Report on upcoming 'Bloody Sunday' commemoration demo to be held in Savile Park, Leeds on 30 Jan 1983 with details of coaches from London and elsewhere
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement on upcoming 'Hunger Strikers' demo of 7 May 1983 and dispute with Sinn Fein over their demo on the same day, held at the Bread and Roses Print Shop, Camden Road NW1 on 19 Dec 1982
Report on upcoming public meeting of Troops Out Movement at which Gerry Adams and Danny Morrison are due to speak (inc handwritten note from B Squad that both are banned from GB), to be held at Islington Town Hall on 14 Dec 1982
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement Steering Committee inc decision to ask Sinn Fein member of the NI Assembly to speak at 'Anti-Repression' TOM conference to be held on 11 Dec, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 15 Nov 1982
Report on London activists planning to attend rally commemorating the 'Manchester Martyrs' executed in 1867 for demanding Irish independence, to be held at Platt Fields, Manchester on 25 Nov 1982 (leaflet attached)
Report on Troops Out Movement National Delegate Conference (HN96 is membership and affiliation secretary), held at University of Manchester on 11 Sept 1982, inc numerous conference docs (attached)
Report on upcoming demo by Provisional Sinn Fein protesting against the trial of Gerard Tuite (IRA escapee from UK prison, charged for offences in the UK), to be held outside the Irish Embassy on 21 June 1982
Report on regular meeting of the Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee discussing the upcoming delegation to Belfast on 7-9 Aug, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 7 June 1982
Report on the final meeting of the May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee with overview of activity and Troops Out Movement, held at redacted private home on 13 May 1982
Report on the Troops Out Movement Steering Committee organising a demo in London on 8 May 1982 to mark the anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands, discussing need to write to other groups to involve them (letter attached)
Report that Troops Out Movement, Revolutionary Communist Party and Sinn Fein have arranged at least 6 coaches to transport participants to a Bloody Sunday demo, to be held in Coventry on 31 Jan 1982
Report that 3 members of Troops Out Movement attended the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis conference, held in Dublin 31 Oct-1 Nov 1981, inc detailed 11 page TOM report for members (attached)
Report submitting minutes of a meeting of London H Block/Armagh Committee on 28 Aug 1981 (attached) and providing info on a planned visit to London of 100 relatives of Republican hunger strikers
Report on a public meeting of Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign to mobilise support for Bloody Sunday demo in Cardiff on 25 Jan, held at Lambeth Town Hall on 14 Jan 1981
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc member accused of setting fire to chairs and a garden fence at an SWP fundraising party, held at redacted private home on 28 Aug 1979
Report on a meeting of the TOM London Co-Ordinating Committee discussing arrangements for the TOM National Delegate Conference (HN297 is 'convenor of the Secetariat'), held at ULU, Malet St on 23 April 1976
Report on a sit-in organised by Roger Casement Cumann of Provisional Sinn Fein in protest at behaviour of door staff, held at Kilburn Irish Centre on 14 July 72, inc minute sheet
Report on a regular raffle by Terence McSwiney cumann of Provisional Sinn Fein, held at the Hop Poles pub, Hammersmith W6 on Saturdays, inc minute sheet
Two copies of report on departure details of the Secretary of Comhairle Ceanntair of London Sinn Fein (Provisionals)’, alleging he is going to NI to take part in fighting
Report on an emergency meeting of the Officers’ Committee of the Northern Minority Defence Force discuss a visit by William Craig of the Ulster Vanguard, held at the Irish Club, Eaton Square on 9 April 1972
Report on AGM of Comhairle Ceantair (District Committee) of the London Region of Sinn Fein (Provisionals), venue redacted, 25 Nov 1971, inc Sean Lynch elected finance officer
Report on sit-in at Irish Club, Eaton Square by members of London Sinn Fein (Provisionals) and some supporters of the ‘Anti-Internment League’, 10 Oct 1971