside St James Park Underground
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet containing correspondence between various managers, including the Commander and DAC, discussing HN298's reporting on the WRP course in Derbyshire
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a former member of Workers Revolutionary Party in response to request from redacted source
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Chief Inspector to Chief Superintendent requesting permission for HN298 to travel to a Workers Revolutionary Party education centre in Derbyshire to attend a course
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a former member and employee of Workers Revolutionary Party was at counter-demo to National Front march in Bethnal Green on 6 Sept 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of East Ham Sub-District of Workers Revolutionary Party, held at a private residence on 2 Sept 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Little Ilford WRP, 'nothing of interest discussed', held at redacted address on 29 July 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Special Delegate Conference of Workers Revolutionary Party (very detailed), held in London on 12-13 July 1975, inc numerous conference docs (not attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of East Ham Sub-District of Workers Revolutionary Party discussing Delegate Conference earlier the same day, held at redacted venue on 13 July 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Shrewsbury Two Action Committee, held under the aegis of the Workers Revolutionary Party at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, on 29 June 1975, inc draft resolution (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on conference of the Workers Revolutionary Party's 'Shrewsbury Two Action Committee', held at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool on 29 June 1975, inc draft resolution, national conference flyer and document prepared for Croydon Trades Council (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Little Ilford Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of an individual who receives 'Workers Press' magazine
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming visit of a group of Workers Revolutionary Party members, including Vanessa Redgrave, to Vietnam
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo and march from Hull to Liverpool organised by Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Workers Revolutionary Party considering infiltrating Labour Party Young Socialists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the upcoming marriage of the Secretary of Little Ilford Workers Revolutionary Party on 3 Aug 1975
MI5 report ‘The Security Significance of the Ultra Left in the UK in 1974’, inc cover from Home Office to Cabinet Secretary (CAB 163-268)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on 5th National Conference of All Trades Union Alliance held under aegis of Workers Revolutionary Party and attended by representatives of unions inc policy docs, held at City Hall, Sheffield on 9 March 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Central Committee of the Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Central Committee of the Workers Revolutionary Party and National Committee of the All Trades Union Alliance
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing clarification of the term 'sleeping' WRP members, in response to MI5 letter
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing clarification on individual membership of the Workers Revolutionary Party Central Committee, in response to MI5 letter
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of East Ham All Trades Union Alliance, held at Lathom School, East Ham on 6 March 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on employment details of E London Sub-district secretary of Workers Revolutionary Party who delivers milk to East Ham police station. Seriously.
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of builders' section of Workers Revolutionary Party, held at the Small Hall, Conway Hall on 3 March 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details regarding the pregnancy of National Organiser of Young Socialist section of Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on organisation of International Marxist Group educational classes by a member of Islington Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on lecture by Workers Revolutionary Party, speaker Gerry Healy on the topic of Marxism, held at the Portway School, West Ham E15 on 3 Feb 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of North London Sub-District Committee of Workers Revolutionary Party (very detailed, UCO clearly familiar with minutiae of top echelon), held at private residence on 15 Jan 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Hackney Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the first conference of Workers Revolutionary Party (v detailed, HN303 highly familiar with internal workings), held at the Town Hall, Battersea SW11 on 15-17 Dec 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Workers Revolutionary Party, provided in response to a request from redacted source (presumably MI5?)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Workers Revolutionary Party (HN303 elected as branch Chair), held at redacted venue on 9 Dec 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Highbury section of Hackney branch of Workers Revolutionary Party discussing demo against 3 day week, held at redacted venue on 5 Jan 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal family and vehicle details of a husband and wife who are members of Workers Revolutionary Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on London aggregate meeting of Workers Revolutionary Party welcoming a large number of new young members, held at the Railway Training Centre, Wood Lane, White City on 13 Oct 1974
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting on current SDS structure, activity and management, held at New Scotland Yard on 30 Aug 1974, inc list of infiltrated groups (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Note to MI5 listing organisations currently infiltrated by the SDS (also attached to UCPI0000030762)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Workers Revolutionary Party Special Delegates Conference, held at Beaver Hall, Garlick Hill on 13-14 July 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly sales figures of Workers Press publication by individual Workers Revolutionary Party branch
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of North London Sub-District Workers Revolutionary Party, held at redacted address in Dalston E3 on 21 April 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch memo on visit to MI5 and their future liaison, inc minute sheet (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming production of Workers Revolutionary Party play about the Russian Revolution, ‘October’, in the hope it will increase attendance at their Mayday rally, inc leaflets
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on details of North London distribution centre for ‘Workers Press’ inc details of occupiers and vehicles observed at the address
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1974, inc letters to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Workers Revolutionary Party, main speaker general secretary Gerry Healey on 'Build the WRP – Demand Labour Gov carry out Socialist Policies', held at The Kings Arms pub, Wood Green High Rd on 19 Feb 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Workers Revolutionary Party (North London) discussing demo and rally at Trafalgar Square that day, held at redacted venue N16 on 27 Nov 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo by Workers Revolutionary Party in support of striking miners, to be held from Speakers Corner to Trafalgar Square on 27 Jan 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report concerning a rally held by the Socialist Labour League Young Socialists, Alexandra Palace, 14 Febuary 1971


Undercover Policing Inquiry hears Workers’ Revolutionary Party evidence
Hodge Jones & Allen
Developments in UCPI expose secret State operation to undermine Workers’ Revolutionary Party
Hodge Jones & Allen