
While the most senior positions in the Home Office, such as Home Secretary, are ministerial appointments made by the Prime Minister, there is a large civil service to support them. The most senior civil servant in the department is known as the Permanent Under-Secretary of State. They have a deputy to assist, often referred to as the Second Permanent Secretary. 

Depending on the era, there also would be Assistant Under-Secretaries of State who would oversee a group of Divisions. Heads of Division had the title Assistant Secretary.

For much of the period of the spycops scandal, the Home Office civil service was divided into Divisions, with specific responsibilities. Of relevance to the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) was F4 Division which had responsibility for counter-terrorism, security liaison, subversive activities and protection. At different points it also had responsibility for public order, complaints against the police and in some years 'relations between police and coloured immigrants'.

As such, F4 had oversight of both Special Branch and the Security Service (MI5). It was the first point of contact between Special Branch and the Home Office and played a key role in the upwards dissemination of the SDS Annual Reports. Often, however, oversight and decisions relating to the SDS, for example regarding continued funding, would go higher up, to one of the Home Office Under-Secretaries.

List of senior civil servants
Permanent Under-Secretary of State
Philip Allen1966 – 1972
Arthur William Peterson1972 – 1977
Robert T Armstrong1977 – May 1979
Brian CubbonMay 1979 – 1988
Clive Anthony Whitmore1988 – 1994
Richard Wilson1994 – 1997
David Omand1997 – 2001
John Grieve2001 – 2005
David John Normington2005 – 2011
Deputy Under-Secretary of State
James Henderson Waddell1963 – 1975
Robert J Andrew(?1975) ...1977 – 1983
Michael J A Partridge1983 – Feb 1987…
John A Chilcot †...June 1987 – 1990…
IM Burns…1992 – 1995
Stephen W Boys Smith1995 – 1996
Frederick John A Warne ...1998 – 2003…
Assist. Under Sec. of State (covering F4)
David HW Stotesbury...1968 – 1969…
RJ Whittick…1972
AD Gordon Brown1973
ED Wright1972 – 1973
AS Baker1974 – 1977
Dick / David Heaton1979 – 1981
G Hayden Phillips1981 – 1983
Michael H Rumble (acting)-April 1983-
David HJ Hilary1983 – 1986…
GL Angel… 1989 – sometime in the 1990s
Assistant Secretary, F4
RA James1968-1969
David HJ Hilary1971-1974
GL Angel1976-1978
G Hayden Phillips1979-1980
Joseph Grant Pilling1981-1983
Roy A Harrington1984-1985

Other senior Home Office civil servants named in UCPI disclosure.

  • JM Clift
  • JH Brownlow
  • Philippa Drew
  • HH Taylor
  • RA Sterlini