The Document Database at of Spycops Research presents all documents released by the UCPI, plus a Library of background material - the latest documents first.
The Inquiry documents can be filtered by date, tranche, spycop, group and more, and searched by keyword. For ease of navigation they are in three separate databases:
Disclosure is where you will find all files released by the Inquiry as part of its investigations. This includes the contemporaneous reports of spycops, managerial correspondence and notes of meetings with MI5.
Statements and Transcripts has all witness statements, and opening and closing statements, as well as the transcripts of the hearings.
Procedural includes all documents from the moment the Inquiry started in 2015 until the hearings started in 2020.
The Library is a collection of background material to the spycops scandal - essentially relevant reading sourced outside the Inquiry. This includes the various early official reviews of undercover policing.
The filtering fields follow the material: date, author, type, originator/publisher.
3339 results
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans for March 1968 Vietnam War demo, very detailed
Report on private meeting of the VSC held to discuss policy for upcoming International Solidarity Demo and announce numerous events, held at Earl Russell pub on 15 Feb 1968
Letter from Ministry of Public Building and Works to Commissioner MPS re Vietnam Solidarity Campaign application for a demo in Trafalgar Square in March 1968
MI5 note for policy file from F4 reporting Special Branch's Chief Superintendent Cuningham has Deputy Commander Ferguson Smith's approval for an unspecified collaborative SB/MI5 scheme
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with DI Dixon on Special Branch policy for unpaid informants and paid agents inc explanation of jargon in reports eg 'a reliable but delicate source'