Anonymity (MPS Applications IV), Lambert Report
This was the fourth such hearing in the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI), addressing specific anonymity applications being made by former Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) officers.
SDS officer applications were heard in relation to eight officers:
All of them were granted restriction orders over their cover and real names.
The hearing was marked with a walk-out by the non-state core participants and their legal representatives in protest at what they felt was their effective exclusion from the process by the redaction of relevant material by the Metropolitan Police and the UCPI. As part of this, their barrister Phillippa Kaufmann KC, made a statement to the chair (see Documents for the full text of her statement).
The hearing also addressed the ‘Lambert Report’, a report into problems in the unit by former SDS undercover and subsequent manager Bob Lambert. The Report had been mentioned in closed hearings related to HN155 ‘Phil Cooper’, and was known to be in the possession of journalists at The Guardian newspaper. As a result, these journalists knew HN155’s real name. The Inquiry Chair, Sir John Mitting, wanted to know the Metropolitan Police’s position on HN155 given this.
Mitting eventually ruled that HN155’s real name would remain restricted as it was not knowledge that was readily available. However, the issue did mean that the Inquiry made the Lambert Report public, albeit in redacted form.
Counsel | Clients |
David Barr KC | UCPI |
Phillippa Kaufmann KC | Non-State Core Participants |
Maya Sikand | Peter Francis |
Jonathan Hall KC | Metropolitan Police |
Oliver Sanders KC | Designated Lawyers Officers |
Other counsel present | Clients |
Kate Wilkinson | UCPI |
Mertens | UCPI |
Ruth Brander | Non-State Core Participants |
Amy Mannion | Metropolitan Police |
Claire Palmer | Designated Lawyers Officers |
Robert McAllister | Designated Lawyers Officers |
Stephen Morley | National Police Chiefs’ Council |
Genevieve Woods | Slater & Gordon clients |