478 results

Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 15: Reporting Restriction Orders
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Closing Statement - 22 Feb 2023
Closing statement of Tariq Ali, Ernie Tate and Piers Corbyn (non state core participants) for Tranche 1
Closing statement of Professor Jonathan Rosenhead, Ernest Rodker and Lord Peter Hain (non state core participants) for Tranche 1
Closing statement of Other Non-Police, Non-State Core Participants for Tranche 1
Closing statement of Lindsey German, Richard Chessum and ‘Mary’ (non state core participants) for Tranche 1
Exh 2 to Closing statement Tranche 1 Celia Stubbs: National Archive record of a telephone call between the Prime Minister and Home Secretary
Closing statement of Dave Morris (non state core participant) for Tranche 1
Exh for Tranche 1 Closing statement of Other Non-Police, Non-State Core Participants: Red Lion Square Inquiry - Notes of meetings
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Closing Statements - 21 Feb 2023
Exh 1 Closing statement Tranche 1 Celia Stubbs: Evidence given by the Friends of Blair Peach Campaign to the 1981 Scarman Inquiry
Closing statement Tranche 1 Celia Stubbs (non state core participant)
Exh for Tranche 1 Closing statement of Category H Core Participants - Police and People In London - IV The Police In Action
Closing statement of the National Police Chiefs’ Council for Tranche 1
Closing statement of Category H Core Participants (Individuals in Relationships with Undercover Officers) for Tranche 1
Closing statement of Category F Core Participants (Relatives of Deceased Individuals) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Exh 4 to Closing Statement Tranche 1 Celia Stubbs: INQUEST charter
Closing statement of the Home Office for Tranche 1
Closing statement of ‘Madeleine’ (non state core participant) for Tranche 1
Exh 3 to Closing statement Tranche 1 Celia Stubbs: National Archive record of briefing notes for the subsequent press conference
Closing statement of Diane Langford) (non state core participant) for Tranche 1
Ref 4 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1974
Ref 20 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Letter to Armstrong concerning militancy among school children
Ref 9 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1979
Appendix D for Tranche 1 Closing statement of the Metropolitan Police Service: Battle of Lewisham Case Study
Ref 14 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1984
Closing statement of Counsel to the Inquiry for Tranche 1
Ref 3 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1973
First Witness Statement of Anthony Speed (retired police officer)
Ref 19 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report from A Department on a Schools Action Union Demonstration
Ref 8 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1978
Appendix C for Tranche 1 Closing statement of the Metropolitan Police Service: Field Deployments of UCOs
Ref 13 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1983
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Closing Statement - 20 Feb 2023
Ref 2 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1972
Ref 18 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Extract from FCO Bulletin on Communist Matters on The Schools Action Union
Exh for Tranche 1 Closing statement of Category F Core Participants: Report from Select Committee on the Petition of Frederick Young 6 Aug 1833
Ref 7 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1977
Second Witness Statement of HN308 Christopher Skey
Appendix B for Tranche 1 Closing statement of the Metropolitan Police Service: Chronology of Historical Events During T1 Period
Ref 12 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1982
Closing statement of the Metropolitan Police Service for Tranche 1
Annex A for Tranche 1 Closing statement of the Designated Lawyer Officers: SDS Legal Framework
Ref 1 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1971
Ref 6 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1976
Ref 22 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Extract from FCO Bulletin on Communist Matters on The Schools Action Union
Appendix A for Tranche 1 Closing statement of the Metropolitan Police Service: Extracts from Commissioner’s Annual Reviews on public order 1968 – 1982
Ref 11 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1981
Ref 24 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1969
Ref 16 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Second Working Party on Public Order 1971
Ref 5 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1975
Ref 21 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Note of a meeting held in the Home Office on Militancy in Schools
Ref 10 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1980
Closing statement of Officers represented by the Designated Lawyer for Tranche 1
Ref 23 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1968
Ref 15 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Working Party on Public Order 1968
Third Witness Statement of HN3093 Roy Creamer
First Witness Statement of Neil Hardie (non state core participant)
Exh 1 to Opening Statement of CTI for Tranche 1, Modules 2b and 2c: The Times of 28 April 1980
Ref 25 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Report of the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis for the year 1970
Ref 17 in MPS Closing statement Tranche 1: Letter from the Department of Education and Science to Armstrong concerning militancy among schoolchildren
First Witness Statement of Sir Gerald Hayden Phillips (civil servant)
Opening Statement of Counsel to the Inquiry for Tranche 1, Modules 2b and 2c
First Witness Statement of John Cracknell (retired officer)
Speech given by F Smith to ACPO conference 1968
First Witness Statement of Roy Alastair Harrington (retired civil servant) incl. questions added by UCPI
The Red Lion Square Disorders of 15 June 1974 – Report of Inquiry – Lord Justice Scarman
First Witness Statement of Michael Hugh Rumble (civil servant)
First Witness of Sir Charles Pollard (retired police officer)
First Witness Statement of Roy Alastair Harrington (retired civil servant)
Exh JC/1 to Witness Statement of John Cracknell: Photo of scruffle with police
Second Witness Statement of HN103 David Smith
First Witness Statement of Steven Proctor (police officer)
Second Witness Statement of HN126 ‘Paul Gray’
First Witness Statement of HN2152 Richard Scully
Unattributed Excerpts from Closed Officer Evidence
First Witness Statement of HN308 Christopher Skey
First Witness Statement of HN307 Trevor Butler
Index to bundle for Hearing on 20 May 2022
First Witness Statement of HN350 Paul Croyden
Index to bundle for Hearing on 19 May 2022
First Witness Statement of HN368 Richard Walker
First Witness Statement of HN244 Angus McIntosh
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 19 May 2022
First Witness Statement of HN34 Geoffrey Craft
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 18 May 2022
Index to bundle for Hearing on 18 May 2022
Second Witness Statement of HN34 Geoffrey Craft
First Witness Statement of HN2041 Anthony Greenslade
First witness statement of HN3378 Derek Brice
Index to bundle for Hearing on 17 May 2022
First Witness Statement of HN103 David Smith
Index to bundle for Hearing on 16 May 2022
First Witness Statement of HN3095 William Furner
Exh WF/15 to HN3095’s First Witness Statement: Photo of Riby Wilson and Roy Creamer
Second Witness Statement of HN3093 Roy Creamer
Second Witness Statement of HN3095 William Furner