
Anonymity (MPS Applications III), Restriction Order Approach

This was the third such hearing in the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI), addressing specific anonymity applications being made by former Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) officers.

The non-state core participants (NSCPs) challenged the process, saying they were not being given sufficient relevant facts and material to make proper representation on the individual applications. Phillippa Kaufmann KC, speaking on their behalf, also raised challenges to the Inquiry and Metropolitan Police’s approaches to the restriction order process, particularly the risk assessments.

There then followed specific argument on the anonymity applications for six SDS officers:

The second part of the hearing addressed a proposal by the Inquiry to change the anonymity application process, with a focus on how real names were handled as opposed to cover names. This in turn would affect the documents being made public in support of the applications. 

A consultation document had been released by the Inquiry,  with various core participants making submissions in favour or against it, and making further representations at the hearing. 

The state core participants were broadly in agreement with the proposed changes while the NSCPs were concerned there would be much less disclosure as a result, which would impede their ability to make submissions.

Several weeks later, the Inquiry Chair, Sir John Mitting, published a statement effectively adopting the changes proposed in the consultation, and rejecting proposals put forth on behalf of Peter Francis and the NSCPs for more material to be released.

The hearing was also notable for an exchange with Ms Kaufmann for the Non-State Core Participants in which the Chair, Sir John Mitting, stated that men who were married their entire life were less likely to have engaged in extramarital sexual relations, a view he accepted might be old-fashioned.


Counsel / IndividualClients
David Barr KCUCPI
Phillippa Kaufmann KCNon-State Core Participants
Maya SikandPeter Francis
Amy MannionMetropolitan Police
Oliver Sanders KCDesignated Lawyers Officers
Helen SteelNSCP (Litigant-in-Person)
Ben Brandon Slater & Gordon / HN58
Other counsel presentClients
Kate WilkinsonUCPI
Ruth BranderNon-State Core Participants
Reka HollosMetropolitan Police
Rosemary DavidsonHome Office
Cecily WhiteNational Police Chiefs’ Council
Claire PalmerDesignated Lawyers Officers
Robert McAllisterDesignated Lawyers Officers
Donal O’Driscoll Litigant-in-Person


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 9: Anonymity III, Restriction Order Approach


Document Type
Sir John Mitting – Statement on anonymity applications
Chairman's statement
Restriction order approach
Press Notice: SDS Processing anonymity applications
Press Notice
Anonymity, Restriction order approach
Fourth Witness Statement of Alan Pughsley
Witness Statement
Restriction order approach, Generic restriction order documents, Photographs
MPS – Submissions on the restriction order approach
Restriction order approach, Generic restriction order documents
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 9: Anonymity III, Restriction Order Approach
Anonymity, Restriction order approach, Photographs
Fourth Witness Statement of Donal O’Driscoll
Witness Statement
Anonymity, Photographs
Annex A (amended) to NPSCPs submissions: with example gisting served on behalf of the NPSCPs
Restriction order approach
Designated Lawyers – Submissions in support of restriction order applications of several SDS officers
Addressing ECHR and the ‘real and immediate risk’ test
CTI – Note on the future approach to the publication of open evidence in support of key anonymity applications
Counsel note
Restriction order approach, Photographs
Harriet Wistrich / Category H (NSCP) – Submissions on restriction order approach
Restriction order approach
NPCC – Submissions in support of applications for restriction orders
Restriction order approach, Generic restriction order documents
Open version of spreadsheet referred to in NPCC generic submissions
Supporting material
Restriction order approach, Generic restriction order documents
NSCPs – Jan 2018 submissions on restriction order applications of various SDS officers
Anonymity, Photographs
Press Notice: Hearing on 5 Feb 2018
Press Notice
Peter Francis – Response to consultation on changes to publication of material in the restriction order process
Restriction order approach
MPS – Response to consultation on changes to publication of material in the restriction order process
Restriction order approach
NSCPs – Response to consultation on changes to publication of material in the restriction order process
Restriction order approach, Photographs
Third Witness Statement of Donal O’Driscoll
Witness Statement
Restriction order approach
Email exchange between NSCP and UCPI re restriction orders
Supporting material
Restriction order approach, Photographs
Consultation on proposed changes to the publication of open versions of key SDS anonymity applications
Restriction order approach