Targeted by:
HN326 'Doug Edwards' (1970 - 1971)
HN339 'Stewart Goodman' (1970 - 1971)
At least spied on:
Other names:

The Dambusters Mobilising Committee (DMC), active from 1969-1972, was an umbrella organisation of anti-apartheid and anti-colonial groups, set up at the request of the African National Congress (ANC), to campaign against the construction of the Cabora Bassa dam in Mozambique, then still under Portuguese rule. The dam's purpose was to supply hydropower to apartheid South Africa and Southern Rhodesia. 

Affiliated groups included the Committee for Freedom in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea (CFMAG), the Haslemere Group, the Young Liberals, the Portuguese Students Committee, and the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) which played a key role in coordinating the campaign. It was spied on between 1969 and 1971 by HN326 ‘Doug Edwards’  and HN339 'Stewart Goodman’. 

The DMC targeted British companies to prevent their involvement in the project. They organised protests and pickets at branches of Barclays Bank, for example, which was supplying credit for the dam’s construction. DMC developed a programme of shareholder action, organising the purchase of single shares and distributing them to activists who would then attend the companies’ AGMs, either to disrupt proceedings or to vote against their involvement in the dam. They hosted teach-ins at universities to recruit students to the campaign.

Although the dam was eventually built and the DMC was disbanded, its campaign against Barclays' involvement in the dam was crucial to the high profile campaign against the bank’s involvement in the apartheid regime in South Africa, which continued through the 1970s and 1980s. This campaign saw success when Barclays pulled out of South Africa in 1986.


 Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Phone message on targets of pickets by Anti-Apartheid Movement and Dambusters Mobilising Committee
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1971, inc letter to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Phone message on upcoming Dambusters Mobilising Committee “Day of Action” picket of MoD on 10 June 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Phone message on Dambusters Mobilising Committee ‘Day of Action’ plan to picket MoD on 10 June 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee where members who'd bought shares in firms with financial interests in South Africa discussed attending AGMs
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing a member getting 100 shares in Barclays Bank, held at AAM offices, 89 Charlotte Street W1 on 12 Feb 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing research on best targets for a planned day of action on 9 March, held at AAM offices, 89 Charlotte Street W1 on 29 Jan 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing a planned day of action against British companies involved in the Cahora Bassa dam, held at AAM HQ, 89 Charlotte St on 20 Jan 1971 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing a Daily Telegraph article written about them, held at Finch pub, Goodge Street W1 on 17 Dec 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing recent sit-in at Barclays Bank along with discussion of future plans, held at Students Meeting House, 103 Gower Street WC1 on 29 Nov 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing upcoming sit-ins on 26 Nov 1970, held at AAM offices, 89 Charlotte St on 12 Nov 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing co-ordinated sit-ins at branches of Barclays Bank and other comapnies involved in Cabora Bassa Dam on 26 Nov 1970, held at AAM office, 89 Charlotte St on 20 Oct 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Dambusters Mobilising Committee discussing future actions, held at 89 Charlotte St on 1 Oct 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the National Committee of Stop the Seventy Tour, held at 21a Gwendolen Ave SW15 on 3 May 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report with information on South Africa Commisson whose members participate in demos against the South African touring team
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting minutes of a meeting of the Dambusters Mobilising Committee, held at YCL offices, King St WC2 on 30 Jan 1970, and a doc Notes on Barclays DCO' (actual docs not included)