MI5 note for liaison file reporting F6 telling DCI Short how HN19 is regarded within the Revolutionary Communist Party but needs to avoid 'going the way of HN106', also mentions of HN85
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short and F6 to discuss having an officer in Hackney/Stoke Newington, that MI5 know the officer in the RCP is well regarded there, the SDS giving MI5 printouts from the SWP computer and other SDS upd
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between David Short, Mike Barber and F6 discussing which campaigns and groups were being infiltrated, held at SDS office on 7 July 1983
Report on upcoming street meeting organised by the Irish Freedom Movement to celebrate the RCP's election 'success', to be held outside Camden Tube on 18 June 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, DI Barber and MI5, inc discussion of peace movement, sacking a public sector employee SWP member, and request to debrief HN106 after his withdrawal, held at Curzon St House on 8 June 1983
Report that the Revolutionary Communist Party is considering taking up the case of a black woman suspended from her job after being attacked and her union hasn't suppported her
MI5 note for liaison file reporting two meetings between SDS and F6 for routine exchange of views and update on SDS personnel changes and request info on CND, held at SDS on 22 and 28 Apr 1983
Report on public meeting of Workers Against Racism and the Greater London Council's Committee for Women to discuss upcoming deportation of Afia Begum, held at County Hall on 19 April 1983
Phone message stating the RCP plan to hold a street meeting to publicise their Irish Freedom Movement week of action near Archway Tube on 12 March 1983
Report on public meeting of East London Workers Against Racism on 'Hackney, an equal opportunities borough?' with speaker Judith Harrison, held at Dalston Trades Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 26 Jan 1983
MI5 Minute Sheet asking the SDS to obtain a copy of 'Real Freedom' by Revolutionary Communist Party member Kate Marshall, published to coincide with the launch of the Women's Right to Work campaign
MI5 note for liaison file on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss coverage and progress of SDS officers, and SDS invite MI5 to the Christmas party, held at SDS offices on 10 Nov 1982
Report on public meeting of Newham 8 Defence Campaign discussing the recent arrests of eight Asian youths, held at East Ham Town Hall E6 on 28 Oct 1982
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss liaison between the two services and progress of SDS officers, held at Curzon St House on 20 Oct 1982
Report on public meeting of East London Workers Against Racism to discuss the upcoming deportation of Afia Begum, held at the Brady Club, Hanbury Street E1 on 29 Sept 1982
Report submitting minutes of a Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee meeting, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road on 13 Sept 1982 and a TOM report on the Ireland visit delegation report back meeting (both attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss MI5's intelligence requests and SDS officers, held at SDS offices on 10 Sept 1982
Report on a public meeting of the Workers Revolutionary Party on 'The world significance of the PLO in Lebanon', held at Conway Hall on 6 Aug 1982, inc leaflet for WRP commemoration of the 42nd anniversary of Trotsky's death (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file report on meeting at New Scotland Yard with DCI Kneale (A/CO), DCS Craft and DCI Short to discuss contact between HN106 and a Soviet Military Attache
Report submitting minutes, financial report and balance sheet from the Troops Out Movement's annual conference held in London on 3 April 1982 (attached)
Report on public meeting of the Revolutionary Communist Party inc screening of 'Home Soldier Home', held at the Britannica pub, Mare Street, Hackney on 8 June 1982
MI5 Minute Sheet detailing an Assistant Military Attache from the Soviet Embassy making contact with the Revolutionary Communist Party so infiltrator HN106 had meetings to sound out funding for the RCP and the Attache tried to involve him in spying
Report submitting Revolutionary Communist Party's report of the North London Irish Freedom Movement delegation to Derry and Belfast at Easter 1982 titled 'What We Saw of the Irish War' (attached)
Report listing attendees and vehicles of a Revolutionary Communist Party meeting in support of Argentinian occupation of the Falklands, held at Friends Meeting House on 16 April 1982
Report on a public meeting of Workers Against Racism discussing support for the strike at Rulecan Ltd in Cheshire, held at Holborn Public Library on 30 April 1982
Report on a public meeting of Hackney Trades Council discussing opposition to the Nationality Act speakers inc Bernie Grant, held at the Hackney Trades Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 29 April 1982
Report ('threat assessment') that the Revolutionary Communist Party plans to support the Argentinian occupation of the Falkland Islands, and plans to hold meeting at Friends Meeting House on 16 April 1982, inc minute sheet
Report on public meeting of South London Workers Against Racism on 'Police - get off our backs' inc screening of film on New Cross Massacre, held at Stockwell Hall, Stockwell Park Estate on 25 March 1982
MI5 note for liaison file after discussion between Dave Short, Martin Gray and F6 listing current SDS officers with RF numbers and the groups they're infiltrating, held at the SDS office on 11 March 1982, inc MI5 briefings on the SWP (attached)
Report on public meeting of London area Workers Against Racism about racism in trade unions titled 'Cleanse our Ranks', held at Conway Hall on 26 Feb 1982
Report on a student member of the Revolutionary Communist Party who's giving non-student comrades NUS ID cards, inc her personal physical and domestic details
Report on personal political, employment, physicl and banking details of a member of East London Branch and the Kent University Section of the Revolutionary Communist Party
Report on personal political, physical and employment details of Mick Woods of the Workers Socialist League and Kilburn Labour Party, inc Paddington Times clippings about a St Mary's Hospital disute he was involved in (attached)
Report submitting a photo of a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party taken at the ‘Workers March for Irish Freedom' at Blackpool in Sep 1981 (not attached)
Report summarising a document published by Workers Against Racism titled 'Evidence to the Greater London Police Committee - October 1981 - Racist Violence and Police Harassment'
Report on routine meeting of Hackney Legal Defence Committee to monitor court cases involving Black people, held at Rectory Road Family Centre N16 on 24 Sept 1981, inc minutes of meeting on 18 Sept 1981 (attached)
Report on internal conference of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency (very detailed, 10 pages + appendices), held at Metropolitan Cottages, Balls Pond Road N1 on 23-25 May 1981
Report on a national conference of Workers Against Racism/ Revolutionary Communist Party titled 'Workers Defence Takes Off', held at Brady’s Club E1 on 18 July 1981
Report on public meeting of the Winston Rose Action Committee to call for a public inquiry into Rose’s death in custody, held at Ross-Wyld Hall, Church Hill E17 on 10 Aug 1981, inc campaign leaflet (attached)
Report on public meeting held by East London Workers Against Racism in support of their candidate in the Greater London Council elections, held at Toynbee Hall on 16 April 1981
Report on a conference of all London Labour Parties to discuss the Campaign Against Racist Law, held at Brabant Rd Community Centre N22 on 29 March 1981, inc meeting agenda and resolution, and campaign leaflet (attached)
Report on the 1981 National Conference of the Anti-Nazi League, held at Central London Polytechnic on 28 March 1981, inc ANL Organisers report and conference declaration (attached)
Report on the personl political, marital and accommodation details a person who is involved in the League for Socialist Action, North London Campaign Against Racist Laws and his constituency Labour Party
Report on a meeting of East London Workers Against Racism planning their campaign in the upcoming Council elections, held at the Dalston Lane Trades Club on 21 March 1981, inc 'Vote ELWAR' leaflet (attached)
Report on upcoming meeting of IMG & its youth wing Revolution to discuss Ireland, to be held on 1 March 1981, inc leaflet for meeting and 10 pages of discussion documents (attached)
Report on an educational meeting of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency on “Ireland - How can we build an effective solidarity movement in this country?', held at the Hackney Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 12 Feb 1981
Report on personal employment and vehicle details of a member of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency and East London Workers Against Racism who's also thought to be in West Ham Trades Council
Report on personal details of a member of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency who was arrested at an anti-British Movement demo on 23 Nov 1980 and had his case dismissed, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Phone message stating there had been no lobbying of Tower Hamlets Councillors that evening by the Revolutionary Communist Tendency or East London Workers Against Racism
Report on public meeting of East London Workers Against Racism inc talks by Fran Eden and Joan Lamont on fascism and immigration, held at Conway Hall on 23 Jan 1981
Report on a public meeting of Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign to mobilise support for Bloody Sunday demo in Cardiff on 25 Jan, held at Lambeth Town Hall on 14 Jan 1981
Report on rally held by East London Workers Against Racism titled 'Clear the fascists out of Brick Lane', held at Brick Lane/Bethnal Green Road junction, 11 Jan 1981
Report on a proposed rally organised by the East London Workers Against Racism titled 'Clear the fascists out of Brick Lane', to be held at the Brick Lane/Bethnal Green Road junction on 11 Jan 1981
Report that the Revolutionary Communist Tendency are disappointed by the lack of impact made by the Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign amongst the working class
Report on upcoming social organised by the Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign, to be held at The Enterprise pub, Chalk Farm Road NW1 on 15 Nov 1980
Report the Revolutionary Labour League have merged with former members of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency to form the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency, inc foundational manifesto pamphlet (attached)
Report on attempts to form a national co-ordinating body to deal with cases of 'state brutality' by police and prison authorities, inc Friends of Blair Peach , Richard 'Cartoon' Campbell and Jimmy Kelly Campaign
Report on a 'Fusion Meeting' of the Spartacus League and Lenin Faction, held at London School of Economics, Houghton Street WC2 on 16 May 1980, inc leaflet (attached)
Report that members of the Spartacus League and Lenin Faction (recently expelled from Workers Socialist League) have been working together on the steel strike in Sheffield and Sheerness
Report that a room was booked for a public meeting of the Workers Socialist League but nobody from the WSL turned up so the meeting did not go ahead, almost held at Lyndhurst Hall, Warden Road NW5 on 21 Feb 1980
Report on a public meeting of the Workers Socialist League titled 'The Fight for Trotskyism in the Labour Party', held at the Friends Meeting House, Euston Road on 6 Feb 1980
Report that the Revolutionary Communist Tendency will oppose the Prevention of Terrorism Act under the banner 'Smash the PTA Campaign' with a public meeting to be held at Holborn Library WC1 on 1 Feb 1980
MI5 Minute Sheet on a list of points to be raised at upcoming meeting with SDS focusing on the Revolutionary Communist Party, inc requests for identification from photos