Dates active:

Arthur Cunningham was a chief superintendent in Special Branch before and during the early years of the SDS. He was involved in setting up the squad and was SDS head HN325 Conrad Dixon’s superior officer. He strongly supported the continuation of the SDS after the 27 October 1968 demonstration. Awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for distinguished service on 1 January 1969, Cunningham was promoted to Commander of Special Branch in June 1969, remaining in the post until August 1971. His career beyond that is unclear.

During the first day of opening statements for the Tranche 1, Phase 3 hearings of the Undercover Policing Inquiry, Inquiry Chair John Mitting speculated that Cunningham could have been the person who introduced the practice of undercover officers using dead children’s identities. Remarking that there must have been some documentary evidence of the genesis of this policy, Mitting expressed hope that the Metropolitan Police Service could find it, as otherwise there would be no way of turning his speculation into something more concrete. No further evidence on this was provided to the Inquiry.

First months of the SDS

Documents released by the Inquiry relating to Arthur Cunningham cover a four-year period from 22 August 1967, almost a year before the SDS was created, to 19 August 1971. 

A chief superintendent during the October 1967 and March 1968 anti-Vietnam war demonstrations organised by the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC) , Cunningham played a role in the creation of the SDS and the extension of its lifespan beyond its original remit; to collect intelligence to prevent public disorder at the 27 October 1968 VSC demonstration. 

In rank, Cunningham was the superior of chief inspector HN325 Conrad Dixon  and detective inspector HN1251 Phil Saunders , who both led the unit in practice. There is little of interest in the few released documents with Cunningham’s name on them. A significant minority of them are memoranda from Dixon and Saunders asking Cunningham to request money from the SDS budget to be disbursed. Many others are minute sheets or covers of reports with Cunningham’s name listed as someone who has seen, or should see, the enclosed document.

The most interesting document is perhaps a 12-page collated report, ‘The Autumn Offensive—27th October Demonstration’, dated 28 October 1968 and signed by Cunningham. The report is a blow-by-blow account of the demonstration, describing the various incidents on the march, including the confrontation between police and protestors in Grosvenor Square. It also lists participants and groups, giving brief assessments of their intentions and political outlook. 

The information in the report would have come from numerous sources and mostly from observing events on the day.  On page 12 of his Interim Report, Inquiry Chair John Mitting emphasised how Cunningham reported that ‘despite successive determined charges, accompanied by the throwing of fireworks, small home-made bombs, bottles, staves and other objects, the police prevailed’.  

The MI5 ‘file notes’ on meetings between the security service and Special Branch leadership that carry his name are detailed in the ‘Cooperation with MI5’ section.

Continuation of the SDS

Cunningham’s support for extension of the SDS after the 27 October 1968 demonstration is shown in a memo dated 8 November 1968.  Writing in support of a proposal by SDS head Conrad Dixon for the squad’s continuation, Cunningham described SDS intelligence as ‘invaluable’ and stated: ‘I am convinced that with discretion there are handsome dividends to be earned in this field and that the operation so successfully begun should be continued.’

Contributing to a long chain of memos going all the way up the Special Branch chain of command to Commissioner HN1877 John Waldron , Cunningham later argued that SDS intelligence was ‘more accurate’ than information gained by other means and ‘would not have been obtained at all by our usual sources’. 

Cunningham also suggested that Conrad Dixon’s blueprint for the structure and operation of the future SDS, titled 'Penetration of Extremists Groups' , should be shared with MI5, though this suggestion was dismissed by Commander HN1253 Ferguson Smith.

Reviewing SDS progress after a further six months, on 20 May 1969 Cunningham advocated again for its continued existence in a memo to Commander Smith, writing, ‘in certain sensitive areas information is being obtained which could not be secured by the most skilful Special Branch officer using orthodox methods’. 

He also noted that ‘the emphasis of the squad’s work is shifting somewhat’ towards ‘gathering and recording information for long-term intelligence purposes’ as well as ‘obtaining evidence and identifying suspects in relation to breaches of the law before, during and after demonstrations’.   

One other noteworthy document in Cunningham’s disclosure is a recommendation for a commendation for SDS undercover HN323 Helen Crampton  and three other Special Branch officers on 28 February 1969.  Adding a note in support of the commendation, for the collection of evidence that led to the conviction of a Black Power activist, Cunningham wrote on 1 March that: ‘I have no doubt that this case will have a most chastening effect on the more militant extremists for some time to come’. 

For more information on this case see the profile of HN323 Helen Crampton.  

Cooperation with MI5

Cunningham was happy to oblige MI5’s requests for information-sharing from Special Branch informants. MI5 memos show Cunningham was instrumental in a September 1967 agreement between MI5’s F4 division and Special Branch’s B Squad, where Conrad Dixon worked as a chief inspector , to share information from two of Dixon’s paid informers.  

MI5’s F4 division should not to be confused with the Home Office’s F4 division that dealt with MI5 and the police. B Squad, in those years, was occupied with left-wing groups and subversion. A few years later this was taken over by C Squad, and B Squad focused on Irish issues.  

On 1 August 1968, right after the creation of the SDS, Cunningham, Dixon and Commander Smith met with three senior MI5 officers to coordinate plans for coverage of the 27 October 1968 demonstration on the day. The MI5 author noted that the SDS and MI5’s F4 branch ‘were already working closely together [redacted] against Trotskyist and Anarchist targets’.

On 14 January 1969, there was a further meeting between Cunningham, Dixon and MI5’s F4 division.  ‘The main purpose of this meeting was to assure the Metropolitan Special Branch officers that we were still intent on the utmost cooperation in the field of Trotskyist/Anarchist agents’ concluded the author. ‘[I]t became apparent from their reaction that they fully share this sentiment.’ 

As part of this cooperation, the author records that ‘we went through the targets as agreed between ourselves and F.1.A [part of MI5’s counter-subversion branch focused on the left]’ and asked Cunningham for help finding ‘long term sources against these targets’. 

Conrad Dixon then joined the meeting and explained on which groups the SDS was spying. The author met with SDS head Dixon the following day to discuss streamlining of information-sharing with MI5.  

Notably, MI5 warned Dixon and Cunningham of the negative consequences of groups finding out they had been infiltrated by police, as had recently happened in France, saying that they ‘hoped that this would not occur in this country’.


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Annual Qualification report for HN344 Ian Cameron, inc personal details, Jan 1972
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1971, inc letter to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Saunders to Cunningham on SDS expenditure, 21 June 1971
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1970
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Service
Approved Commissioner's Commendation for HN135's work with the SDS, inc minute sheet
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet on potential actions of the Stop The Seventy Tour, 6 p. various senior officers incl Commissioner
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Annual qualification report card for HN335 Mike Tyrrell, 1969-70
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet commending a report by HN294 apparently on International Socialists' interest in Northern Irish issues
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Service
Telegram on press enquiry about reported arrest of Tariq Ali in Paris and whether he has an arrest warrant in the UK
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram that Alain Krivine, leader of the 1968 Paris revolt and French Communist presidential candidate, will be addressing a meeting at Conway Hall on 31 May 1969
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet on a Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front conference covered by HN135 and HN336
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham on SDS expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham providing a summary and requesting funds
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Recommendation for Commendation or Reward for four officers inc HN323 Helen Crampton involved in the prosecution of a man who distributed the leaflet 'The Potential of a Militant Demonstration'
Arthur Cunningham
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting ensuring close co-operation with Special Branch, inc Dixon detailing SDS deployments, held at Scotland Yard on 14 Jan 1969
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham on SDS expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Redacted VSC report based on a informants notes, 7 December 1968, pp.231-232
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet from report concerning coverage of future Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation meetings
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo on meeting between Cunningham, Dixon and F2 detailing initial SDS financing
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham on initial SDS financing and expenditure
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Letter from Bromley police station with VSC leaflet on Green Berets film, 12 November 1968, pp.226-230
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report by Dixon on the future of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign following the 'Autumn Offensive' demo
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the VSC 'reporting back' on the Oct 1968 demonstration held at Conway Hall, 11 November 1968
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham on initial SDS accommodation needs
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Earls Court VSC public meeting, 31 October 1968, pp.205-206
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC ’Autumn Offensive’ demo, 13 page comprehensive review
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Message from 'reliable source' to the Met alleging Vietnam demo's real target is US embassy
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram on leafletting at Oct VSC demonstration encouraging targeting of US Embassy
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Met telegram with details of foreign students joining Notting Hill VSC for the Oct 27 march
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram from Dixon to Ch Supt on intel about how VSC stewards will keep control of Oct 1968 Vietnam War demo
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Commander Special Branch to Commander ‘A’ with info on attendees plans for the Oct 1968 Vietnam War demo, inc circular from October 27th Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam (attached)
Arthur Cunningham
Daily Telegraph
Daily Telegraph article ‘Commons "Target" for Vietnam Marchers’
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Weekly report by Dixon on preparations for the Oct 1968 VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on various offences of incitement effected by a leaflet titled “The Potential of a Militant Demonstration”
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheets on potential prosecution of the author of a leaflet entitled ‘The Potential of a Militant Demonstration’
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Weekly report by Dixon on preparations for Oct 1968 VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Information from a sensitive source about a VSC branch meeting, 14 September 1968, pp.50-55
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
VSC and Black Power meeting at Powis Square playground, 12 September 1968, pp.106
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Vietnam Solidarity Campaign and upcoming ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo, inc review of protest over previous decade and feared tactics
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of Notting Hill VSC at Essex Church, 4 September 1968, pp.44-45
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Information from a sensitive source about a VSC branch meeting (redacted), 5 September 1968, pp.84-86
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans for Vietnam Solidarity Campaign’s ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo, allegations of implausible militancy, inc news clippings
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram about public meeting, Queensway, 3 September 1968, pp.89
Arthur Cunningham
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting between MI5 and senior Special Branch officers with mention of new ’special squad’ and active offer of its help to MI5, Aug 1968
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report summarising Vietnam Solidarity Campaign’s ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo plan and infighting of its organisation
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Redcated report on VSC Notting Hill, 16 August 1968, pp.177-180
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
File documents on meeting between the police, Home Office and MI5 to discuss policy on demos ahead of Oct 1968 Vietnam demo
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans for Vietnam Solidarity Campaign’s ’Autumn Offensive’ demo
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
VSC branch meeting Report completely redcated, 12 August 1968, pp.173-176
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet and redacted botes on informants intelligence on VSC, 9 August 1968. pp. 191-195
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC meeting, Westbourne Grove, 6 August 1968, pp.163-164
Arthur Cunningham
Note for File reporting meeting between MI5 and senior Special Branch officers to discuss arrangements for Oct 27 Vietnam War demo, held at at Scotland Yard on 1 Aug 1968
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Redcated report on VSC, 1 August 1968, pp.153-155
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee for the 27th Oct Demo, held at Toynbee Hall E1 on 30 July 1968
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Reports on planned disruption of meeting of dockers at Smithfield Meat Market, 21 July 1968, p.103-106
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Completely redacted "information from a sensitive source, 15 July 1968, pp.82
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
VSC Planned tour through London with a van on 17 July 1968, p.90
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Possible Protest against Harold Wilson visit to Bradford University, 13 July 1968, p.18-19
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Marylebone Magistrates Court report of Powis Square Demo (25 May 1968) court proceedings, 27 May 1968, p.46-51
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet and Police Telegram, regarding VSC Demo in Notting Hill, 29 June 1968, pp.36-37
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Uniformed police arrangements, for 11 May 1968 Demo, by Hackney Youth VSC, pp. 55-57
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet on enquiry by DPP into individuals connected to the Grosvenor Square Vietnam demo of March 1968
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report and memo on VSC meeting planning March 1968 demo, held at Toynbee Hall E1, 11 Jan 1968
Arthur Cunningham
MI5 note for policy file from F4 reporting Special Branch's Chief Superintendent Cuningham has Deputy Commander Ferguson Smith's approval for an unspecified collaborative SB/MI5 scheme
Arthur Cunningham
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet with commentary on the scope of work of MI5 and Special Branch
Arthur Cunningham