Dates active:


Hearing Day
First Witness Statement of HN307 Trevor Butler


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 20 May 2022


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1981, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the funeral of Cornelius Cardew, a leading activist in the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that 3 members of Troops Out Movement attended the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis conference, held in Dublin 31 Oct-1 Nov 1981, inc detailed 11 page TOM report for members (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing an overview of the Socialist Alliance and enclosing a Nov 1981 issue of its newspaper the Workers News
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal political, employment, physicl and banking details of a member of East London Branch and the Kent University Section of the Revolutionary Communist Party
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler, DI HN68 and F6, held at MI5 on 15 Dec 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal political, physical and employment details of Mick Woods of the Workers Socialist League and Kilburn Labour Party, inc Paddington Times clippings about a St Mary's Hospital disute he was involved in (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on amalgamation of various branches of the SWP to form North-West London District inc details of where and when they meet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting minutes of a meeting of Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee, held at Cinema Action, Winchester Road SW3 on 6 Dec 1981, inc TOM internal bulleting winter 1981-2 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment and mental health details of an associate of the Freedom Collective and former member of the West London Anarchists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on march by Hackney Black Peoples Association and Hackney Legal Defence Committee in protest against police violence against Black people and in support of the Knight family, to be held from Hackney Town Hall via Stoke Newington police station
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a photo of a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party taken at the ‘Workers March for Irish Freedom' at Blackpool in Sep 1981 (not attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo signed by DCI Butler on finding a safe venue for SDS officers inc HN19 to take the Constables’ Promotion Examination
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a member of Kensal Rise SWP who is a UCATT shop steward and has been mediating in a racist site dispute
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler and F6 to discuss MI5 briefs and SDS personnel changes, held at SDS office on 24 Nov 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting docs distributed at the 1981 National Delegate Conference of the SWP, held at Poplar Old Town Hall on 7-10 Nov 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of meeting held of Brixton SWP discussing somone who was told to resign as District Organiser by the Central Committee but has now been elected to the District Committee, held at Tate Library, Brixton Rd SW2 on 12 Nov 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee, held at Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 16 Nov 1981, inc minutes (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment, residential, political and physical details of a member of Southwark SWP
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on changes to geographical and political focus of East London Revolutionary Communist Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accomodation and sexual details of a prominent member of CND
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment details of a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee of TOM, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 17 Nov 1981, inc enclosing minutes of the meeting (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the disbanding of London H Block/Armagh Committee
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on time and place of weekly meetings of Troops Out Movement's London-based National Steering Committee, inc minutes of meeting held at Prince Albert, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 2 Nov 1981 (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between HN68, DCI Butler and F6 where it was confirmed an SDS would send an officer to the SWP national conference, held at MI5's Curzon Street House offices on 6 Nov 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees of a Right to Work public meeting at Oxford House, Bethnal Green E2 on 21 Oct 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a copy of the Socialist Worker Leyland Strike Bulletin no.2 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a young man in Dr Marten boots who aims to 'chase Tories and Nazis off the streets', inc photo (attached but redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the SWP computer being programmed to give a breakdown of the circulation of 'Socialist Worker' and its financial accounts and details of branch organisers
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP discussing 'Entryism into the Labour Party', held at the West Hampstead Community Centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 28 Oct 1981
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between HN68, DCI Butler and F6 confirming the SDS had given them photos of SWP banking records listing members who pay subs by bank transfer
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler, DI HN68 and F6 to discuss SDS officers' access to SWP HQ, held at MI5 office on 20 Oct 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting between the People’s Campaign for Jobs and the Right to Work Campaign finalising demo at the Tory conference in Blackpool, held at Community Press Centre, Lancaster Rd, Preston on 26 Sept 1981
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between DCI Butler, HN68 and F6 to confirm the list of officers and express MI5's desire for an officer in the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L) and the SWP membership records
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on routine meeting of Hackney Legal Defence Committee to monitor court cases involving Black people, held at Rectory Road Family Centre N16 on 24 Sept 1981, inc minutes of meeting on 18 Sept 1981 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a going away party (for Freedom member?), held at redacted private home on 26 Sept 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a couple that work for the SWP - member of the Central Committee and the full-time organiser in the industrial department - who have split up and now live separately
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing officers and their position in the SWP, taken from records of SWP national office
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on London CND focus on trade unions, inc copy of their Trade Union Bulletin (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom editorial collective, held at 20 Albert St NW1 (home of Philip Sansom) on 13 Sept 1981
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler and F6 to discuss new deployments of HN19 and HN65, and introduce DS Charles (snu), held at SDS offices on 16 Dec 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of East London Troops Out Movement, held at Hackney Trades and Labour Club E8 on 15 Sept 1981, inc Steering Committee Minutes (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 15 Sept 1981 mainly discussing Right to Work march (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Camden and Central London Civil Service branches of the SWP who is involved in the SWP Gay Group
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on political activity of a full-time Liverpool SWP organiser
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a copy of the London CND Trade Union Bulletin (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting minutes of a meeting of London H Block/Armagh Committee on 28 Aug 1981 (attached) and providing info on a planned visit to London of 100 relatives of Republican hunger strikers
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler, DI HN68 and MI5 where MI5 supplied info on the Revolutionary Communist Party and other groups, held at MI5 offices on 11 Aug 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting to plan the Right to Work march and its culmination at the Tory conference in Blackpool on 16 Oct, held at SWP HQ, Reading Lane E8 on 5 Aug 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal political and family detials of two members of St Pancras CND
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing recipients of Socialist Worker (75 pages)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation details of someone who isn't in the SWP but regularly receives the Socialist Worker newspaper
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on SWP public meeting 'From Riot to Revolution', held at Stockwell Hall SW9 then the New Queen's Head pub on 16 July 1981, inc leaflets for the event and for the Right to Work march (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal detials of a Black child who isn't in the SWP but regularly receives the Socialist Worker newspaper
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation details of someone who isn't in the SWP but regularly receives the Socialist Worker newspaper
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the death of Betty England of CND, and plans for a memorial to be held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road NW1 on 7 Aug 1981
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting between DCI Butler and F6 to discuss exchange of info, Butler's promotion to CI and high standard of SDS officer reports, held at the SDS office on 17 July 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public discussion held by Hampstead CND after screening ‘The War Game’, held at St Peters Hall, Belsize Square NW3 on 15 July 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from DCI Butler to CSI 'S' Squad seeking a written request by AC to Home Office for increase in SDS budget
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on demo in opposition to the National Front organised by Anti-Nazi League, held at Islington Green on 12 July 1981, inc leaflet given out at the rally 'Voice of the Youth' by Communist Youth Union of Britain (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation details of a member of Lewisham and Deptford SWP
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Hackney Anti-Nazi League have organised a benefit event in aid of New Cross Massacre Action Committee, to be held at Abney Church Hall, Stoke Newington Church St on 18 July 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting list of contacts from the address book of Steve Sorba of the Freedom editorial collective
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet, inc discussion of the Right to Work march, of 7 July 1981 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting timetable programme for ‘Marxism ’81’, to be held at Queen Mary College, Mile End Road E1 10-17 June 1981 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP inc a talk encouraging entryism into CND, held at West Hampstead Community Centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 24 June 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the completion of construction of a computer at SWP National Office and enclosing copy of a print-out showing weekly distribution of 'Socialist Worker' (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 23 June 1981 inc discussion of mobilisation to attend Northern Carnival in Leeds (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal physical and seual orientation details of a member of Brixton SWP inc photo (attached but redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party, at the Centrerprise Community Centre, Kingsland High St N16 on 18 June 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 16 June 1981 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP inc talk on ‘Law and Order’, held at West Hampstead Community centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 10 June 1981
MI5 Brief asking SDS for specific info on Anarchist and anti-nuclear groups
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing leaflet on mass delegation to Belfast by Troops Out Movement inc details of what the visit will include (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment details of a member of Civil Service branch of Socialist Workers Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch report on occupation of Trade Union Congress headquarters by several people protesting against the TUC’s silence on Republican hunger strikers, held at TUC HQ in Great Russell St WC1 on 28 May 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the personal wedding and accommodation details of two members of Hackney Socialist Workers Party
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler, DI HN68 and F6 to discuss info requests from F7, held at F6/1’s office on 26 May 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the formation of a Stratford branch of SWP
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of the Secretary of East London Troops Out Movement inc photo (attached but redacted)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between SDS and F6 inc MI5 wanting info on specific individuals thought to be in the SWP, held at SDS offices on 13 May 1981
MI5 brief for a meeting with the SDS, wanting info on specific anarchist and anti-nuclear organisations
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing the phone number for the new office of East London Workers Against Racism
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public election meeting of East London Workers Against Racism, held at Stoke Newington Town Hall on 24 April 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting held by East London Workers Against Racism in support of their candidate in the Greater London Council elections, held at Toynbee Hall on 16 April 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kilburn SWP inc talk on ‘Why Bobby Sands is on hunger strike’, held at redacted venue on 22 April 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans by the Revolutionary Communist Tendency to form a South London Workers Against Racism branch following riots in Brixton
MI5 note for file reporting meeting between DI Butler, DI HN68 and F6 to discuss info requests and update on SDS personnel, held in F6 office on 7 April 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP internal document informing Branch/District SWP organisers of a new method of recording paper sales, dated 8 April 1981 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming 'People's March for Jobs' organised by NE Region of Trade Union Congress, to go from Liverpool to London on 1-30 May 1981, inc leaflet and internal organisation docs (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing the names and phone numbers of the secretariat of the SWP National Office
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an upcoming public meeting of Black People Against State Harassment (BASH), held at the Family Centre, Rectory Road N16 on 26 March 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1980, inc letter from Asst Commissioner seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming Troops Out Movement anti-SAS demo on 6 June 1981 and support of proposed Blair Peach Commemorative demo on 23 April 1981, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the secure phone number of East London Workers Against Racism naming its owner and their address
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming meeting of IMG & its youth wing Revolution to discuss Ireland, to be held on 1 March 1981, inc leaflet for meeting and 10 pages of discussion documents (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an educational meeting of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency on “Ireland - How can we build an effective solidarity movement in this country?', held at the Hackney Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 12 Feb 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming meeting of Plumstead SWP with the Indian Workers Association on the subject of racism, to be held at the Sikh Temple, Mason’s Hill on 11 March 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on SWP support for the National Union of Mineworkers' strike action in South Wales, inc 17 pages of SWP internal news sheets and leafelts for CND, TOM etc (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming march organised by Militant Tendency and supported by SWP to launch Waltham Forest 'Campaign Against Youth Unemployment', to be held from the DHSS on Church Hill E17 to Leyton tube station on 21 March 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on political activity of Mike Griffin of the Right to Work Campaign, inc Feb 1981 Socialist Worker article 'Miners All Set To Fight Pit Closures' that mentions him (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Leytonstone SWP featuring a guest talk on monetarism, held at Friends Meeting House, Cambridge Rd E11 on 11 Feb 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP with speaker Tony Cliff on 'The Fight for jobs and the fight for socialism', held at Ross Wyld Hall, Church Hill E17 on 9 Feb 1981, inc leaflet for the event and another for Morning Star (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment and vehicle details of a member of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency and East London Workers Against Racism who's also thought to be in West Ham Trades Council
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency who was arrested at an anti-British Movement demo on 23 Nov 1980 and had his case dismissed, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Leytonstone SWP, held at Friends Meeting House, Cambridge Rd E11 on 4 Feb 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on re-activation of Hackney Anti-Nazi League and upcoming public meeting following racist attacks in East London, to be held at the Centerprise Community Centre N16 on 11 Feb 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting New Cross Massacre Action Committee leaflet for a 'Black People's Day of Action' demo to be held from New Cross Road to Hyde Park via Fleet St, Scotland Yard and parliament on 2 March 1981 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on SWP making several staff redundant
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that nothing of interest was discussed in the previous five weekly meetings of Kilburn SWP, held at Lancefield Building, Beethoven St W10
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on CPGB conference entitled 'Racism and the Police', held at Conway Hall on 31 Jan 1981, inc 'charter of demands' discussion paper (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting at which MI5 asked DI Butler and DI HN68 to get specific info, held at MI5 on 3 Feb 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting photo of Fran Eden of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency and East London Workers Against Racism (attached but redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal physical, employment and trade union details of a member of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a social held by Anti-Apartheid Movement in aid of South African trades unions, held at Hackney Trades and Labour Club on 24 Jan 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of East London Workers Against Racism inc talks by Fran Eden and Joan Lamont on fascism and immigration, held at Conway Hall on 23 Jan 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public SWP meeting with speaker Sean Doherty on 'Ireland - after the hunger strike', held at Centreprise Community Centre N16 on 22 Jan 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment, family and physical details of an SWP member who volunteers work in the Right to Work campaign office
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment and sexual details of a person previously employed by the Socialist Workers Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Waltham Forest Anti-Nuclear Campaign Steering Committee, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Socialist Worker newspaper organisers, held at Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Rd WC1 on 12 Jan 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a District Committee meeting of NW London SWP, held at Lancefield Building, Beethoven W10 on 13 Jan 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign to mobilise support for Bloody Sunday demo in Cardiff on 25 Jan, held at Lambeth Town Hall on 14 Jan 1981
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing local organisers of the Right to Work Campaign and SWP (locations given but details of all individuals entirely redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a planned march of unemployed people from Liverpool to London organised by the Labour Party and TUC's NW and SE regions, Right to Work planning parallel march from Newcastle, to be held on May 1981, inc 10 pages of SWP docs and leaflets (attache
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the Revolutionary Communist Tendency are disappointed by the lack of impact made by the Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign amongst the working class
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Three copies of a report stating that the Revolutionary Communist Tendency plans sudden demos in support of H-Block hunger strikers, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants of a counter demonstration against a British Movement march, organised by the Paddington Campaign Against Racism/Anti-Nazi League, held in Paddington on 23 Nov 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of the Secretary of Waltham Forest Anti-Nuclear Campaign who's also in the Ecology Party, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting about the 'H' Block Hunger Strike, organised jointly by Revolutionary Communist Tendency and Troops Out Movement, held at Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street E8 on 3 Dec 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the International Marxist Group who led the demo against the British Movement in Paddington on 23 Nov 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Hackney District Socialist Workers Party on 'Ireland', held at the Hackney Trades and Labour Club on 26 Nov 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a joint meeting of Paddington Campaign Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League to prepare for a counter-demo against planned British Movement march in the area on 23 Nov, held at the 510 Centre, 510 Harrow Road W9 on 10 Nov 1980, inc 2 leaflets
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting to finalise arrangements for the Right to Work March picket of the Conservative Party Conference in Brighton on 10 Oct, held at Middlesex Polytechnic on 5 Oct 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the Right to Work March council has designated a committee to identify sites in London for possible occupation and public disorder in October 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Annual report for HN356/HN124 Bill Biggs, 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a conference of the Anti-Nuclear Alliance working on co-ordination between various London groups (HN155 listed as a group contact), held at the Carlton Centre, Carlton Vale NW6 on 12 July 1980
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6, inc requests for information both ways, held at MI5 on 22 July 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on district committee meeting of NW London SWP discussing an industrial dispute at Balco Engineering Works, held at Lancefield Buliding, Beethoven Street W10 on 17 June 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the Right to Work Campaign inc a performance of 'The Participation Waltz' by the Broadside Mobile Workers Theatre, held at the Howard Hall, Ponders End, Enfield on 20 March 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans of The Autonomists and Rising Free Collective to disrupt an anti-cuts rally organised by TUC to be held at Central Hall, Westminster on 14 May 1980, inc leaflet (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and employment details of an SWP member who is a shop steward for the National Association of Local Government Officers
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on district aggregate meeting of NW London SWP discussing apathy amongst members, HN126 elected to District Committee, held at Cricklewood Hotel, Edgware Road NW2 on 30 April 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on inaugural meeting of the Waltham Forest Anti-Nuclear Campaign with HN155 appointed Treasurer, held at redacted venue on 19 Feb 1980
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6 to introduce new F6 point of contact and discuss SDS officer progress, held in the Waterloo Despatch pub, Adams Row W1 on 8 April 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1979, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between the new head of the SDS DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6 to discuss SDS officers, provision of info and future requirements, held at Curzon Street House on 17 March 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch report on a discussion of SWP/ANL tactics to be used at a demo against the National Front in Southwark on 2 March 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming public meeting of Hackney District SWP to discuss recent redundancies at the local Lesneys toy factory, to be held at Chats Palace, Hackney on 27 Feb 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party on suppporting the steel workers strike, held the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 23 Jan 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a sponsored walk organised by Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League fundraising as part of a nationwide day of action to cover fines and legal costs after the Southall protest in 1979
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a protest march organised by Hackney Anti Nuclear Group calling for a ban on nuclear waste transports through London, held from Highbury Corner to Hackney Town Hall on 26 Jan 1980
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an SWP member being the full-time Flame organiser and editor
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on SWP encouragement of members to get involved in pickets in the steel workers' dispute
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Spartacus League inc photo (attached but redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on further personal details of an Oxford University Professor who subscribes to two Spartacus League publications
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of SWP member and cartoonist Phil Evans
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Kilburn SWP in response to request from MI5 to identify him
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of the Treasurer of London Spartacus League, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees of a District Social of NW London SWP, held at the Kings Head pub, High Street W3 on 22 Dec 1979
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting DI McIntosh of the SDS and the introduction of his successor, Trevor Butler, discussing training, cover identities and future coverage, held at Curzon St House on 2 Oct 1979
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Trevor Butler to Derek Kneale listing SDS officers who have applied to sit promotion exams
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting leaflet by Friends of Blair Peach Committee (attached)


Document Type
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 20
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (September 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (March 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 18
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 17
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 14 and Ruling 14
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 13
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 12
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 11
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 9
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 8
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 7
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Ruling 4 and Minded-To 6)
Ruling, Minded-To Note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 6
Explanatory note
Press Notice: Ruling, Minded-To Note and directions relating to the SDS
Press Notice
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications (Direction 22)


Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance
Tranche 1, Phase 3, Day 10 20 May 2022