Dates active:
Dead child identity:
Chief Detective Inspector Conrad Dixon

Conrad Hepworth Dixon was born on 27 January 1927 in Gillingham, Kent. After he attended a fee-paying school in Salisbury, Dixon’s Metropolitan Police record states that he started a degree but interrupted his studies to join the army in 1945, aged 18. 

After this he joined the Metropolitan Police in 1947 before transferring to Special Branch in 1950. Rising through the ranks, he was involved in personal protection before moving to B Squad which dealt with many of the same political groupings that the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) would. 

According to his own account, Dixon claimed it was his idea to form an undercover squad to deal with the forthcoming 27 October 1968 anti-Vietnam war demonstration. More certainly, he led the squad from its formation in July 1968 to early 1969. 

Dixon oversaw personnel management but also attended activist meetings. It was he who proposed that the SDS should continue, which was accepted by senior Metropolitan Police management in November 1968. Dixon was reassigned later in 1969 to a Special Branch unit in Wales, focusing on Welsh-nationalist activists.

Returning to London in 1970, he joined a team investigating the Angry Brigade who participated in a bombing campaign in London at the time. Dixon retired from the police in 1973. He died in 1999, having written his own obituary detailing his police career, including the SDS, for publication in The Times

Some of the assertions Dixon made about his police career in the obituary are contested and seemed to be designed to ensure the legacy he wanted, although his association with the SDS was later to be seen in a less than flattering light.


Conrad Hepworth Dixon was born on 27 January 1927 in Gillingham, Kent and was educated at the Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury.  His record of service says he enrolled for a degree. He did not complete it, however, joining the Royal Marines as a commissioned officer in 1945 at 18, then taking another job before joining the police in 1947.  

On demobilisation in 1946, he got a job with a football pools company, but according to his self-penned obituary, a 'bizarre sequence of events' led to him having to choose between becoming a coal miner or joining the Metropolitan Police. It was likely that Dixon was offered this choice under the Control of Engagement Order 1947.

Dixon described his choice of the Metropolitan Police as less auspicious as it was thought of at the time as being both 'ill paid' and 'poorly regarded' – as work for the 'strong' and 'not-too-bright'.

He joined the Metropolitan Police as a police constable on 8 December 1947 and transferred to Special Branch on 29 May 1950. He was promoted to detective sergeant in 1959, became a 'first-class sergeant’ on 6 January 1961 and was subsequently promoted to detective inspector.

Personal Protection Squad

Not all Dixon’s roles in Special Branch are known. It is clear that he spent some time within the personal protection – bodyguarding – squad in the late 1950s and early 1960s.  He claimed in his obituary that his duties included the security of Kenya's president, Jomo Kenyatta, and Pakistan's president, Ayub Khan.

Dixon added that he also provided protection for Sir Henry Brooke, who served as the Conservative British home secretary between 1962 and 1964, whom he 'came to admire and respect'. In February 1964, Dixon was promoted to the rank of detective inspector.

B Squad

Until 1969, B Squad was the part of Special Branch that monitored ‘Fascism, Anti-Fascism, Nuclear Disarmament, Trotskyism and Irish Extremists’.  Dixon was part of B Squad from at least August 1966.  

In the same year, Dixon attended the Intermediate Command Course at the Police College.  While in B Squad, on 22 August 1967, Dixon attended a meeting with the agent-handling section (F4) of MI5 to discuss the use of informants.  

Just prior to the formation of the SDS, a small number of reports relating to the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC)  bear Dixon's name. The most significant of these is dated 2 April 1968.  

It is a critical document in the history and formation of the SDS. The report analyses the 17 March 1968 anti-Vietnam war demonstration in central London, during which significant disorder broke out. The main body discusses the causes of the protest and identifies its leaders, including Ernie Tate and Tariq Ali, both core participants in the Inquiry. 

While implying that violence by marchers may have been planned, even by foreign agents, the report’s main conclusion was that the Metropolitan Police lacked intelligence about the organisations involved and that this should be rectified in future.

Dixon claimed in his obituary that until the SDS was formed no 'intelligence was coming in' from organisations such as the VSC.  Special Branch files published by the Inquiry show this to be untrue: for example, a large Special Branch file on the VSC refers to various sources of intelligence prior to the SDS’ formation on 31 July 1968, including from an informant.  

In the Special Demonstration Squad

Dixon was, according to his own account, the driving force behind the unit's creation. As shall be explored below, there is limited independent evidence to confirm this. However, there is no doubt that Dixon was the most senior officer during the SDS' first year of operation.


The SDS was formed on 31 July 1968, with Detective Chief Inspector Conrad Dixon as its most senior officer. However, no documents have been released that discuss the plans for its formation or even the need for an undercover unit. Hence, although Conrad Dixon is given credit in Inquiry Chair John Mitting's Interim Report  for producing the idea for the unit and for realising the plan, there is no evidence beyond Dixon's account in his obituary that it was his brainchild alone. 

Creamer was the officer who worked most closely with Dixon, describing himself as an indispensable right-hand man. He gave evidence that:

Conrad Dixon ran the SDS with a light reign [sic]. He wanted everyone to be comfortable and knew that they were taking risks. He was supportive. He led by example because he joined a group and did the same as the undercover officers.

However, some suggested that Dixon did not take his role or the SDS entirely seriously. For instance, Creamer said Dixon used the absurd cover name, Captain Birdseye  and wore a sailor’s hat when he attended VSC meetings.

More damningly, Creamer also said that Dixon's drive to set up the SDS was based on personal ambition rather than any particular interest or expertise in political policing.  Another colleague from 1968, Undercover officer HN336 ‘Dick Epps’  was blunter, suggesting that Dixon was in fact a 'brash chancer'.

In addition, Creamer is critical of Dixon's decision-making and knowledge of the groups that the SDS was targeting. He also suggests that he ghost-wrote Dixon’s reports:

 If there was anything of major importance coming from the field officers, I would have been told. Conrad Dixon and I would discuss the information and I would then draft what I thought we should say in the report. I would put into words what I knew he ought to be saying.

Creamer again reflects that Dixon was not by any means an expert on the groups they were to surveil, saying instead he 'relied on my knowledge of the left a bit as it was not his speciality’.  Also, devastatingly, Creamer said that one of his roles was to ‘restrain him from doing anything really stupid’.

In his obituary, Dixon's account of himself is somewhat different, portraying himself as an expert on the groups the SDS spied on, as well as being a man of action who also liked to be – and often was – at the centre of the action and would not be suited to a desk job.

From mid-1969, the number of SDS-related reports bearing Dixon’s name tailed off and by November 1969 he was seconded to a unit concerned with Welsh nationalism.  He also later attended a meeting with the Security Services as Chief Superintendent of C Squad (see below).

Post-SDS Career

After leaving the SDS, Dixon worked in a special unit monitoring Welsh-nationalist groups, which were at the time seen as a serious threat by Special Branch. He was then seconded to a criminal investigation into anarchist group The Angry Brigade, which had conducted a bombing campaign in London. Finally, he was appointed chief superintendent of C Squad.

Dixon and the Free Wales Army

Byddin Rhyddid Cymru, The Free Wales Army (FWA), was a paramilitary group founded in 1963 with the goal of creating an independent Welsh republic. Its formation was partly driven by perceived injustices from the British government, such as the flooding of the rural community of Capel Celyn in Gwynedd.

The FWA conducted marches in military attire and took responsibility for several bombings. Little is known about the extent of Dixon’s involvement in the investigation into the FWA. There was a dedicated police unit known as The Shrewsbury Unit that was explicitly set up to deal with Welsh-nationalist extremism. In his obituary, Dixon claims a prominent role, which led to the collapse of the Free Wales Army:

Dixon’s skills were next called upon in Wales, where the Free Wales Army was setting off minor explosions and was reported to be taking lessons from the IRA. The separatists were soon alarmed by the penetration of their groupuscules, and even produced a poster about the danger, which appeared on a host of telegraph poles. It showed a listening figure at a mountain crossroads, with the caption “Dixon’s Secret Police in Wales.” Before long the principal bomb-maker and his assistant were arrested, and the movement collapsed.

The poster that Dixon refers to above still exists. There is also one Special Branch report, dated 11 November 1969, which discusses a Special Branch intelligence source who might have intelligence about the nationalist protests against the investiture of Prince Charles in 1969.

Beyond this, there is little evidence to confirm the extent of Dixon’s involvement in the investigation – not least the implication in his obituary that he was responsible for the movement’s collapse.

In 1970, Dixon signed an SDS report as chief superintendent. At this time, the SDS did not have a dedicated officer of that rank – and different chief superintendents signed off on the intelligent reports.  This might suggest that Dixon had returned to London from his secondment to Wales, but in what role remains unclear.

Angry Squad investigation

On 12 January 1971, a bomb exploded in Home Secretary Robert Carr's house. This, and a series of other explosions, was claimed by an organisation calling itself The Angry Brigade  in a series of communiques.  

Although the investigation was headed by CID detective Roy Habershon, a small group of Special Branch officers, including Roy Creamer and Dixon, were attached to the investigation due to the suspected involvement of anarchists in the attacks. According to Dixon’s obituary he played a crucial part in the investigation:

[Dixon] headed the intelligence unit for the Angry Brigade [inquiry]. Conrad Dixon found they had two weaknesses. They lived in communes which were natural ports of call for other revolutionaries and financed their activities by cheque and credit card fraud.

A 1975 book on the Angry Brigade by BBC journalist Gordon Carr, however, featured an interview with Roy Creamer, in which he stated that Habershon's work led to the arrest and eventual trial of several suspects. Specifically, Creamer gives Habershon credit for the cheque-fraud angle, which Dixon claimed for himself.

Poster for the Stoke Newington 8 (Angry Brigade Defendants)
Poster for Stoke Newington 8 (1972).  

The Inquiry published one contemporaneous document regarding the investigation into the Angry Brigade.  Composed by Creamer, it was authorised by Dixon, suggesting that he participated in the investigation, as the most senior Special Branch officer.

Chief superintendent C Squad

An MI5 document dated 16 January 1973 suggests that Dixon was chief superintendent of C Squad in 1972.  The 'note to file' records details of a conversation with new Special Branch C Squad boss HN 1254 Rollo Watts , who mentioned that he had just taken over the role from Conrad Dixon.

Another document details liaison between Special Branch and MI5 earlier in 1972.  Dixon's presence is noted, but although his rank as a chief superintendent is mentioned, his precise role is not.


Dixon retired at the rank of detective chief superintendent in 1973 after 25 years in the Metropolitan Police. In his draft obituary, Dixon gave the impression that he had been begged to stay, writing:

In 1973, there was strong pressure on him to conform – and go to Bramshill Police College for training as an embryo Chief Constable. He argued passionately that it made no sense to transform a leader of irregulars into a garrison commander sitting behind a desk but his superiors would not give way and he left the service to  start a new life as a writer and academic.

However, according to his MPS service record, he was 'discharged 11 August 1973 at age 46 on the grounds of ill health’.

Three years later, it became known that Dixon had been less than discreet about the secret existence of the SDS. In 1976, an MI5 document referred to a training course that Dixon had run before retirement for police forces outside London, where he detailed SDS operations. 

The note suggested that there was knowledge of the SDS throughout England's police forces. The dissemination of the information was said to have been a 'mistake' on Dixon's behalf.

Dixon wrote in his obituary that after retiring he completed a degree at Exeter University and a PhD at University College London and subsequently published several monographs on nautical navigation.  He was also a director of the charity Westminster Boating between 1991 and 1997.

Dixon died on 13 April 1999 aged 72. He had prepared his own obituary, which was published by The Times on 28 April 1999.  The Inquiry also published a longer version, which had not previously been made public.  

Alongside this is a 'file to note', which SDS senior officers HN53  and HN58  examined. Aside from a request to change the unit's nickname from the 'Hairy' to 'Scruffy' Squad, they expressed no concerns about the publication of the notice.

In the Inquiry

Dixon had died by the time the Inquiry had started and no application was made to restrict his real name, which was already in the public domain following the publication of his obituary. Inquiry Chair John Mitting issued a Minded To notice on 3 August 2017 that Dixon’s real name would be published.  That the nominal HN325 referred to Dixon was only revealed when Inquiry hearings began in 2021. 

See the documents tab for the full set of evidential and procedual documents relating to Dixon.


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 16 May 2022


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
File note regarding an obituary for Conrad Dixon
Conrad Dixon
Fax of extended obituary for Conrad Dixon
Conrad Dixon
The Times
The Times' obituary of Conrad Dixon
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meetings of Women's Abortion and Contraception Campaign (WACC) and the Women’s Liberation Movement, held at Bristol University Students Union on 9 Sept 1972 , inc pamphlets 'Enough' and 'Women and Abortion' and registration form (none attached)
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch letter to MI5 enclosing minutes of meeting of MI5, Commander Rodger, Dixon, Saunders, HN294 and DS Smith to discuss coverage and overlap, inc names of targeted groups and problem areas, held at New Scotland Yard on 13 Jan 1972
Conrad Dixon
MI5 note for policy file rebutting points in minutes of 13 Jan 1972 meeting with Special Branch about relations between them on coverage and overlap
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing a Daily Telegraph article written about them, held at Finch pub, Goodge Street W1 on 17 Dec 1970
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing recent sit-in at Barclays Bank along with discussion of future plans, held at Students Meeting House, 103 Gower Street WC1 on 29 Nov 1970
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing upcoming sit-ins on 26 Nov 1970, held at AAM offices, 89 Charlotte St on 12 Nov 1970
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Camden VSC, held in private room at Dublin Castle pub on 22 Jan 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the National conference of the VSC attaching associated documents and leaflets 3rd February 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held in private room at the Dolphin pub, Bidborough Street on 15 July 1969, inc leaflet for upcoming march to the Ulster Office on 20 July 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, held at Friends Meeting House on 11 July 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private weekly meeting of Camden VSC inc appraisal of the 'Liberation Tour' demos, held at Laurel Tree pub, Bayham Street NW1 on 2 July 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign planning demo of 20 July 1969, held at the Dolphin, Bidborough Street on 1 July 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an emergency meeting of the London Region BVSF to expel Bateson and Ibrahim, held at Union Tavern on 26 June 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a National Seminar held by the Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation, held at at Leicester University on 14-17 June 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of the London Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation and attaching a leaflet advertising an 'Emergency Conference' on 22 June, held at Room 229, Portland Hall, Little Titchfield Street W1 on 11 June 1969
Conrad Dixon
MI5 note for file on request to DI Dixon of Special Branch for more info from a casual contact of an SB officer
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report the location of private meetings of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting Camden VSC, held at the Laurel Tree pub NW1 on 4 June 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a joint meeting of BVSF and Friends of China to discuss the 9th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, held at Union Tavern on 1 June 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Service
Telegram on press enquiry about reported arrest of Tariq Ali in Paris and whether he has an arrest warrant in the UK
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular private meeting of Camden VSC discussing a potential film to be made by the group, held at Laurel Tree pub NW1 on 21 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the London branch of Peoples Democracy, held at Grafton Arms, Prince of Wales Road NW5 on 20 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of London International Marxist Group discussing the 9th International Congress of the Fourth International, held at Conway Hall on 14 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report concerning a conference of local groups organised by the VSC 19th May 1969 Mailcoach pub, Sheffield
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the London branch of People's Democracy, held at private room of Grafton Arms, 20 Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town NW5 on 15 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private weekly meeting of London BVSF held at the Union Tavern WC1 on 11 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Camden VSC possibly where HN329 agreed to write for Red Camden, held at the Laurel Tree pub, Bayham Street NW1 on 14 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Camden VSC changing Secretary & Treasurer with details of new Treasurer who's only 12
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of London International Marxist Group, held at Conway Hall on 11 May 1969 
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet on a Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front conference covered by HN135 and HN336
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an open conference held by the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, held at Fyvie Hall, Regent Street Polytechnic W1 on 26-27 April 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham on SDS expenditure
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, held at the Union Tavern on 4 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on march held by the BVSF to support Huey Newton, held from Speaker’s Corner, Hyde Park to the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square on 1 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on proposed VSC demonstration to take place on 1 May 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Camden VSC discussing 1 May demo, held at the Laurel Tree pub NW1 on 16 April 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly private meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, held at the Union Tavern on 13 April 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Camden VSC discussing the CND Easter march, held at the Laurel Tree pub NW1 on on 2 April 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, discussing RSSF conference and participation in 7 April CND march, held at Union Tavern, King's Cross Rd on 30 Mar 1969.
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of NW London VSC, held at Friends Meeting House NW3 on 18 Feb 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Lambeth VSC inc list of principal members in response to Chief Superintendent's request
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Camden VSC discussing participation in 16 March demo, held at Laurel Tree pub, Bayham Street NW1 on 12 March 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front to discuss policy after a demo earlier that day, held at the Union Tavern N1 on 9 March 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report by Riby Wilson on upcoming 9 March 1969 demo by the Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Camden VSC discussing attendance at upcoming demos at Heathrow Airport and the House of Commons, held at a private residence on 4 Mar 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham providing a summary and requesting funds
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Morning Star cutting on Sheffield VSC Demo, 20 December 1969, pp.266
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Camden VSC discussing protests during the Nixon visit and the group bulletin, held at the Laurel Tree pub, Bayham Street NW1 on 26 Feb 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Lambeth VSC about March 16 demo held at Duke of Cambridge pub, Durham Street SE11 on 6 Feb 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report by Riby Wilson on upcoming 9 March 1969 demo by the Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report meeting of West Ham Anarchists discussing leaflets for an upcoming by election, one discouraging voting the other anti-National Front, held at Durning Hall, Earlham Grove E7 on Monday 20 Jan 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the BVSF and Maoists trying to identify those elements which cause disruption on mass demos and are of interest in a public order context
Conrad Dixon
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting ensuring close co-operation with Special Branch, inc Dixon detailing SDS deployments, held at Scotland Yard on 14 Jan 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Camden VSC, held at Dublin Castle, Parkway on 15 Jan 1969
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham on SDS expenditure
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Internal VSC policy discussion document, written after Oct 1968 demo, placed on file as representing "the views of a substantial non aligned minority in the VSC"
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on various VSC events, December 1968, pp.217-218
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Press cutting about NLF event in Paris, 21 December 1968, pp.245
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Photograph of Riby Wilson, Phil Saunders, Conrad Dixon, Bill Furner and HN332 (Exhibit WF/13 to HN3095 Bill Furner’s Witness Statement)
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Earls Court Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, held at 251 Cromwell Road SW5 on 16 Dec 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report relating to various VSC matters, 9 December 1968, pp.195-197
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Redacted VSC report based on a informants notes, 7 December 1968, pp.231-232
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet from report concerning coverage of future Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation meetings
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo on meeting between Cunningham, Dixon and F2 detailing initial SDS financing
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham on initial SDS financing and expenditure
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
'Penetration of Extremist Groups', Dixon on SDS achievements and future structure and strategy,
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Internal VSC documents analysing the Oct 27 1968 demo, placed on Special Branch files in Nov 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Camden VSC, held at 16 Marlborough Place NW8 on 13 Nov 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Letter from Bromley police station with VSC leaflet on Green Berets film, 12 November 1968, pp.226-230
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report by Dixon on the future of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign following the 'Autumn Offensive' demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the VSC 'reporting back' on the Oct 1968 demonstration held at Conway Hall, 11 November 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telephone message regarding VSC meeting at Conway Hall, 11 November 1968, pp.215
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham on initial SDS accommodation needs
Conrad Dixon
Daily Telegraph
Telegraph article 'The Revolution that Never Was' by Peter Gladstone Smith, after Oct 27 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Hampstead VSC meeting, 30 October 1968, pp.201-202
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Croydon VSC meeting debrief about 27th October demo, 31 October 1968, pp.203-204
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Notting Hill VSC, with members of the International Socialists present, held at Essex Church Hall W8, 30 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on national "report-back" VSC meeting after the Oct 1968 demo, held at Conway Hall 29 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Havering International Socialists reviewing the 27 Oct Vietnam War demo, held at Edwin Lambert Hall, Romford on 29 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the BVSF analysing the October 27th Vietnam War demo, held at the at Union Tavern N1 on 28 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Letter from US Ambassador David Bruce to Commander Ferguson Smith expressing gratitude for intelligence work done on the Oct 27 VSC demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report responding to request for details on the owner of a car seen at VSC Ad Hoc Committee meetings in July and August 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Photograph of Conrad Dixon - Exhibit ASR/2 to HN334’s Witness Statement
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet on 27 Oct 1968 VSC demonstration
Conrad Dixon
Daily Mail
Daily Mail article '41 arrests in march' after Oct 27 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram reporting on a 1000 LSE students joining the Oct 27 Vietnam War demo, split over going to US embassy
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram from Dixon to Ch Supt on intel about how VSC stewards will keep control of Oct 1968 Vietnam War demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Service
Telegram saying Crystal Palace Camping Site checked ahead of Vietnam demo and no foreign students were present
Conrad Dixon
Morning Star
Morning Star article ‘Link-arms call to Communists for Sunday’ ahead of Oct 27 1968 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Final weekly report by Dixon on preparations for Oct 1968 VSC 'Autumn Offensive’ demo, inc letter from Cunningham presenting it to Home Office
Conrad Dixon
The Guardian
The Guardian article ‘No mindless militancy on march – Tariq Ali’ by John Ezard ahead of Oct 27 1968 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Morning Star
Morning Star article ‘October 27: militancy but no punch-up is aim’ by Peter Avis
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Public meeting report VSC/IS, Islington Town Hall, 21 October 1968, pp.192-194
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Durham VSC members’ arrangements to attend 27 Oct 1968 Vietnam War demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on leaflet of Havering International Socialism and Havering VSC (leaflet illegible)
Conrad Dixon
The Guardian
The Guardian article ‘Cohn-Bendit banned but others slip in’ by John Ezard, on foreign militant students entering the UK for the Oct 1968 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a teaching student who knows Tariq Ali
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Earls Court VSC about the Oct 27 Vietnam demo, held at Earls Court Road / Hogarth Road junction SW5 on 17 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Lambeth VSC meeting at Old Queen’s Head, Brixton, 17 October 1968, pp.185-186
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC meeting Lancaster Rd/Ladbroke Grove, 17 October 1968, pp.187-188
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram regarding Notting Hill VSC meeting in Ladbroke Grove, 17 October 1968, pp.189-190
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram on a meeting of LSE Students’ Union which voted to occupy the building in support of the Oct 27 Vietnam War demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front inc film screening and tactics for Oct 27 demo, held at Co-op Hall, Rochester Road NW5 on 16 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Tariq Ali is to address a Students’ Union in Hounslow on 4 Nov 1968 on subject of the Oct 27 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front showing filme 'The Threatening Sky' and planning for Oct 27 demo, held at the Co-op Hall, Rochester Road NW5 on 16 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the NW London branch of the VSC 27 October Ad Hoc Committee, held at at Friends Meeting House NW3 on 16 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
The Guardian
Guardian article ‘Mr Callaghan will stop "violent" students entering’, Home Secretary barring foreign students with records of violence from entering the UK ahead of the Oct 1968 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Daily Telegraph
Daily Telegraph article ‘Commons "Target" for Vietnam Marchers’
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on film screening and meeting of Notting Hill VSC, held at Essex Church Hall W8, 16 Oct 1968, inc detailed group manifesto leaflet
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Weekly report by Dixon on preparations for the Oct 1968 VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Britain-Vietnam Solildarity Front, held at Student Union (Committee Restroom), Regent Street Polytechnic on 15 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC meeting on Portobello Road, 15 October 1968, pp.174
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Havering International Socialists ahead of 27 Oct Vietnam War demo, held at redacted private address on 15 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Notting Hill VSC on the subject of American aggression in Vietnam, filmed by BBC, held at juntion of Westbourne Grove and Queensway W2 on 15 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Durham VSC meeting 13 Oct in Dunelm house, 13 October 1968, pp.175-176
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Croydon VSC meeting, 14 October 1968, pp.177-178
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Swansea University students ('who call themselves "Anarchists"') plan to attend the 27 Oct Vietnam War demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Earls Court and Notting Hill branches of VSC to discuss tactics for the 27 Oct demo, held at Union Tavern WC1 on 13 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
The Times
Sunday Times article ”Playboy’ Ali attacked as marchers get militant’ by Alexander Mitchell, detailing factionalism in anti-Vietnam War movement and route of Oct 27 march
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on SE London Ad Hoc Ctee meeting in Coop Hall, Catford, 12 October 1968, pp.163-165
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the SE London Ad Hoc Committee of the VSC on the Vietnam War and plans for Oct 27 1968 demo, held at Co-op Hall, Catford on 11 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
The Guardian
The Guardian article ‘Vietnam marchers condemn leaflet’ by John Ezard
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Lambeth VSC at Old Queens Head, Brixton, 10 October 1968, pp.161-162
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the NW London VSC Ad Hoc Committee planning Oct 27 demo and other events, held at Friends Meeting House NW3 on 9 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the NW London VSC Ad Hoc Committee planning Oct 27 demo and other events, held at Friends Meeting House NW3 on 9 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheets on potential prosecution of the author of a leaflet entitled ‘The Potential of a Militant Demonstration’
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on lack of CND support for Vietnam Solidarity Campaign’s ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Notting Hill VSC, held at Essex church hall on 9 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Croydon VSC at New Ruskin House, 7 October 1968, pp.159-160
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC meeting at Speakers Corner, 6 October 1968, pp.157-158
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Havering International Socialists plannsing for 27 Oct Vietnam War demo, held at the King's Head, Romford on 5 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Havering VSC members’ arrangements to attend the 27 Oct 1968 Vietnam War demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Public meeting of VSC NW London ad-hoc Committee, 2 October 1968, pp.116-118
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Lambeth VSC meeting in the New Queens Head, Brixton, 30 September 1968, pp.148-149
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Weekly report by Dixon on preparations for Oct 1968 VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram on a person allegedly asking kids for materials to make smoke bombs, and who 'has an interest in' the 27 Oct Vietnam War demo
Conrad Dixon
The Guardian
The Guardian article ‘Tariq Ali wants police to stay clear of march’ re: Oct 27 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Daily Telegraph
Daily Telegraph article ‘Avoid Vietnam Rally, Police are Told’, ahead of Oct 27 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
The S*n
The S*n editorial 'Impudent warning' condemning Tariq Ali for wanting police to stay away at Oct 27 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC South West Ad-Hoc Ctee, Stockwell, 2 October 1968, pp.119-120
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Notting Hill VSC, held at Essex church hall on 2 Oct 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Information from a sensitive source about a VSC branch meeting, 30 September 1968, pp.113-115
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC street meeting, Westbourne Grove, 30 September 1968, pp.140-141
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Street meeting of Notting Hill VSC, 29 Sept 1968, Pembroke Gardens, 29 September 1968, pp.142
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram from Kensington police that Lambeth VSC hold meetings at Duke of Cambridge, Kensington, 24 September 1968, pp.130
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Public meeting of Notting Hill VSC at Queensway, 24 September 1968, pp.65-66
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Croydon VSC reforming, 24 September 1968, pp.67
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Notting Hill VSC concerning American aggression in Vietnam, held at at Queensway / Westbourne Grove junction on 24 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Note from Peckham police station on VSC leaflet distributed in Brixton, 23 September 1968, pp.128
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on performance of VSC NW London Ad Hoc Ctee at Kentish Town Railway Station, 23 September 1968, pp.63-64
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Weekly report by Dixon on preparations for Oct 1968 VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the October 27th Committee for Solildarity with Vietnam, held at Union Tavern WC2 on 22 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the October 27th Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam inc protest leaflet handed out at 'Green Beret' film, held at the Union Tavern WC2 on 22 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Earls Court Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, held at Prince of Wales pub (upstairs room), Old Brompton Road SW5 on 23 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Redacted report about a VSC branch, 22 September 1968, pp.60-62
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Lambeth VSC street meeting on Brixton Rd, 21 September 1968, pp.129
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on SE London VSC meeting on the 27 Oct demo, held on 18 September 1968, pp.58-59
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minutes of meeting between Home Office, the Met and MI5 to discuss Oct 27 Vietnam march, held at Leconfield House on 20 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Meeting report NW VSC London Ad Hoc Ctee, 18 September 1968, pp.56-57
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans for Vietnam Solidarity Campaign’s ‘Autumn Offensive’demo and supposed anti-police anti-state basis
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the NW London Ad Hoc Committee of the VSC planning the October 27 demo, held at Friends Meeting House on 18 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Notting Hill VSC ahead of the Oct 27 demo, held at Westbourne Grove/ Queensway junction on 19 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of Notting Hill VSC, planning for the Oct 27 demo, held at Essex church W8 on 18 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on recent formation of the Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Movement to agitite for militancy at Oct 27 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting documents prepared by Ernie Tate on the Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the IMG held to meet socialist candidate for the US Presidency Fred Halstead, held on 18 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the VSC 27 October Ad Hoc Committee, 'Why do we demonstrate?', held at unspecified location on 17 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC Office on Commercial Road, East London, 17 September 1968, pp.68-70
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an anticipated public meeting of Kilburn VSC that did not take place, due to be held on Portobello Rd on 14 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram announcing Notting Hill VSC scheduled meeting at Westbourne Grove is cancelled, 15 September 1968, pp.107
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the October 27th Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam, held at the Union Tavern WC2 on 15 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Information from a sensitive source about a VSC branch meeting, 14 September 1968, pp.50-55
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Meeting of Notting Hill VSC at Essex Church, 13 September 1968, pp.100-101
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Notting Hill VSC inc plans for leaflets, held at Essex Church, Palace Gardens Terrace W8 on 11 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a phone message from the crime collator at Wanstead about stolen timers and copper drums in case they could be used to make bombs for the upcoming Oct 27 Vietnam war demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of NW London VSC Ad Hoc Committee on the October demonstration, held at Friends Meeting House, Heath Street NW3 on 11 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly public meeting of Earls Court VSC, held at Hogart Road junction with Earls Court Road SW5 on 19 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram regarding a VSC and Black Power meeting in Powis Square, Notting Hill, 12 September 1968, pp.104-105
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Earls Court Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, held at junction of Hogarth Rd and Earls Court Rd SW5 on 12 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC public meeting, held at Queensway junction N2, 10 September 1968, pp.96-98
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Vietnam Solidarity Campaign and upcoming ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo, inc review of protest over previous decade and feared tactics
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Notting Hill Vietnam Solidarity Campaign on the subject of ‘British Imperialism and the complicity with US aggression in Vietnam’, held at Queensway junction with Westbourne Grove W2 on 10 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Libertarian Left Conference held at Conway Hall on 8 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Meeting of Notting Hill VSC, Pembridge Gardens, 8 September 1968, pp.91-92
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Information from a sensitive source about a VSC branch meeting, 6 September 1968, pp.42-43
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of Notting Hill VSC at Essex Church, 4 September 1968, pp.44-45
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Public meeting of VSC NW London Ad Hoc Ctee in Haverstock Hill, 5 Sept 1968, pp.46-47
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Information from a sensitive source about a VSC branch meeting (redacted), 5 September 1968, pp.84-86
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans for Vietnam Solidarity Campaign’s ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo, allegations of implausible militancy, inc news clippings
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
VSC public Meeting at Westbourne Grove Junction, W2, 3 September 1968, pp.87-88
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on two Oxford University Students involved in the VSC, 4 September 1968, pp.90
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of Notting Hill VSC, held at Westbourne Grove junction with Queensway on 3 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of the National Executive of Young Liberals is secretly working for International Socialists and trying to get YL to support the VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo on Oct 27
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a group of people, inc Manchanda, seen meeting, going to the pub then on to a meeting of the Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation at Regent St Polytechnic on 4 Sept 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC member, previously arrested at Powis Square, Notting Hill, 3 September 1968, pp.40-41
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram about public meeting, Queensway, 3 September 1968, pp.89
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC activity at Hampstead Fair, 31 August- 1 September 1968. pp36-37
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Public VSC meeting, Pembridge Gardens, Notting Hill, 1 September 1968, pp.34-35
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC members including Pat Jordan, 31 August 1968, pp.29-30
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC 28 Aug 1968 at Essex Church Hall, 30 August 1968, pp.26-27
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Notting Hill VSC meeting inc discussing summonses given to members involved with Powis Square demo of 25 May, held at Essex Church Hall W8 on 28 Aug 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Entire file on Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (Aug 1968-Jan 1969)
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on observation kept in Earls Court Rd expecting VSC street meeting, 29 August 1968, pp.28
Conrad Dixon
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting between MI5 and senior Special Branch officers with mention of new ’special squad’ and active offer of its help to MI5, Aug 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Collection of reports on arrest of VSC member at Queensway, 27 August 1968, pp.73-83
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Cover to Special Branch file 346/68/15 Pt.2 - 'VSC Autumn Offensive 1968'
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
List of names of Kilburn VSC (also members of IS), 23 August 1968, pp.18-24
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC meeting which did not happen, Commercial Road, Whitechapel, 22 August 1968, pp.229-230
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Marylebone Magistrates Court, trial of three people arrested at Powis Square VSC demo (25 May 1968), 21 August 1968, pp.225-229
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report summarising Vietnam Solidarity Campaign’s ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo plan and infighting of its organisation
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Notting Hill VSC on the subject of American aggression in Vietnam, held at Westbourne Grove junction with Queensway W11 on 20 Aug 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Notting Hill VSC with no speeches just various business, held at Essex Church, Palace Gardens Terrace W8 on 21 Aug 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of a private meeting of the VSC (restricted to ticket holders), held at Conway Hall on 20 Aug 1968.
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Reports relating to court appearance of Notting Hill VSC members, 19 August 1968, pp.181-186
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Notting Hill VSC on the subject of imperialist aggression in Vietnam, held on Notting Hill Gate's junction with Pembridge Gardens W11, 18 Aug 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
File documents on meeting between the police, Home Office and MI5 to discuss policy on demos ahead of Oct 1968 Vietnam demo
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
VSC branch meeting Report completely redcated, 12 August 1968, pp.173-176
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC meeting (nc UCPA Black Power newsletter) , 11 August 1968, pp.196-202,
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet and redacted botes on informants intelligence on VSC, 9 August 1968. pp. 191-195
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Public meeting of Notting Hill VSC, Westbourne Grove, 6 August 1968, pp.160-162
Conrad Dixon
Note for File reporting meeting between MI5 and senior Special Branch officers to discuss arrangements for Oct 27 Vietnam War demo, held at at Scotland Yard on 1 Aug 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Redcated report on VSC, 1 August 1968, pp.153-155
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Cover to Special Branch file 346/68/15 A - ’VSC Autumn Offensive 1968 Press Cuttings’
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee for the 27th Oct Demo, held at Toynbee Hall E1 on 30 July 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Notting Hill VSC, 25 July 1968, pp.135-136
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheets among managers regarding plans and expectations for the upcoming VSC ’Autumn Offensive’ demo on Oct 27 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
File documents on the VSC inc meeting agendas and financial statements, marked as for the attention of CI Dixon
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report prepared for Director of Public Prosecutions on the March 1968 Grosvenor Square demo, 44 pages inc witness statements
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Vietnam War demo of March 1968
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet on enquiry by DPP into individuals connected to the Grosvenor Square Vietnam demo of March 1968
Conrad Dixon
MI5 note for policy file from F4 reporting Special Branch's Chief Superintendent Cuningham has Deputy Commander Ferguson Smith's approval for an unspecified collaborative SB/MI5 scheme
Conrad Dixon
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with DI Dixon on Special Branch policy for unpaid informants and paid agents inc explanation of jargon in reports eg 'a reliable but delicate source'
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet authored by DI Dixon
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting & march held by the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, at Mahatma Gandhi Hall, Fitzroy Street, on 6 August 1966
Conrad Dixon
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
MPS Record of Service for Conrad Dixon, 1947-1973
Conrad Dixon


Document Type
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 20
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (September 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (March 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 18
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 17
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 14 and Ruling 14
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 13
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 12
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 11
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 9
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 8
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 7
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 6
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 5
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (January 2018 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (November 2017 update)
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Minded-To Note 1)
Minded-To Note
Press Notice: Minded-to Note, ruling and directions in respect of anonymity applications relating to the SDS
Press Notice
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (August 2017 update)
Explanatory note
Extension of time for service of anonymity applications by the MPS in respect of the SDS (Direction 12)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach


Conrad Hepworth Dixon
Navigation by Pocket Calculator
Granada Publishing
Jac St. John
‘The Battle of Grosvenor Square’ and the birth of the Special Demonstration Squad
Special Branch Files
John Humphreys
Freedom Fighters: Wales's Forgotten 'War'. 1963-1993
University of Wales Press