Report on 'Voices for Withdrawal Forum on Northern Ireland' held by Liberal Party's Committee for Withdrawal from Ireland, held at Conway Hall on 14 June 1980
Report listing participants (7 pages, almost entirely redacted) in a demo commemorating 10 years of British troops in Ireland organised by the National League of Young Liberals, held at Speakers Corner on 12 Aug 1979
Report on the possible use of stink bombs by members of the Anarchist Workers Association at a Young Liberals counter-demo against Royal Navy recruitment, to be held in Kingston on 20/21 Sept 1975
Special Branch letter to MI5 enclosing minutes of meeting of MI5, Commander Rodger, Dixon, Saunders, HN294 and DS Smith to discuss coverage and overlap, inc names of targeted groups and problem areas, held at New Scotland Yard on 13 Jan 1972
Report on the West Cross Action Group demo from Shepherd's Bush roundabout along the proposed route of an urban motorway, 24 June 1972, inc leaflet with map
Report on general meeting of Putney Young Liberals in which attendees elected members to executive posts inc HN298 as Membership Secretary, held at 90 Fawe Park Road SW15 on 20 Jan 1972
Report on a meeting of Putney Young Liberals which accepted a motion on a forthcoming environmental conference, held at the parental home of Peter Hain on 13 Jan 1972
Report on a private meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing an upcoming NICRA demo of 22 June 1969, held at the Grafton Arms NW3 on 4 June 1969
Report that a member of the National Executive of Young Liberals is secretly working for International Socialists and trying to get YL to support the VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo on Oct 27
Report that Tariq Ali will be addressing Havering Young Liberals on 'Will Britain see a Revolution?', to be held at 1A Westland Avenue, Hornchurch on 21 May 1968