
Anonymity (MPS Applications I), Restriction Order Approach

This two day hearing in the Undercover Policing Inquiry arose out of an application by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to extend the time it was given to 

a) make anonymity applications on behalf of former Special Demonstration Squad officers; and

b) request the Inquiry change its approach in relation to them, particularly around risk assessments.

The issue of anonymity for undercovers was a point of contention in the Inquiry and was recognised as having already caused considerable delay. The hearing received suggestions from the different parties on what alternative approaches would be the most appropriate way forward.

A summary of issues and responses from all parties is detailed in the rulng of the then Chair, Sir Christopher Pitchford, of 2 May 2017.

Day 1
Counsel / IndividualClients
David Barr KCUCPI
Jonathan Hall KCMetropolitan Police
Sir Robert Francis KCNational Police Chiefs’ Council
Ben Brandon Slater & Gordon clients
Dan Squires KCNon-State Core Participants
Ben Emmerson KCPeter Francis
Kate WilsonNSCP (Litigant-in-Person)
Other counsel present
Kate WilkinsonUCPI
Emma GargitterUCPI
Victoria AilesUCPI
Ruth BranderNon-State Core Participants
Amy MannionMetropolitan Police
Rosemary DavidsonHome Office
Cecily WhiteNational Police Chiefs’ Council
Richard O’BrienNational Crime Agency
Day 2
Counsel / IndividualClients
Helen SteelNSCP (Litigant-in-Person)
Dan Squires KCNon-State Core Participants
Jonathan Hall KCMetropolitan Police
Ben Emmerson KCPeter Francis
Andrew O’Connor KCNational Crime Agency


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 6: Anonymity I, Restriction Order Approach (Day 2)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 6: Anonymity I, Restriction Order Approach (Day 1)


Document Type
Sir John Mitting – Protocol for the imposition of restrictions to the publication of documents and other evidence produced to the inquiry by the MPS
Chairman's statement
Restriction order approach
Sir John Mitting – Statement on the protocol for the provision of documents and other information to the Inquiry by the MPS
Chairman's statement
Restriction order approach
Disclosure Protocol for the provision of documents and other information to the Inquiry by the MPS
Restriction order approach, Generic restriction order documents
Restriction Protocol for the imposition of restrictions to the publication of documents and other evidence produced to the Inquiry by the MPS
Restriction order approach, Generic restriction order documents
Extension of time for service of anonymity applications by the MPS in respect of the SDS (Direction 12)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach
Ruling on the MPS’s application for extension of time for restriction order applications
and for a change by the Inquiry to its approach to investigation
Restriction order approach
Press Notice: Ruling following the Hearing on 5 and 6 April 2017
Covering applications by the Metropolitan Police Service for an extension of time for the making of restriction order applications and for a change by the Inquiry to its approach to investigation.
Press Notice
Restriction order approach, Metropolitan Police Service Applications
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 6: Anonymity I, Restriction Order Approach (Day 2)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 6: Anonymity I, Restriction Order Approach (Day 1)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach
Operational note for hearing of 5 April 2017
Operational Note
Restriction order approach, Metropolitan Police Service Applications
CTI – Supplementary note for the hearing on 5 April 2017 (Note 2)
Counsel note
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
MPS – Response to submissions from other parties ahead of the hearing of 5 April 2017
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
Flowchart setting out approach to restriction order (anonymity) process
Supporting material
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
Trade Unions – Submissions in response to CTI Note of 2 March 2017
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
NPCC – Submissions re MPS application for extension of time and for a change in the Inquiry approach
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
NCA – Submissions for hearing of 5 April 2017
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
NSCPs – Submissions for hearing of 5 April 2017
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
S&G Clients – Submissions for hearing of 5 April 2017
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
Peter Francis – Submissions on the MPS application for an extension of time
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
Home Office – Submissions on MPS applications for extension of time and change of approach
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
Press Notice: Counsel to the Inquiry’s Note for the Hearing on 5 April 2017
Press Notice
Restriction order approach, Metropolitan Police Service Applications
CTI – Note for the hearing on 5 April 2017 (Note 1)
Counsel note
Restriction order approach, Anonymity
Press Notice: Inquiry Announces Hearing on 5 April 2017
Press Notice
Restriction order approach, Metropolitan Police Service Applications