The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is the contemporary name for the Trotskyist political party founded as the Socialist Review Group in 1950 and known as the International Socialists (IS) from 1962 to 1977. The IS/SWP was of significant interest to the policing and MI5 apparatus. It was spied on by at least 35 SDS undercovers, listed below, deployed at branch and district level and in the party’s headquarters.
From the early 1970s, IS was the biggest of the ‘small’ left-wing parties operating in Britain, with a membership of more than 3,000.
It was involved with a huge number of left-wing campaigns and groups, student protests and occupations. Groups in which it had an influential presence included the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC)Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC)The Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC) was formed in 1966 as a collaboration between the International Marxist Group and the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. Though dominated by Trotskyists, the VSC was able to forge broad coalitions across the left through its use of ad-hoc committees to plan specific actions. The VSC’s campaigning activities went into sharp decline in 1969, ceasing to function from October that year. Full page: Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC) and, in the 1950s, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is a mass organisation founded in 1957 that advocates for unilateral nuclear disarmament. In the early 1980s, it had around 100,000 members and attracted 250,000 people to its marches. Despite Special Branch and MI5 acknowledging that it was not a subversive organisation, it was spied on by both, including SDS undercovers HN65 'John Kerry' and HN88 'Timothy Spence' in the 1980s.
In the late 1970s, the SWP took a leading role in anti-fascist organising. It was the main organisation behind the Anti-Nazi League and played a key part in Rock Against Racism. SWP publications Women’s Voice and Flame addressed feminist and black workers’ issues.
The IS/SWP was involved in various industrial disputes and campaigns around employment, including the 1972 Right to Work march, building strikes, and other key flashpoints for labour militancy. Through the IS/SWP’s close connections to workplace organising, the SDS could use the organisation as a proxy for gathering intelligence on union membership and militancy.
MI5 actively sought this information from the SDS, which is likely to have contributed to the blacklisting – so-called ‘vetting’ – that prevented politically active people securing employment in both the private and public sectors.
In 1979, Blair Peach was killed by police officers at a counter-fascist protest in Southall, west London. The justice campaign for Blair Peach was led by the SWP and his partner Celia Stubbs, a core participant in the Inquiry.
The SWP newspaper, Socialist Worker, was foundational to its organising model. It was a source of funds and a means of generating engagement and recruiting new members. However, undercover officers were able to access membership information by taking on the role of ‘paper organiser’ in local branches. In the 1970s and 1980s newspaper sales became a flashpoint as they were often carried out in competition with those selling fascist newspapers.
The following SDS undercovers spied on the IS/SWP. The dates in brackets indicate officers’ overall deployments, not just their time infilitrating the IS/SWP.
HN339 ‘Stewart Goodman’ (1970-1971)HN339 'Stewart Goodman'‘Stewart Goodman’ is the cover name used by a former undercover officer with the Special Demonstration Squad. He was deployed into the Anti-Apartheid Movement, Dambusters Mobilising Committee and the International Socialists between 1970 and 1971. Goodman is referred to as HN339 in the Undercover Policing Inquiry.Full page: HN339 'Stewart Goodman'
; HN343 ‘John Clinton’ (1971-1974)HN343 'John Clinton'HN343 is the nominal given to the undercover officer 'John Clinton', who infiltrated the Croydon branch of the International Socialists between October 1971 and March 1972 and the Fulham and Hammersmith branch from November 1972. He left the Special Demonstration Squad of his own choice in September 1974. Documents relating to Clinton released by the Inquiry only cover the period 13 October 1971 to 14 January 1974, so the dates of his deployments into specific groups are estimates.Full page: HN343 'John Clinton'
; HN301 ‘Bob Stubbs’ (1971-1976)HN301 'Bob Stubbs'HN301 ‘Bob Stubbs’ joined the SDS in 1971. He infiltrated the Hammersmith and Fulham and Central London branches of the Anti-Internment League and the Wandsworth and Battersea and Paddington branches of the International Socialists. He left the SDS in April 1976. Many of his reports were not available to the Inquiry and his real name has been restricted.
; HN351 ‘Jeff Slater’ (1971-1976)HN351 'Jeff Slater'‘Jeff Salter’ is the assumed name of an undercover officer who joined the SDS in Spring 1974. He infiltrated various north London groups of the International Socialists from November 1974, including the Tottenham branch. His deployment ended at the start of April 1975 at his own request. His real name has been restricted.
; HN200 ‘Roger Harris’ (1974-1976)HN200 'Roger Harris'‘Roger Harris’ was the assumed name of an undercover office who joined the SDS in April 1974. He was deployed into the Twickenham branch of the International Socialists from October 1977 and splinter group, the Workers League from January 1976 until Autumn 1977. After leaving the SDS he held a senior management role within the Metropolitan Police. His real name has been restricted.
; HN353 ‘Gary Roberts’ (1974-1978)HN353 'Gary Roberts'‘Gary Roberts’ is the assumed name of an undercover officer in the SDS who infiltrated the International Marxist Group and International Socialists from 1974 to 1978. He was undercover at the Battle of Lewisham in August 1977. He was also became Vice-President of the Student Union at Thames Polytechinic, in his cover identity, as well as attending a degree level course there. His real name is restricted.
; HN296 ‘Geoff Wallace’ (1975-1978)HN296 'Geoff Wallace'‘Geoff Wallace’ joined the SDS in mid-1975. He infiltrated the Hammersmith branch of the International Socialists from January 1976 until late 1978. He was elected to several officer roles, including Treasurer and was on the organising committee of the April 1978 Anti-Nazi League carnival.
; HN354 Vince Harvey ‘Vince Miller’ (1976-1979)HN354 Vincent Harvey 'Vince Miller'Vincent James Harvey used the cover name ‘Vince Miller’ while infiltrating the Socialist Workers Party from 1976 to 1979 as an SDS undercover officer. He had four sexual relationshoips during his time undercover, including with Inquiry core participant ‘Madeleine’. He later became Director of the UK Division at the National Criminal Intelligence Service from 1998 to 2003.
; HN300 ‘Graham Coates’ (1976-1979)HN304 'Graham Coates''Graham Coates' is the cover name of a former Special Demonstration Squad undercover officer who, between 1977 and 1979, infiltrated the International Socialists/Socialist Workers Party and spied on several anarchist group including the Zero Collective, Persons Unknown, Anarchy Collective and the Libertarian Anarchist Group. He gave evidence to the Inquiry on several undercovers' sexual relationships with activsts and that it was common knowledge in the SDS that such relationships took place. His real name has been restricted.
; HN356/124 ‘Bill Biggs’ (1977-1982)HN124/HN356 'Bill Biggs' ‘Bill Biggs’ was the cover name used by a former undercover officer with the Special Demonstration Squad who was deployed into South East London branches of the Socialist Workers Party between the end of 1977 and late 1981, and spied on the Anti-Nazi League and Bexley Campaign Against Racism and Fascism. He was undercover at the 24 April 1979 demonstration in Lewisham at which Blair Peach was killed by police. He is dead and his real name has been restricted.
; HN80 ‘Colin Clark’, (1977-1982)HN80 'Colin Clark''Colin Clark' was the assumed name of an undercover SDS officer who joined the SDS in September 1976. From March 1977 he infiltrated severral north London branches and the national office of the Socialist Workers Party, helping to organise the 1981 Right to Work march. He also infiltrated the Anti-Nazi League before his deployment ended in March 1982. His real name has been restricted.
; HN126 ‘Paul Gray’ (1977-1982)HN126 ‘Paul Gray’‘Paul Gray’ was the fake name of an undercover who infiltrated north-west London branches of the Socialist Workers Party and Anti-Nazi League and spied on pickets at the Grunwick dispute. He joined the SDS in December 1977 and was active undercover until at least April 1982.
; HN155 ‘Phil Cooper’ (1979-1983)HN155 'Phil Cooper''Phil Cooper' is the fake name of an SDS undercover who joined the unit in Autumn 1979. He was deployed into the Socialist Workers Party via the Waltham Forest Anti Nuclear Campaign and worked in the national SWP headquarters. Inquiry Chair Mitting found as a matter of fact that he had several casual sexual relationships while undercover. His real name has been restricted.
; HN96 ‘Michael James’ (1978-1983)HN96 'Michael James''Michael James' is the cover name used by a former Special Demonstration Squad undercover officer who, between late 1978 and Spring 1983, infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party in Hackney and the national leadership of the Troops Out Movement. He also spied on Red Action and the Irish Republican Socialist Party. His real name has been restricted.
; HN21 (late 1970s)HN21HN21 was an SDS officer who was deployed in the late 1970s and early 1980s. While is real and cover name are restricted by The Inquiry he did appear as 'Geoff' in the BBC documentary True Spies. In the documentary, he said that he infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League. He admitted having sex with a woman under his cover name on more than one occasion.
HN67 ‘Alan Bond’ (1981-1986)HN67 'Alan Bond'HN67 'Alan Bond' was an SDS undercover who infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) between 1981 and 1986. He admitted he had a sexual relationship in his cover identity, though he denied the claim that he fathered a child.
; HN12 ‘Mike Hartley’ (1982-1985)HN12 'Michael Hartley'HN12 'Mike Hartley' is the cover name used by a former Special Demonstration Squad undercover officer who infiltrated the Anti-Apartheid Movement City Branch, Stoke Newington and Hackney Defence Committee, Irish Solidarity Committee, Revolutionary Communist Group (RCG), Socialist Workers Party between 1982 and 1985. He gained a criminal conviction and had a sexual relationship under his cover name, which he took from a dead teenager. The RCG accused him of being a police officer. HN12 is deceased.
; HN82 Nicholas Green (1982-1986)HN82 'Nicholas Green'HN82 'Nicholas Green' was an SDS undercover who infiltrated Socialist Workers Party (North and West London) and Red Action between 1982 to 1986. He is deceased.
; HN33 ‘Lee Bonser’ (1983-1987)HN33/HN98 'Lee Bonser'HN33 'Lee Kathryn Bonser' was an SDS undercover officer who infiltrated Lambeth Women for Peace and Greenham Common Peace Camp between 1983 and 1986.
; HN95 Stefan Scutt ‘Stefan Wesolowski’ (1985-1988)HN95 Stefan Scutt 'Stefan Wesolowski'HN95 Stefan Scutt 'Stefan Wesolowski' was an SDS undercover officer who infiltrated the Hackney South Branch of the Socialist Workers Party between November 1985 and June 1988. Scutt was sacked from the SDS in 1988 following a decline in his productivity as an undercover officer. Although he would have continued to work for Special Branch in another capacity had he not then gone AWOL and suffered a mental breakdown, resulting in his arrest. Although Scutt appeared to have committed multiple disciplinary offences following a cover-up by senior police officers, he was eventually retired on medical grounds.
; HN90 ‘Mark Kerry’ (1988-1992)HN90 'Mark Kerry'Mark Kerry infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party and City of London Anti-Apartheid Group between 1988-1992.
HN78 Trevor Morris ‘Bobby Lewis’ (1991-1995)HN78 Trevor Morris 'Bobby Lewis'HN78 Trevor Morris 'Bobby Lewis' was an SDS undercover officer between 1991 and 1995. He infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party. During his deployment, he had at least two sexual relationships. He wrote a self-published biography, named 'Black Ops', with the title referring both to his ethnicity and the fact he worked both for Special Branch and MI6.
; HN101 (1990s)HN101HN101 was an SDS undercover deployed into the Socialist Workers Party in 1990 and had some involvement with the Stephen Lawrence family justice campaign.
; HN81 ‘Dave Hagan’ (1996-2001)HN81 'David Hagan'HN81 'David Hagan' was an SDS officer between 1996 and 2001 who targeted the Socialist Workers Party, Class War, Movement Against the Monarchy and Movement for Justice. He is referred to extensively in the Ellison Review about the targeting of the family of Stephen Lawrence.
HN60 ‘Dave Evans’ (1998-2005)HN60 'Dave Evans'HN60 'Dave Evans' was SDS undercover officer between 1998 to 2005 against the Socialist Workers Party, London Animal Action & Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty. He shared a flat with fellow undercover HN3 'Jason Bishop' and was arrested at the G8 in Scotland with him in 2005.
; HN118 ‘Simon Wellings’ (2001-2007)HN118 'Simon Wellings'HN118 'Simon C. Wellings' was an SDS undercover police officer who infiltrated the anti-globalisation group 'Globalise Resistance' and the Socialist Workers Party between 2001 and 2004. He was exposed when he accidentally caused a debriefing session with his police handlers to be caught in a recording on a telephone answering machine in 2004 and left the group. However, he continued as an undercover until 2007, with a second deployment targeting the anarchist Dissent! Network.
Flame: Black Workers paper of the SWP (Sep 1977)Academic Evan Davis scanned and uploaded a copy of the September 1977 issue of Flame to his Hatful of History blog.Flame: Black workers paper of the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Workers Party, 1 Sep 1977.
Jim Higgins, More Years for the Locust, London: IS Group, 1997A copy of Jim Higgins' More Years for the Locust has been uploaded to the Marxists' Internet Archive Jim Higgins, More Years for the Locust: the Origins of the SWP, The IS Group, 1997.
First witness statement of Celia StubbsFirst Witness Statement of Celia Stubbs (non state core participant), given in the UCPI, Tranche 1, Phase 2, 16 Jan 2021.View Document
First witness statement of Lindsey GermanFirst Witness Statement of Lindsey German (non state core participant), given in the UCPI, Tranche 1, Phase 3, 14 Feb 2022.View Document
First witness statement of ‘Madeleine’First Witness Statement of ‘Madeleine’ (non state core participant), given in the UCPI, Tranche 1, Phase 2, 18 Feb 2021.View Document
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kilburn SWP inc summary of recent Rank and File Conference held in Manchester, held at redacted private home on 4 July 1979
Report listing SWP attendees at a march organised by the Trafalgar Square Defendants Campaign (poll tax riots), from Caledonian Park N7 to Trafalgar Square on 19 Oct 1991
Report submitting a leaflet titled 'Russian Socialists Speak Out!' advertising a meeting supported by the SWP, to be held at Lambeth Town Hall on 15 Nov 1990 (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting with Dave Short to discuss SDS coverage and intelligence esp with 121 Bookshop, SWP, Revolutionary Communist Party and the women's peace movement, held at the SDS office on 6 Dec 1983
Report on personal accomodation arrangements of SWP Central Committee member Lindsey German who lives with a National Committee member, and that Central Committee member claims to have IRA connections
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short and F6 to discuss having an officer in Hackney/Stoke Newington, that MI5 know the officer in the RCP is well regarded there, the SDS giving MI5 printouts from the SWP computer and other SDS upd
Report on meeting of Wood Green SWP to discuss the branch's potential merger with the Enfield to create new Tottenham branch, held at unspecified venue on 5 July 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, DI Barber and MI5, inc discussion of peace movement, sacking a public sector employee SWP member, and request to debrief HN106 after his withdrawal, held at Curzon St House on 8 June 1983
Report on emergency meeting of London branches of SWP to discuss the Party's intervention in the London dock workers' dispute, held at the Cock pub, Pheonix Rd NW1 on 22 April 1983, inc blank SWP collection sheet (attached)
Report on personal accommodation, employment and vehicle details of Andy Strouthus, SWP National Organiser for Lancashire and North Yorkshire area, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Report on upcoming SWP students benefit to be held at Central London Polytechnic on 31 March 1983 and plans to transport attendees the next day to demos at Burghfield and Greenham Common
Report on a student occupation of the Ladbroke House site of North London Polytechnic in protest at education cuts on 23 Feb 1983, inc 'Occupation News' sheets for days 8 and 9, and a stop press on the possession order (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, HN45 and MI5 to summarising current SDS officer activities, personnel changes and potential new targets, held at unspecified venue on 24 Feb 83
Report submitting SWP's restricted weekly internal info sheet of 7 Feb 1983 and leaflets for Campaign Against Racist Laws demo at Jubille Gardens, County Hall on 27 March 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting with DCI Dave Short and HN68 to discuss intelligence requests on SWP, CND and the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L), held at SDS offices on 20 Jan 1983
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal info sheet of 17 Feb 1983, and letter to branches about student cadre school at Central London Poly 28-30 Jan
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 10 Jan 1983, letter to branches about Skegness conference 1-4 April, and letter about student cadre school at Central London Poly 28-30 Jan
Report on details of personal bank account of John Deason, Central Committee member of the Socialist Workers Party and another full time worker on the editorial board of Socialist Worker
Report submitting documents distributed at SWP National Delegate Conference (attached, 118 pages), held at Poplar Old Town Hall, High Street E14 on 13-15 Nov 1982
MI5 note for liaison file on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss coverage and progress of SDS officers, and SDS invite MI5 to the Christmas party, held at SDS offices on 10 Nov 1982
Report on the Right to Work Campaign demo outside the Tory conference, held at Brighton Conference Centre on 8 Oct 1982, inc 49 pages of docs relating to campaign finances and arrests (attached)
Report on plans by Socialist Workers Party to organise a national mobilisation of their membership to attend the Right to Work Campaign picket of the Tory conference in Brighton on 8 Oct 1982
MI5 note for liaison file reporting on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss MI5's intelligence requests and SDS officers, held at SDS offices on 10 Sept 1982
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 31 Aug 1982 discussing a proposed one day strike in solidarity with hospital workers (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file on meeting between HN68 and F6 discussing HN155 being a useful source at the heart of the SWP but a worry due to his personal conduct, held at the SDS office on 28 July 1982
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 5 July 1982, inc mention of discussing a rail strike and shop stewards school (attached)
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 29 June 1982 and a document from the Women's Committee about women's role in the SWP (attached)
Report that two prominent members of the SWP represented the Right to Work Campaign at a meeting with the Dublin Unemployed Action Group that ended with cancellation of a planned right to work march there
Report on change of SWP policy on President Reagan's upcoming visit to the UK, scaling back SWP 'Reagan Recepion Committee' demo at US embassy and focusing support on CND demo instead
Report on personal accommodation and employment details of a member of an East London branch of the SWP who is also a member of the National Union of Journalists
Report that left-wing groups, including Red Action, often meet at the Carpenters Arms, 12 Seymour Place W1 before rallies and marches that start at Speakers Corner
Report on the final meeting of the May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee with overview of activity and Troops Out Movement, held at redacted private home on 13 May 1982
Report on personal relationship and education details of a member of the SWP who rarely attends meeting, whose partner inflicted violence on her and she temporarily moved out of their home
Report on personal relationship and education details of a member of the SWP who rarely attends meeting, whose partner inflicted violence on her and she temporarily moved out of their home
Note recording details of a SYS discussion at the SDS with Dave Short and HN68, inc specific officers withdrawn and their replacements, held at SDS office on 12 May 1982
Report submitting an SWP-distributed Reagan Reception Committee leaflet for a demo at the US embassy on 7 June 1982 and calling for support of a national CND demo the day before (attached)
Report submitting promotional booklet/agenda for the SWP’s ‘Marxism 82’ week of discussion and debate on socialist theory and strategy, to be held at Queen Mary College Student Union on 2-9 July 1982 (attached)
Report on meeting of Paddington SWP inc talk on the 'Left-Wing Family Tree', held at the Lisson Green Estate Residents Club on 31 March 1982, inc talk notes (attached)
Report on public meeting of Hounslow Anti-Nazi League titled 'The Fight Against Fascism' with mostly SWP and Labour Party attendees, held at the Hounslow Manor School, Prince Regent Road on 25 March 1982
Report on personal family and accommodation details of a 'schoolgirl' member of Harlesden SWP, inc photo taken on the Feb 1982 Right to Work march (attached but redacted)
MI5 note for liaison file after discussion between Dave Short, Martin Gray and F6 listing current SDS officers with RF numbers and the groups they're infiltrating, held at the SDS office on 11 March 1982, inc MI5 briefings on the SWP (attached)
Report on a secret letter from the Secretary of the Dublin Unemployed Action Group asking the Right to Work Campaign for tips and assistance, (attached, with DUAG leaflet)
Report submitting letter from West Hampstead Community Law Centre to a member of the Right to Work Campaign offering support for Feb 1982 march (attached)
Report on a meeting of the planning committee of the London Right to Work march with details of route and entertainment, held at SWP Central Office, Reading Lane E8 on 9 Feb 1982
Report on 2 closed meetings of the planning committee of the London Right to Work march, held at SOAS on 15 Jan 1982, and at the Alan Mawar Room, University of London, Gower Street on 22 Jan 1982
Report on meeting of Paddington SWP discussing upcoming Feb 1982 Right to Work Campaign march, held at the Lisson Grove Estate Residents' Association Club on 27 Jan 1982
Report submitting leaflet distributed in Hackney by Red Action explaining who they are and that they take a stonger line on Irish issues and fascism than the SWP (attached)
Report on a meeting of the Paddington SWP, held at the Lisson Grove Estate Residents' Association Club, Rossmore Road NW8 on 20 Jan 1982, inc leaflet for Right to Work march on parliament in Feb (attached)
Report on a meeting of SWP London District Committee discuss the London Right to Work march co-chaired by HN155, held at the Cock pub, Phoenix Road N1 on 5 Jan 1982
Report that the Right to Work Campaign plans to hold a march and demo in London in Feb 1982 to coincide with Labour Party Young Socialists' lobbying of parliament on 25 Feb, HN155 is treasurer of organising committee
Report on meeting of Walthamstow and Leyton SWP to organise a response to racist attacks in the Priory Court Estate area of E17, held at Cooperative Rooms, Hoe St E17 on 2 Dec 1981, inc leaflets for public meetings with Roy Hattersley speaking on race rel
Report of meeting held of Brixton SWP discussing somone who was told to resign as District Organiser by the Central Committee but has now been elected to the District Committee, held at Tate Library, Brixton Rd SW2 on 12 Nov 1981
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between HN68, DCI Butler and F6 where it was confirmed an SDS would send an officer to the SWP national conference, held at MI5's Curzon Street House offices on 6 Nov 1981
Report on the SWP computer being programmed to give a breakdown of the circulation of 'Socialist Worker' and its financial accounts and details of branch organisers
Report on meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP discussing 'Entryism into the Labour Party', held at the West Hampstead Community Centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 28 Oct 1981
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between HN68, DCI Butler and F6 confirming the SDS had given them photos of SWP banking records listing members who pay subs by bank transfer
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler, DI HN68 and F6 to discuss SDS officers' access to SWP HQ, held at MI5 office on 20 Oct 1981
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between DCI Butler, HN68 and F6 to confirm the list of officers and express MI5's desire for an officer in the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L) and the SWP membership records
Report on personal details of a couple that work for the SWP - member of the Central Committee and the full-time organiser in the industrial department - who have split up and now live separately
Report on personal and political details of a 16 year old National Committee member of the National Union of School Students and contributor to SWP's youth publication 'Rebel'
Report on secret Anti-Nazi League meeting to plan for anti-National Front demo in Fulham on 30 Aug, held at Harold Laski House (Fulham Labour Party HQ), Fulham Road SW6 on 17 Aug 1981, inc leaflet for the demo (attached)
Report on a national conference of Workers Against Racism/ Revolutionary Communist Party titled 'Workers Defence Takes Off', held at Brady’s Club E1 on 18 July 1981
Report on meeting to plan the Right to Work march and its culmination at the Tory conference in Blackpool on 16 Oct, held at SWP HQ, Reading Lane E8 on 5 Aug 1981
Report on SWP public meeting 'From Riot to Revolution', held at Stockwell Hall SW9 then the New Queen's Head pub on 16 July 1981, inc leaflets for the event and for the Right to Work march (attached)
Report that Hackney Anti-Nazi League have organised a benefit event in aid of New Cross Massacre Action Committee, to be held at Abney Church Hall, Stoke Newington Church St on 18 July 1981
Report on meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP inc a talk encouraging entryism into CND, held at West Hampstead Community Centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 24 June 1981
Report on a day-school on ‘Women and Socialism’ questioning the validity of Women's Voice, held by Haringey and Enfield District Socialist Workers Party, held at the Labour Party Rooms, Stuart Crescent N22 on 20 June 1981
Report on the completion of construction of a computer at SWP National Office and enclosing copy of a print-out showing weekly distribution of 'Socialist Worker' (attached)
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 23 June 1981 inc discussion of mobilisation to attend Northern Carnival in Leeds (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between SDS and F6 inc MI5 wanting info on specific individuals thought to be in the SWP, held at SDS offices on 13 May 1981
MI5 report for the Home Secretary, ‘Subversive Involvement in the Brixton Riots and their Aftermath’ with cover letter from Phillips (Home Office) (report attached)
MI5 note for file reporting meeting between DI Butler, DI HN68 and F6 to discuss info requests and update on SDS personnel, held in F6 office on 7 April 1981
Report submitting SWP internal document informing Branch/District SWP organisers of a new method of recording paper sales, dated 8 April 1981 (attached)
Report on Anti-Nazi League demo and leafleting against National Front presence, held near West Ham football ground, Green St E4 on 4 April 1981, inc copy of 'support the Hammers not the Nazis' leaflet (attached)
Report on Waltham Forest District SWP holding its weekly sale of Socialist Worker, held at Walthamstow High Street on 21 March 1981 with a high turnout to counter National Front presence, then moving on to Labour Party Young Socialists rally against unemp
Report listing new recruits to the Socialist Workers Students Organisation and the National Union of School Students, inc NUSS leaflets and campaign materials (attached)
Report on personal details and the arrest of an SWP member who works in the Industrial Department of the National Office, arrested near his home on 13 March 1981 for waving an SWP banner and encouraging support for the IRA
Report on upcoming meeting of Plumstead SWP with the Indian Workers Association on the subject of racism, to be held at the Sikh Temple, Mason’s Hill on 11 March 1981
Report on a fundraising social to support the miners strike organised by Welsh branches of SWP, held at the Regent Ballroom, Great Western Hall, Pontypridd on 20 Feb 1981
Report on a demo by the Anti-Nazi League in protest at police failures investigating the New Cross fire, held at Deptford Police Station on 17 Feb 1981
Report on ANL meeting, held at Centreprise Community Centre N16 on 11 Feb 1981, inc Time Out article on the Deptford Massacre Action Committee, SWP leaflet on the campaign and ANL leaflet (attached)
Report on SWP support for the National Union of Mineworkers' strike action in South Wales, inc 17 pages of SWP internal news sheets and leafelts for CND, TOM etc (attached)
Report on upcoming march organised by Militant Tendency and supported by SWP to launch Waltham Forest 'Campaign Against Youth Unemployment', to be held from the DHSS on Church Hill E17 to Leyton tube station on 21 March 1981
Report on public meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP with speaker Tony Cliff on 'The Fight for jobs and the fight for socialism', held at Ross Wyld Hall, Church Hill E17 on 9 Feb 1981, inc leaflet for the event and another for Morning Star (attached)
Report on a planned march of unemployed people from Liverpool to London organised by the Labour Party and TUC's NW and SE regions, Right to Work planning parallel march from Newcastle, to be held on May 1981, inc 10 pages of SWP docs and leaflets (attache
Report that the Right to Work march will join the Mass Rally Against Unemployment in Liverpool on 29 Nov 1980, inc 18 pages of SWP leaflets and 3 weekly internal news sheets (attached)
Report on meeting of Paddington Campaign Against Racism and Fascism to plan countering of a British Movement march from Hyde Park to Paddington on 22 Nov 1980, held at the 510 Centre, 510 Harrow Road W9 on 27 Oct 1980
Report on upcoming 1980 National Delegate Conference of the SWP moving dates and venues, now to be held at the Africa Centre, 38 King Street WC2 on 13-17 Dec 1980, inc leaflets supporting Irish republican prisoners and SWP weekly internal news sheets
Report that the Right to Work March council has designated a committee to identify sites in London for possible occupation and public disorder in October 1980
Report on charter train and other transport arrangements for Right to Work Campaign supporters to travel to Brighton for the demo at the Tory conference, inc lots of docs with contracts, donations and leaflets (attached)
Report on annual Socialist Workers Party Easter Rally, held at Derbyshire Miners’ Holiday Centre, Skegness, on 4-7 April 1980, inc 50 page list of attendees (attached, mostly redacted)
Report on meeting called by the SWP Central Committee for all London Branch & District Secretaries to stimulate support for demo at Tory Party conference on 10 Oct, to be held at the Friends Meeting House, Euston Road NW1 on 20 Sept 1980
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington SWP, held at the Trades and Labour club, Dalston Lane E8 on 4 Sept 1980, inc leaflet for lobbying the Tory Party conference on 10 Oct, and Hackney SWP District bulleting dated 1 Sept 1980 (both attached)
Report on the founding conference of the Defend Our Unions Campaign organised by the Right to Work Campaign, held at The Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Road W1 on 5 July 1980
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP and enclosing copy of weekly information sheet, held at a redacted private home on 20 Aug 1980, inc internal news sheet of 19 Aug 1980 (attached)
Report on aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP inc talk on 'United Front Politics', held at Highgate Wood Lower School, Wolesey Road, Hornsey N8 on 27 Aug 1980, inc internal news sheet of 25 Aug 1980 (attached)
Report on a public meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP with speaker Duncan Hallas on 'The Future - War or Socialism', held at Ross Wylde hall, Church Hill E17 on 23 July 1980
Report on a meeting of the Waltham Forest District SWP called in opposition to growth of the NF in the Chingford area, held at Mornington Hall, The Green, Chingford E4 on 14 Aug 1980
Report on the SWP's second Party Council of 1980, held at Conway Hall on 12 July 1980, inc 23 pages of documents distributed amongst delegates (attached)
Report on a half-day SWP conference formulating Party perspectives and activities, held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Rd, 9 Aug 1980, inc minute sheet
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP inc a talk on 'Pornography in a Socialist Society', held at the Trade Union Centre, Brabant Road, Wood Green N22 on 25 June 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 24 June 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP enclosing a weekly information sheet, held at redacted private home on 28 May 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 27 May 1980 (attached)
Report on upcoming protest picket organised by Socialist Workers Party to coincide with Prime Minister's visit to Toynbee Hall to open a new nursery on 11 July 1980, inc leaflet (attached)
Report on upcoming demo by Socialist Workers Party's Right to Work Campaign to coincide with visit by Social Services Secretary Patrick Jenkins MP, to be held at Whipps Cross Hospital, Leytonstone E11 on 11 July 1980
Report on meeting of Greenwich SWP chaired by HN124-HN356 on the subject of Racism and Fascism, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road, Charlton SE7 on 25 June 1980
Report on district committee meeting of NW London SWP discussing an industrial dispute at Balco Engineering Works, held at Lancefield Buliding, Beethoven Street W10 on 17 June 1980
Report on public meeting of the Right to Work Campaign inc a performance of 'The Participation Waltz' by the Broadside Mobile Workers Theatre, held at the Howard Hall, Ponders End, Enfield on 20 March 1980
Report on aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP discussing future branch activity, held at Tottenham Community Project, High Road, Tottenham N17 on 10 April 1980
Report listing attendees of a fund-raising social evening held by Tottenham Women's Voice, held at the Trade Union Centre, Brabant Road N22 on 26 April 1980
Report on public meeting of Lewisham and Deptford SWP with speaker Amanda Leon on 'The Thin Blue Line', ie the political role of the police inc focus on Blair Peach inquest, held at Davenport Hall, Rushey Green SE6 on 29 May 1980
Report on demo organised by Hackney and Tower Hamlets Trades Council as part of TUC's 'Day of Action', held from Hackney Town Hall to Victoria Park, Hackney on 14 May 1980
Report on upcoming demo by Waltham Forest Trades Council and Waltham Forest Trade Union Action Committee as part of TUC 'Day of Action', to be held near the Bakers Arms pub, Stanley Road E10 with march to rally in Selborne Park on 14 May 1980
Extract from a Special Branch report by HN80 that, as book keeper of the Right to Work, he will authorise opening a bank account in the name of the RtW Committee
Report on district aggregate meeting of NW London SWP discussing apathy amongst members, HN126 elected to District Committee, held at Cricklewood Hotel, Edgware Road NW2 on 30 April 1980
Report listing police stations to be picketed by members of Friends of Blair Peach/ SWP protesting death of Blair Peach on 23 April 1980, inc leaflet for demo on 27 April (attached)
REport on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP announcing upcoming events inc demo at Harleson police on anniversary of Blair Peach's death and demo at Chix chewing gum factory, held at the Lancefield Building, Beethoven Street W9 on 14 April 1980
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP inc discussion on the General Strike, held at redacted private home on 6 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 5 Feb 1980 (attached)
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP inc talk on Afghanistan, held at redacted private home on 30 Jan 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 29 Jan 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP including a talk on Art and Revolution, held at redacted private home on 20 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 19 Feb 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP, inc a talk on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, held at redacted private home on 13 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 12 Feb 1980 (attached)
Report on public meeting of Hackney District Socialist Workers Party to discuss redundancies at local toy manufacturer Lesneys, held at Chats Palace, Brookaby Walk E5 on 27 Feb 1980
Report on a debate hosted by the Labour Co-ordinating Committee on “the Crisis and the Future of the Left”, held at the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster on 17 March 1980
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party with striking steelworker speaking, held at the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 6 March 1980
Report on personal details of a member of Kilburn SWP who is also chair of North London Area AUEW Organising Committee, inc bank details and photo (attached but redacted)
Report on request by Southall SWP to the Ealing Trades Council to support a picket of Southall police station on the anniversary of the death of Blair Peach, 23 April 1980
Report on upcoming public meeting of Hackney District SWP to discuss recent redundancies at the local Lesneys toy factory, to be held at Chats Palace, Hackney on 27 Feb 1980
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party inc speaker on 'Bennism' and 'Left Reformism', held at Hackney Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 31 Jan 1980
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party on suppporting the steel workers strike, held the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 23 Jan 1980
Report on meeting of Greenwich SWP inc talk by HN124/HN356 on Southern Africa and personal experience of apartheid, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road SE7 on 12 Dec 1979
Report listing SWP members who took part in a demo against financial cuts affecting schools and hospitals in Hackney on 13 Sept 1979, inc leaflet (attached)
Report on meeting of Haringey SWP inc HN80 being proposed for nomination to District Treasurer, held at the Ship pub, High Road, Tottenham N17 on 21 Nov 1979
Report on pre-conference aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP, held at Labour Rooms, Trades Hall, Bruce Grove N17 on 31 Oct 1979, inc weekly internal news sheet (attached)
Report on ‘post-conference’ aggregate meeting of the Lea Valley District of the Socialist Workers Party with HN80 nominated for District Committee, held at Ship Inn, Tottenham N17 on 28 Nov 1979, inc internal news sheet (attached)
Report on redacted SWP official's promotion to Industrial Dept at HQ, inc 25 page draft policy document about building rank and file support 'Shop Floor Politics and the Experience of Lea Valley' (attached)
Report listing participants in a picket at Tottenham Police Station to protest against the killing of Blair Peach, held at Tottenham Police Station on 10 Oct 1979
Report on weekly meeting of Haringey Socialist Workers Party, held at Ship Inn, Tottenham N17 on 17 Oct 1979, inc 39 pages of party docs about Steve Jeffries' resignation from the Central Committee (attached)
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of Cricklewood SWP inc photograph taken on an End Low Pay demo on 3 March 1979 (attached but redacted)
Report enclosing a photograph taken at the funeral of Blair Peach of a woman who has left the SWP but is involved in Women's Voice and the Anti-Nazi League (attached but redacted)
Report listing people at a picket about the death of Blair Peach organised by Socialist Workers Party, held at Stoke Newington police station on 10 Oct 1979
Report on meeting of Clapton Socialist Workers Party chaired by HN96 inc discussion of Blair Peach inquest, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 3 Oct 1979
Report on weekly meeting of Hackney District Committee of the SWP dicussing upcoming demos about Blair Peach inquest, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 1 Oct 1979
Report on a NW London District Committee meeting of the SWP inc planning demos for Blair Peach inquest and against the National Front, held at The Vale W3 on 1 Oct 1979
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting DI McIntosh of the SDS and the introduction of his successor, Trevor Butler, discussing training, cover identities and future coverage, held at Curzon St House on 2 Oct 1979
Report on aggregate meeting of E London District Socialist Workers Party discussinfg women's role within the party and Women's Voice's raltion to it, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 24 Sept 1979, inc leaflet of proposals for Women's Voi
Report on meeting of Kilburn SWP discussing the campaign against the proposed Abortion Amendment & ANL Blair Peach demo, held at redacted venue on 26 Sept 1979
Report on an aggregate meeting of NW London Socialist Workers Party inc Lindsey German talking about Women's Voice, held at The Rocket pub, Churchfield Rd W3 on 4 Oct 1979
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc a talk on 'Selling the Socialist Worker' and discussion of demos at police stations regarding the murder of Blair Peach, held at redacted addtess on 24 Sept 1979
Report that there will be a re-election of party officers in the Waltham Forest District of the SWP as Treasurer HN354 'intends taking a prolonged holiday in the USA'
Report on meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP discussing the upcoming Waltham Forest Trades Council Conference and SWP influnce there, held at redacted address on 20 Sept 1979
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP discussing cancellation of the Socialist Worker conference, held at redacted private home on 17 Sept 1979
Report on a National Planning Meeting of Stop All Racist Tours regarding the South African rugby tour of Britain in 1979/80, held at Central London Polytechnic, New Cavendish Street W1 on 16 Sept 1979
Report on meeting of Hackney District Committee of Socialist Workers Party discussing Stop the Cuits demo in Hackney on 13 Sept, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 10 Sept 1979
Report on Socialist Workers Party Women’s Aggregate involving a general discussion on 'Women’s Voice' and role of women in the party, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 10 Sept 1979
Report on meeting of co-ordinating committee for 'Stop the Cuts' demo, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 28 Aug 1979, inc 2 leaflets (attached)
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc member accused of setting fire to chairs and a garden fence at an SWP fundraising party, held at redacted private home on 28 Aug 1979
Report on a street paper sale and leafleting for Save Our Hospitals by SE London District SWP, held in High Street, Lewisham on 25 Aug 1979, inc Save Our Hospitals leaflet (attached)
Report on meeting of Clapton SWP inc summary of recent Rank and File Conference and plans for demo in Hackeny against cuts, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 25 July 1979
Report on meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP on 'Police are the Murderers - Disband the Special Patrol Group' with 2 police spotted among attendees, held at Leytonstone Library E11 on 5 July 1979
Report on weekly discussion group held of Haringey SWP on ‘The Two Bad Years’ (peasant and workers struggles in Italy 1919-20) inc personal descriptions of attendees, held at redacted private home in E17 on 1 July 1979
Report on aggregate meeting of the Waltham Forest District SWP to discuss industrial rank and file work within the district, held at Harrow Green Library E11 on 14 June 1979
Report on meeting of Clapton SWP at which it was decided to split to form an additional branch in Homerton, held at the Clarence pub, Clarence Rd E8 on 6 June 1979
Report on personal accommodation, phone and employment details of a leading member of the SWP in North London who is also active in the Anti-Nazi League and the United Troops Out Movement
Report on aggregate meeting of NW London District SWP inc talk by Duncan Hallas on the SWP after the general election, held at White Horse pub, Church St NW10 on 31 May 1979, inc a document titled 'The Friends of Blair Peach Committee' (attached)
Report on personal family, accommodation, vehicle and physical details of a member of Clapton SWP who is also in Hackney Women's Voice, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Report on personal employment, accommodation and relationship details of a member of Barnet SWP who is a National Union of Public Employees shop steward
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of the Finchley SWP, Rebel, School Kids Against the Nazis and the National Union of School Students, inc physical description and photo (attached but redacted)
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc discussion of recent events in Southall and an investigation into the death of Blair Peach, held at redacted private home on 30 April 1979, inc minutes of meeting of 23 April 1979 (attached)
MI5 Prime Ministerial briefing paper ‘The Threat of Subversion in the UK’, annotated by Thatcher, inc letter from Cabinet Secretary to the PM (attached)
Report on public meeting of NW London District SWP inc talk by Tony Cliff on clashes with police and National Front, held at the White Horse pub, Church Rd NW10 on 24 April 1979
Report on committee meeting of NW London District SWP discussing arrangements for an anti-National Front demo in Leicerster on 21 April 1979, held at redacted private home on 17 April 1979
Report on meeting of NW London District SWP branch secretaries and Socialist Worker paper organisers (HN126 is the District Socialist Worker Organiser), held at redacted venue on 3 April 1979
Report on meeting of Clapton SWP including info on upcoming demo and relations with trade unions, held at the Clarence pub, Clarence Rd E1 on 21 March 1979
Report that Waltham Forest District SWP is going through a period of disorder and ineffectiveness as District Treasurer HN354 and the District Secretary have resigned
Report that an SWP member is an ambulance driver for Central Middlesex Hospital, a shop steward for the National Union of Public Employees and involved in the current inductrial dispute at the hospital
Report on a confrontation between National Front paper sellers and Socialist Workers Party/Anti-Nazi League members at junction of Church Lane and High Road E11 on 10 Feb 1976
Report on two siblings who are members of Cricklewood SWP and involved in strike action at Smiths Industries as members of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers
Report on fortnightly meeting of NW London District SWP discussing leafletting council depots and factories, hled at redacted private home on 22 Jan 1979
Report on informal meeting of Plumstead SWP at which HN124 is formally made branch paper sales organiser, held at the Lord Rupert pub, Earl Rise SE18 on 3 Dec 1978
Report on a regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc a report on the bakers' strike from a member of the Bakers' Union, held at the Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 29 Nov 1978
Report on a regular meeting of Plumstead SWP chaired by HN124 at which he's announced as 'Socialist Worker' branch organiser, held at the Information Centre, Harrow Manor Way, Thamesmead SE2 on 29 Nov 1978
Report on a general meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League chaired by HN126, held at the Methodist Church Hall, Quex Road NW6 on 19 Nov 1978
Report listing participants in an Anti-Nazi League demo against the National Front Rememberance Day march, held at the Cenotaph, Whitehall held on 12 Nov 1978
Report on public meeting of the SWP titled 'The Ford Strike and the Fight Against Socialism', held at the Co-operative Hall, Gale Street, Becontree, Essex on 3 Nov 1978
Report providing detailed analysis of NW London District of SWP and ANL inc summaries of branches, activities and associated groups eg SKAN and Women's Voice
Report detailing the vehicle and its owner in which members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League travelled to the Festival of Racial Harmony, held at Kilburn Grange Park on 23 July 1978
Report that a juvenile member of the Finchley and Barnet SWP was arrested during a protests against a National Front meeting at Pavillion Hall, Hemel Hempstead on 2 Nov 1978 and has been bailed
Report on aggregate meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP ratifying new District Committee, and organising sleepover protection for Dagenham household suffering racist attacks, held at Leytonstone Library on 19 Oct 1978
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP at which a new branch Committee was elected inc HN354 as Treasurer, held at Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 11 Oct 1978
Report on the inaugural meeting of the Bexley Branch of the Anti-Nazi League, targeted by a National Front protest, held at Welling Public Library, Welling, Kent on 30 Aug 1978
Report listing attendees at 'Carnival Against Racialism' organised by the Brent Trades Council, held at Stonebridge Recreational Ground on 20 Aug 1978
Report on personal details of two co-habiting members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League and an article on the ANL for 'Womens Voice' authored by one of them (attached)
Report on aggregate meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP discussing the recent SWP National Conference, held at the Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 12 July 1978
Report on public meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP featuring a talk entitled “Is the Labour Party Socialist?”, held at Chequers Pub on 29th June 1978
Report on a regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc talk from a local AUEW trade union official, held at the Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 21 June 1978
Report on aggregate meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP to discuss the role of Women's Voice as a newspaper and the effect of the geographic groups, held at Chequers pub, High St E17 on 10 May 1978
Report on regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc discussion on the National Front and how to oppose it, inc details of 20 arrests at counter-demo at Walthamstow High School for Girls that week, held at Chequers pub, High St E17 on 3 May 1978
Report on regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc discussion of Anti-Nazi League and branch elections with HN354 elected Treasurer, held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe Street E17 on 26 April 1978
Report on fortnightly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington District Committee of the SWP discussing Socialist Unity candidates in the forthcoming local election and the Carnical Against the Nazis on 30 April, held at the home of its secretary Don Trudell
Report on a public meeting of Finchley SWP inc a talk by Paul Foot on 'Why you should be a Socialist', held at the Bull and Butcher pub, High Road, Whetstone on 6 April 1978
Report on the inaugural meeting of the Greenwich Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, held at Woolwich Public Hall, Market Street SE18 on 17 March 1978
Report on internal dynamics within the Anti-Nazi League and its relationship with the Socialist Workers Party, as well as efforts by the SWP to mobilise people on behalf of the ANL
Report on a weekly meeting of Hammersmith SWP discussing standing in the next general election, held at Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street W6 on 22 Feb 1978
Report listing participants in a picket outside a National Front meeting (6 pages, all redacted except Peter Hain), held at Ilford County High School on 25 Feb 1978
Report on weekly meeting of Seven Sisters SWP with redacted speaker on 'Women and Fascism', held at West Green Library, Vincent Road, Tottenham N15 on 8 Feb 1978
Report on the first meeting of the Hammersmith and Kensington District Committee of the SWP inc lists of members for both new branches (Shepherd's Bush and Hammersmith), held at the private home of Pete Cannell on 12 Feb 1978
Report on a public meeting of Walthamstow SWP with Tony Cliff speaking on 'What the SWP stands for', held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe Street E17 on 15 Feb 1978
Report on the first District aggregate meeting of the Hammersmith and Kensington District of the SWP, held at the Distillers Arms pub. Fulham Palace Road SW6 on 9 Feb 1978
Report on a day school on the subject of Ireland organised by the Irish sub-committee of the SWP, held at the North London Polytechnic, Holloway Road N7 on 28 Jan 1978
Report on regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP discussing the inaugural meeting of the Waltham Forest area committee, held at Rose & Crown E17 on 25 Jan 1978
Report on performance of the play 'Out of Control' by the theatre group North West Spanner, hosted by Waltham Forest SWP and Leyton Labour Party Ladies' Branch, held at the Leyton Labour Rooms, Woodgrange Road E10 on 1 Feb 1978
Report on a joint meeting of Walthamstow and Leyton SWP to discuss possible merger and the development of newly-created Waltham Forest area of the Outer East London District, held at Rose and Crown pub on 18 Jan 1978
Report on aggregate meeting of Outer East London District SWP inc a talk by Tony Cliff on Zionism, held at the Eagle & Child pub, Woodgrange Road E7 on 16 Jan 1978
Report on public meeting of Lea Valley District SWP titled 'Russia 1917 - How the workers took power', held at the Golden Fleece pub, Upper Fore Street, Edmonton N18 in Nov 1977
Report on an aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP inc discussion of jailed member and the Fire Brigades Union strike, held at The Fleece pub, Edmonton N18 on 15th Nov 1977
Report enclosing a leaflet titled ‘Statement from the Rank and File Trade Unionists’ supporting the firefighters' strike (copy attached) distributed by the SWP in North London and Enfield
Report on a Regional Delegate Conference of the London District of the SWP with main discussions on building workplace involvement, held at Holborn Library on 15 Oct 1977
Report on joint meeting of Leyton and Walthamstow branches of the SWP discussing the life and work of William Morris, held at the Wood Street library on 27 Oct 1977
Report on SWP Lea Valley District Aggregate meeting seemingly announcing formation of the ANL, held at the Golden Fleece pub, Upper Fore Street N18 on 22 Sept 1977
Report on public meeting of the Women's Voice faction of Lea Valley District SWP titled 'What is Sexism?', held at the Lord Morrison Hall, Tottenham on 14 Sept 1977
Report on a routine weekly meeting of the Walthamstow SWP discussing whether the Branch should split into two branches, held at Rose and Crown, Hoe St E17 on 7 Sept 1977
Report on the debate about the Rank and File Movement at the SWP National Conference, gleaned from account given to meeting of Finsbury Park SWP on 6 July 1977
Report concerning upcoming public meeting of newly formed Hornsey Branch of the SWP inc Paul Foot on ‘Why you should be a socialist’, to be held at the Edison Centre, Edison Rd N8 on 8 Sep 1977
Report on a weekly meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc discussion dealing with the National Front in aftermath of Battle of Lewisham, held at the Rose and Crown on 17 Aug 1977
Report on weekly meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc conversation supposedly agreeing that armed revolution was imminent and inevitable, held at the Rose & Crown pub on 10 Aug 1977
Report on a joint weekly meeting of Seven Sisters and Tottenham branches of the SWP preparing for the Battle of Lewisham, held at the West Green library on 10 Aug 1977
Report on a meeting of N London district SWP and people involved in the September Right to Work March, following the Battle of Lewisham anti-fascist demo, held at redacted address on 13 Aug 1977
Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Group on Subversion in Public Life discussing MI5 report 'The Threat of Subversion in the UK', held at Cabinet Office on 11 July 1977 (CAB 163-269)
Report on aggregate meeting of Outer East London District of the SWP inc elections of committees and plans to confront NF, held at the Forest Gate School on 18 July 1977
Report on meeting of Deptford SWP discussing how public meetings of various groups could be protected from attacks by the National Front and the police, held at Oxford Arms pub, Deptford Church St SE14 on Fri 8 July
Report on weekly meeting of Walthamstow SWP reporting on decisions taken at the Party's recent annual conference, held at the Rose and Crown, Hoe St E17 on 6 July 1977
Report that, following violent clashes between the National Front and the SWP, the SWP plan to drive National Front paper sellers off the streets at Wood Green and Barking Reg Court on 16 July 1977
Report on personal physical and employment details of a member of Seven Sisters SWP and the National Association of Operative Printers and Assistants woh works at the SWP print shop
Memo from Commander A8 to Commander Special Branch, enclosing South London Press article about a National Front rally in Deptford, asking for details on date and venue (not attached)
Report on informal meeting Lea Valley District SWP following a demo in support of the Lewisham 24 Defence Committee, held at redacted private home N15 on 2 July 1977
Report on public meeting of N London District SWP on law and order inc reference to Islington 18 Defence Committee, held at the Forth Library, Manor Gardens on 1 June 1977
Report listing members Lea Valley District SWP who took part in demo organised by Cypriot Defence Campaign, held outside All Saints Greek Orthodox Church, Camden St NW1 on 12 June
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP inc discussion of upcoming anti-Jubilee demonstration, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 19 May 1977
Report on a regular meeting of SE London IMG discussing planning joint action between Big Flame and the IMG in elections and campaigns, held at Flat 2, 53 Limes Grove SE13 on 12 May 1977
Report on a day of action organised by the National Union of Public Employees at Weir Maternity Hospital and St George's Hospital, held on 28 April 1977
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc talk by a British Airways employee on the recent strike at Heathrow Airport, held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe St E17 on 20 April 1977
Report on meeting of Finsbury Park SWP inc talk on 'Black music and the origins of modern popular music', held at 265a Seven Sisters Rd on 6 April 1977
Report that the Socialist Worker has discontinued the employment of full-time organisers following an award of damages for libel against it to a member of the ASTMS
Report on members of East London Branch of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) holding inaugural meeting of Outer East London Anti-Fascist Anti-Racist Committee, held Methodist Hall, Albert Rd, Illford at 24 Feb 1977, inc leaflet (attached)
Report on public meeting of Southern Africa Solidarity Campaign supported by H'smith and Kensington SWP, held at Cryptic One Club, Holy Trinity Church, Bishops Bridge Rd W2 on 3 Mar 1977, inc leaflet 'Denounce racist murder of Emmanual Alombah' (attached)
Report on a confrontation between West London SWP members and National Front marchers in at Watford Gap services and again at NF demo in Birmingham, on 26 Feb 1977
Report on personal family, accommodation and vehicle details of a member of the Islington Teachers branch and North London District Committee of the SWP
Report on a picket planned by N London District SWP and N London Women's Voice at the surgery Michael O'Halloran MP who voted to amend the Abortion Act, to be held at the corner of Holloway Rd and Pemberton Gdns N19 on 11 March 1977
Report on public meeting of the IMG in support of leaders of the American Socialist Workers’ Party, held at Friends House, Euston Road on 14 Jan 1977, inc cuttings from Observer, Red Weekly and News Line (attached)
Report on fortnightly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP at which members were elected as Women's Organiser and HN296 as Flame Organiser, held at Westcott Lodge pub on 20 Jan 1977
Report on public meeting of Islington International Socialists supported by the Finsbury Park branch with speaker Duncan Hallas on the socialist alternative to the Labour government, held at Essex Rd Library on 8 Dec 1976
Report on a meeting of North London International Socialists titled 'The fight against racialism', held at Earlshead School, Broad Lane N15 on 22 July 1976
Report on inaugural district aggregate meeting of the North London District of the International Socialists, held at North London Polytechnic, Holloway Rd N7 on 1 Dec 1976
Report on planned picket of a National Front election meeting by the International Marxist Group and International Socialists, to be held at Loughborough School, Brixton on 10 Nov 1976
Report on a planned demo by N London International Socialists against cuts in public expenditure, to be held during PM James Callaghan's visit to Woodberry Dean estate on 9 Nov 1976
Report on personal employment, accomodation, phone and physical details of the Women's Organiser of the International Socialists and active in the National Abortion Campaign
Report on a Southern area aggregate meeting of the North London District of International Socialists, held at North London Polytechnic, Holloway Rd N7 on 6 Oct 1976
Report on contact details provided to members of Hackney and Tower Hamlets International Socialists who want to help with the pre-election campaign in Walsall
Report on upcoming picket of a National Front meeting, organised by the Brent Trades Council and supported by International Socialists, to be held at Burnt Oak library on 14 Oct 1976
Report on meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington International Socialists discussing upcoming picket outside a Magistrates Court for trail of people arrested at Notting Hill Carnival riots, held 17 Sept 1976
Report on educational meeting of Hackney IS 'The Labour Party - can Socialism come through Parliament?' inc 20 minute speech by HN304, held at redacted venue on 11 Aug 1976
Report on regular weekly meeting of Finsbury Park International Socialists inc talk 'Women - the fight for equality' and discussion of Right to Work march, held at redacted venue on 18 Aug 1976
Report on the first public meeting of the Hackney Community Relations Council, defended by a guard of left-wing groups, held at Stoke Newington Hall on 22 July 1976
Report on aggregate meeting of Inner East London District International Socialists discussing questions raised at the National Conference of the IS, held at Britannia pub, Mare St E8 on 23 July 1976
Report on public meeting of the Hackney International Socialists titled 'Black Workers in Struggle - Jamaica - Africa - Britain', held at Princess May School, Hackney on 14 July 1976
Report on the inaugural meeting of the newly amalgamated International Socialists district branch of North West and Inner West London, held at Hampstead Heath NW3 on 27 June 1976
Report on a regular weekly meeting of the Hackney International Socialists inc speech from a member of Building Workers branch of IS about Right to Work campaign, held at Centerprise on 8 July 1976
Report on a meeting of Tower Hamlets IS discussing the Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law, held at Music library, Cambridge Heath Rd, Bethnal Green E2 on 27 May 1976
Report on 2 aggregate meetings of Inner West London District of International Socialists discussing motions for upcoming National Conference, held at Fulham Town Hall on 11 May 1976 & Westcott Lodge pub on 17 May 1976
Report on meeting of Hammersmith IS discussing present construction of the branch and upcoming Save Acton Hospital picket, held at redacted home of Barry Pavier and Pete Cannell on 6 May 1976
Report on a public meeting of the Save Acton Hospital Campaign inc screening of IS film stopped due to adverse response, held at Woodlands Hall W3 on 13 April 1976
Report on a meeting to form the Trade Union Committee Against the Prevention of Terrorism Act in Nov 1975 and its launch conference, held at Hammersmith Town Hall on 10 April 1976
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith International Socialists at which solicitor John Witzenfeld discussed his work ensuring the release of 44 Right to Work marchers, held at the Windmill pub, High St W3 on 25 March 1976
Report on a meeting of organisation campaigning on the Prevention of Terrorism Act set up International Socialists and supported by Hammersmith Shop Stewards Committee, held at unspecified West London venue in Nov 1975
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith International Socialists discussing the upcoming Right to Work rally on 20 March, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 11 March 1976
Report on march and meeting by Coventry and Chrysler Right to Work Committee, supported by International Socialists, against National Front demo and National Party gatherings in Coventry on 28 Feb 1976
Report on attempts by International Socialists to arrange national mobilisation in opposition to a National Front march to be held in Coventry on 28 Feb 1976
Report on public meeting of Inner West London District of International Socialists on the subject of 'The Right to Work', held at Woodlands Hall, Crown Street W3 on 11 Dec 1975
Report on a closed district aggregate meeting of the Inner West London District of International Socialists discussing suspension of a group of IS members in West Middlesex, held at the Red Cow pub, Hammersmith W6 on 4 Dec 1975
Report that a member of the Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council Anti-Fascist Committee has joined the International Socialists and is a member of NALGO Action Group, inc NALGO Action Group leaflet
Report on a meeting of the West London Campaign against Racism and Fascism that was attacked by the NF, held at the Tavistock Medical Centre, Tavistock Road W11 on 21 Sept 1975
Report on public meeting of Inner West London District of International Socialists on 'Portugal', held at the Luncheon Club, Ladbroke Grove W12 on 14 Sept 1975
Report (focusing on activities of International Socialists) on meeting and demo of 'left-wing' and 'broad-front' groups to counter a National Front march held at Bethnal Green on 6 Sept 1975
Report on a public meeting of Twickenham International Socialists to discuss the railway workers' pay dispute, held at the Albany Hotel, Station Yard, Twickenham on 19 June 1975
Report on a meeting of West Middlesex District International Socialists on the upcoming EEC referendum, held at the Public Rooms, South Street, Isleworth on 6 Feb 1975
Report on the arrest and court appearance of Ernest Rodker for Highway Obstructon while selling Pavement on Northcote Road SW11 on 1 Feb 1975, held at South Western Magistrates Court
Report on aggregate meeting of West Middlesex District of the International Socialists, held at the Public Library, Cherington Road, Hanwell on 16 Jan 1975
Report that the Shop Stewards Committee at Rank Pullin Ltd have written to all large factories in West London calling for a rank and file conference to create a system of mututal support for industrial action
Report on a public meeting of Battersea Redevelopment Group to discuss plans to redevelop the Battersea Fun Fair site, held at St Mary le Park, Park Gate Road SW11 on 9 Jan 1975
Special Branch report on a closed meeting of the International Socialists held to discuss the stance taken by the IS on recent IRA bombings, held at redacted private home on 5 Dec 1974
Report on aggregate meeting of N London District of International Socialists on the subject of Ireland, held at the Plimsoll Arms pub, St Thomas Road N4 on 28 Nov 1974
Report on meeting of Freedom Collective inc discussion of 14 people arrested for conspiracy to affect desertion from armed forces in Ireland, held at at Freedom Bookshop on 31 Oct 1974
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting on current SDS structure, activity and management, held at New Scotland Yard on 30 Aug 1974, inc list of infiltrated groups (attached)
Report on IS response to the failure of the left to stop the National Front holding its meeting in Conway Hall on 15 June (the demo Kevin Gately was killed at)
Report on possible formation of an International Socialists Lawyers Group as a result of criminal charges against IS comrades and police raid on home of Harlow branch secretary
Report that West Middlesex District Organiser of the International Socialists is trying to persuade a member to get a job as a labourer on the M3 motorway extension
MI5 note for file reporting meeting between D CH Supt Watts, DCI HN294 and MI5 to discuss targets and coverage, held at 13 Great Marlborough St on 12 Nov 1973, inc list of groups currently infiltrated by the SDS (attached)
Report on public meeting by IMG, International Socialists, and the Socialist Labour League on 'Police oppression and victimisation', held at Conway Hall on 16 Apr 1973
MI5 note for policy file on discussion with CI HN294 of SDS regarding International Socialists and the International Marxist Group as 'long term law and order problems' yet being 'disappointed' when they infiltrate branches
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with DAC Gilbert and Commander Rodger after Commissioner’s ruling that Special Branch must not have agents in industrial affairs
Report on a meeting of West London IMG meeting on two upcoming demonstrations (20 Jan 1973 Vietnam War and 28 Jan 1973 Bloody Sunday Commemoration), held at redacted venue on 10 Jan 1973
Report on a demo held in support of the ‘Stoke Newington 4’, supported by branches of Internaitonal Socialists, starting from Shepherds Bush on 16 Dec 1972
Group on Subversion in Public Life report ‘Claimants and Unemployed Workers Unions’, with Home Office cover letter to Cabinet Secretary (CAB 301-490-1)
Group on Subversion in Public Life report ‘The Impact of Subversive Groups on Trade Union Activity’ plus cover letter and list of recipients (CAB 301-491)
Special Branch letter to MI5 enclosing minutes of meeting of MI5, Commander Rodger, Dixon, Saunders, HN294 and DS Smith to discuss coverage and overlap, inc names of targeted groups and problem areas, held at New Scotland Yard on 13 Jan 1972
Report on a short meeting held by the newly elected National Committee of International Socialists to elect the various Sub-Committee members, held immediately after Annual Conference on 3 April 1972
Report on personal details of a member of Women’s Liberation Workshop and International Socialists seeking to form a Socialist National Women’s Liberation Movement
Report on 'An open letter to IS' by the Political Committee of the IMG to the International Socialists on how to heal their differences in policy towards Ireland, inc copy
Report on a meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign discussing recent police raids on the homes of members of the ISC and IS, held at Gen Picton pub on 17 March 1972
Report on meeting of Croydon International Socialists inc discussion of IS members raided by police after IRA bomb, held at Ruskin House on 16 March 1972
Report on public meeting of International Socialists with a talk on 'Is China Socialist' by Tony Cliff, held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road on 23 Feb 1972
Report of meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign featuring a talk by a member of the International Socialists on the IS Policy on Ireland, held at General Picton pub, Killick St on 18 Feb 1972
Report on upcoming meeting of International Socialists to discuss IS intervention at upcoming Liaison Committee for the Defence of Trade Unions conference to be held on 12 Feb 1972
Report on political meetings by various groups to discuss the students’ demo against proposed government control of Student Union finances to be held on 23 Jan 1972
Report on International Socialists’ draft declaration on the Industrial Relations Act in preparation for industrial conference in Manchester, inc a copy
Report on branch meeting of Croydon International Socialists electing delegates for Special Conference on Trotskyist Tendency, held at Ruskin House on 2 Dec 1971
Report that a Special Conference of International Socialists on split with Trotskyist Tendency (Workers Fight) is to be held in Birmingham on 4 Dec 1971, inc minute sheet
Report on a branch meeting of Croydon International Socialists with demands for expulsion of non attendees, held at redacted venue on 18 Nov 1971, inc minute sheet
Report on public meeting held by Croydon International Socialists with Duncan Hallas speaking, held at Ruskin House, Coombe Road, Croydon on 11 November 1971
Report on a public meeting of Croydon International Socialists on women's liberation, held at Ruskin House, Coombe Road, Croydon on 28 Oct 1971, inc minute sheet
Report on a business meeting of Lambeth International Socialists addressed by Trotskyist Tendency speaker on the split in IS, held at redacted venue on 22 Oct 1971
Report on an extraordinary business meeting of Lambeth International Socialists discussing proposed expulsion of Trotskyist Tendency/ Workers Fight, held on 26 Oct 1971 at unknown venue, inc minute sheet
Report on a private meeting of Hackney and Islington International Socialists, inc descriptions and vehicle details of attendees, held at Rose and Crown, Albion Rd N16 on 18 Oct 1971
Report on Annual Autumn Rally held by the International Socialists, held at Derbyshire Miners Holiday Camp in Skegness on 16-17 Oct 1971, inc minute sheet
Report of vehicle registration numbers of attendees at a meeting of Enfield International Socialists, held at the Angel Community Centre N18 on 22 Sept 1971
Report on meeting of the public employees cell of the Lambeth Branch of IS, held at the Plough pub, Clapham Common SW4 on 20 Sept 1971, inc minute sheet
Report on public meeting of Lambeth International Socialists inc talk on the US 'dollar crisis' by John Palmer, held at Tulse Hill Tavern SW2 on 15 Sept 1971, inc minute sheet
Reports on details for upcoming International Socialists Annual Rally in Skegness 16-17 Oct 1971, and on IS supporting a march on 21 March from Speakers Corner to protest against the new Immigration Bill
Report submitting a copy of the ‘Perspectives Document’ distributed for discussion at the upcoming International Socialists Annual Conference, to be held at Beaver Hall, Garlick Hill EC4 on 10-12 April 1971
Telegram on details of International Socialism and the IMG’s intention to support the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign demo to held at Shephers Bush on 19 July 1970
Report on meeting of the VSC April 19th Ad Hoc Committee changing date and route for the demo, held at Red Mole offices, 182 Pentonville Road N1 on 31 March 1970
Report of a meeting of the Working Committee of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign to plan demo on 25 Jan against PM visiting USA for talks with the president, held at Conway Hall on 30 Dec 1969
Report on an aggregate meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing letter from People's Democracy critical of the ICRSC on financial and political grounds, held at Conway Hall on 22 Nov 1969
2 reports- meeting of ICRSC Steering Committee, at the Dolphin on 16 Sept 1969; and Islington branch to choose candidate for Islington North by election, at the George N1 on 15 Sept 1969; attaching leaflet for Constitutional Conference on 27 Sept
Report on a weekly meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at private room of the Dolphin pub on 19 Aug 1969
Report on meeting of the Working Committee of the VSC (inc HN329) to decide a date for an Autumn Mobilisation, held at home of Nat. Sec. Upali Kooray at 37 Grafton Way W1 on 24 July 1969
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held in private room at the Dolphin pub, Bidborough Street on 15 July 1969, inc leaflet for upcoming march to the Ulster Office on 20 July 1969
Report on meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign rejecting approach from NICRA for cooperation, held at The Dolphin pub, Bidborough Street WC1 on 24 June 1969
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at the Grafton Arms, Prince of Wales Road NW5 on 18 June 1969, inc poster for upcoming civil rights rally on 22 June at Trafalgar Square
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign inc electing committee to discuss groups affiliating, held at the Grafton Arms on 11 June 1969
Report on a private meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing an upcoming NICRA demo of 22 June 1969, held at the Grafton Arms NW3 on 4 June 1969
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting ensuring close co-operation with Special Branch, inc Dixon detailing SDS deployments, held at Scotland Yard on 14 Jan 1969
Report on a meeting of the Havering International Socialists, talk 'What is Revolution' and info on 27 Oct Vietnam demo, held at Laurie Hall, Romford on 26 Sept 1968
Report that a member of the National Executive of Young Liberals is secretly working for International Socialists and trying to get YL to support the VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo on Oct 27
Telegram on a meeting of Camden International Socialists and proposed attendance at a strikers' march and protest at 'Green Beret' film, held at Dublin Castle pub NW1 on 6 Aug 1968
Telegram on a meeting of Camden International Socialists and proposed attendance at a strikers' march and protest at 'Green Beret' film, held at Dublin Castle pub NW1 on 6 Aug 1968
Report on private meeting of Camden International Socialists, speakers on 'The Negro struggle in America', held in private room at Dublin Castle pub NW1 on 6 Aug 1968