Targeted by:
At least spied on:
Other names:
Freedom Press,
Friends of Freedom,
Freedom bookshop

The Freedom Collective is the editorial team that runs the Freedom Press, the UK’s oldest anarchist newspaper and printing press, and its associated bookshop. Additionally, Friends of Freedom Press Ltd manages the Whitechapel building that houses the bookshop in trust.

The Freedom Collective was infiltrated between 1974 and 1983 by HN300 ‘Jim Pickford’  and HN85 Roger Pearce 'Roger Thorley’ , and was also reported on by HN304 ‘Graham Coates’.  The Freedom Collective is a core participant in the Inquiry.

After the Undercover Policing Inquiry revealed that 'Roger Thorley' had infiltrated the collective, Freedom Press, as Friends of Freedom, was designated as a core participant in the Inquiry by chairman Sir John Mitting, owing to its ‘direct and significant role in the subject matter of the Inquiry’.

Freedom, first subtitled ‘a Journal of Anarchist Socialism’ later becoming a ‘Journal of Anarchist Communism’, began publication in the premises of the Freethought Publishing Company in 1886. Besides the journal, Freedom Press published other titles such as the writings of founders Peter Kropotkin and Charlotte Wilson, and of other famous anarchists such as Emma Goldman and Mikhail Bakunin. 

Freedom News, 1900
Cover Page of 'Freedom' Jan-Feb, 1900. 

Throughout its history Freedom Press has published the works of anarchists outside Britain, including translations of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Errico Malatesta and corresponded with leftist activists abroad. Freedom cartoonist John Oldham, for instance, exchanged letters with French and German communists in the 1940s.

The 1960s resurgence in anti-war activism and IRA activity saw Freedom being suspected of IRA activity by the police. This culminated in a bomb-squad raid of Freedom’s premises, and may have contributed to the beginning of the collective's infiltration by undercover officers, although that is not mentioned in the reports.

The 1970s marked a difficult time for Freedom; the mid-1970s was particularly tough, with a skeleton crew of as few as three people running the journal. By the late 1970s, however, the group had grown to over a dozen people and was largely preoccupied by the Persons Unknown court case of 1978, in which five anarchists were arrested and charged on spurious grounds for ‘conspiracy to cause explosions’. 

A few members of Freedom worked with the support group for those on trial; this group was infiltrated by 'Graham Coates'.  Contributors to the journal, including undercover SDS officer 'Roger Thorley' (deployed 1979-1984), wrote about the case.

Freedom Press continues its work to this day, having survived wartime bombings, assaults by far-right opponents, and numerous police raids, Freedom the journal is still published and book titles are still being released. 

In 1968, the Press moved to Angel Alley on Whitechapel High Street, where the bookshop is located. Over the years, the premises has served as a venue for meetings of member groups of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups (FLAG) , which was also spied on in 1976 and 1977.


Freedom Press Website


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1984, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1983, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, HN85 and F6 to discuss HN85's area of deployment, held at redacted venue on 20 Dec 1983
MI5 Minute Sheet ahead of meeting with SDS requesting specific info on anarchist groups and activities
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, DI Barber and MI5, inc discussion of peace movement, sacking a public sector employee SWP member, and request to debrief HN106 after his withdrawal, held at Curzon St House on 8 June 1983
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1982, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing subscribers to anarchist magazine Freedom
MI5 note for liaison file reporting on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss MI5's intelligence requests and SDS officers, held at SDS offices on 10 Sept 1982
MI5 Minute Sheet enclosing a brief for upcoming meeting with SDS and with requests for information about specific groups
MI5 Minute Sheet enclosing questions for the SDS about targeted groups ahead of their upcoming meeting
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1981, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment and mental health details of an associate of the Freedom Collective and former member of the West London Anarchists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a going away party (for Freedom member?), held at redacted private home on 26 Sept 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and political details of an anarchist active in Proletarian Offensive and at the 121 Bookshop in response to an MI5 request
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom editorial collective, held at 20 Albert St NW1 (home of Philip Sansom) on 13 Sept 1981
MI5 Loose Minute enclosing a brief for upcoming meeting with SDS and asking for info on specific anarchist groups
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting list of contacts from the address book of Steve Sorba of the Freedom editorial collective
MI5 brief for a meeting with the SDS, wanting info on specific anarchist and anti-nuclear organisations
MI5 note for file reporting meeting between DI Butler, DI HN68 and F6 to discuss info requests and update on SDS personnel, held in F6 office on 7 April 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1980, inc letter from Asst Commissioner seeking authorisation to continue
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6, inc requests for information both ways, held at MI5 on 22 July 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on two meetings of the Torness Alliance discussing arrangements for the Torness Week of Action to occupy the site on 3-4 May, held in Nottingham on 8-9 March and Lancaster on 12-13 April 1980, inc 25 pages of leaflets and maps (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1979, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1978, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a readers’ meeting of the Freedom Collective held to discuss format and distribution of ‘Freedom’, held at Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Rd on 19 Nov 1977
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment details of a member of the Freedom Collective
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the publication ‘Freedom’ - practical details, how it's organised and outlining its political position within anarchism
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation, phone and physical details of someone responsible for the printing of ‘Freedom’
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Federation of London Anarchist Groups seeking a new meeting place after Freedom withdrew from FLAG
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a Federation of London Anarchist Groups day school 'The Fight to Live' held at The Tabernacle, Powis Sq W11 on 18 Dec 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the East London Anarchists who helps with Freedom
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups, held at Freedom on 3 July 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of the editor of Freedom
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups, held at Freedom, 84b Whitechapel High St E1 on 24 April 1976
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1976, inc letter from Assistant Commissioner to Home Office
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the newly-formed Confederation of British Anarchists is being run from Freedom's address
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a copy of the Libertarian Industrial Network's Bulletin No. 4 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kingston Anarchist Workers Association, held at 16 St Leonards Road, Surbiton on 23 April 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom Collective, held at 84B Whitechapel High Street E1 on 30 Jan 1975
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the details of Freedom Press's bank account
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Freedom Collective, held at Freedom bookshop, Whitechapel High St E1 on 19 Dec 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom Collective, held at Freedom Bookshop on 12 Nov 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing contributing writers and others involved in production of Pavement
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom Collective, held at Freedom Bookshop, 84b Whitechapel Hight St E1 on 5 Dec 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Freedom Collective and discussion about reviving the Syndicalist Workers Federation, inc personal details of attendee, held at unspecified venue on 5 Dec 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Freedom Collective at which terrorism legislation was discussed, held at Freedom Bookshop on 28 Nov 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of Pavement is visiting a member of Workers Fight to learn how to use a printer
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and family details of a member of the Freedom Collective who also works at PEace News and Housmans
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom Collective, held at Freedom bookshop on 21 Nov 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom Collective, held at Freedom Bookshop on 14 Nov 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal detials of a member of Freedom who is responsible for Lighthouse Press which prints Kropotkin's works
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Freedom Collective inc discussion of 14 people arrested for conspiracy to affect desertion from armed forces in Ireland, held at at Freedom Bookshop on 31 Oct 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom Collective, held at Freedom Bookshop on 24 Oct 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1974, inc letters to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report profiling West Ham Anarchists inc political outlook plus personal and social details of its members
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Two Special Branch reports on VSC meetings outside Hornsey Town Hall, June 1968, pp.29-29