The Tranche 2 Phase 2 hearings of the Undercover Policing Inquiry took take place from 14 October 2024 to 14 February 2025 at the International Dispute Resolution Centre in central London, though in January 2025 it sat at Aldwych House. It began with two days of opening statements, heard on 14 and 15 October, with evidential hearings being proper on 21 October.
It heard testimony from four undercovers who infiltrated animal rights groups in the 1980s and 1990s, including HN10 Robert Lambert 'Bob Robinson'HN10 Robert Lambert 'Bob Robinson'Bob Lambert, using the cover name 'Bob Robinson' infiltrated Animal Rights campaigns as a SDS officer between 1983 and 1988. He fathered a child whilst undercover, with 'Jacqui'. He was also involved in the planting of an incendiary device, which resulted in two other people going to prison. He returned to the SDS as a manager (1993-1998) and oversaw further controversies. He later became an academic in the field of 'Terrorist Studies'.
, HN2 Andrew Coles 'Andy Davey'HN2 Andrew Coles 'Andy Davey'HN2 Andy Coles (cover name 'Andy Davey) was an SDS undercover officer who Infiltrated peace and animal rights groups in South London between 1991 and 1995. He had a sexual relationship with 'Jessica' in his cover identity.
and HN1 'Matt Rayner'HN1 'Matt Rayner'HN1 'Matt Rayner' was the cover name of an SDS undercover officer. He infiltrated the animal rights movement in North London from 1991 to 1996, targeting London Boots Action Group, London Animal Action, Animal Liberation Front and West London Hunt Saboteurs. He had a sexual relationship in his undercover identity.
. It also had testimony from the managers in the Tranche 2 era.
Given the prominence of a number of the undercovers and what they have been accused of, much of their evidence took a number of days each. There was also considerable testimony from a number of campaigners in relation to them, as well as women deceived into relationships.
Evidence relating to HN5 John Dines 'John Barker'HN5 John Dines 'John Barker'HN5 John Dines (cover name 'John Barker') was an SDS officer who infiltrated London Greenpeace and the Animal Liberation Front between 1987 and 1991. Dines had a two-year relationship with Helen Steel.
and HN11 Michael Chitty 'Mike Blake'HN11 Michael Chitty 'Mike Blake'HN11 Michael Chitty (cover name Mike Blake) was the first undercover officer in the Special Demonstration Squad who infiltrated groups within the animal rights movement between 1983 and 1987. This included the South London Animal Movement (SLAM). He had sexual relationships with women in his target groups. He also returned to the activist scene using his cover identity post-deployment. He has refused to cooperate with The Inquiry.
, was only partially addressed, as they are apparently unwilling to appear and live outside England and Wales, and therefore the Inquiry has no power to compel them.
Undercover Policing Inquiry Tranche 2 (Phase 2): The Search for The Truth Continues…