478 results

Hearing Day
Exh 5 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Unigate flyer 1984
Exh 10 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo of Kingsnorth Climate Camp
Exh 15 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo of Fairford Coach
Opening Statement of CPs represented by HJA, Bhatt Murphy and Bindmans
Exh 4 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo of John Dines on London Greenpeace stall at Anti-McDonald’s fayre
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Opening Statements - 5 Nov 2020
Exh 9 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo of Aldermaston spinning wheel
Exh 14 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo of Ricky Reel
Exh 3 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo of Bob Lambert at Unigate demo
Exh 8 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo from Aldermaston demo
Exh 13 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo of Blair Peach
Exh 2 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): London Greenpeace original broadsheet
Exh 7 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo from 2000 Mayday demo
Exh 12 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Indian Workers’ Association poster
Exh 1 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Anti-Apartheid Movement poster
Exh 6 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): Photo from Reclaim the Streets demo
Exh 11 to Opening Statement of Core Participants (represented by Mike Schwarz et al): No to NATO’ leaflet
Opening Statement of Undercover Officers (represented by Slater and Gordon) for Tranche 1
Opening Statement of Peter Francis (core participant) for Tranche 1
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Opening Statements - 4 Nov 2020
Opening Statement of Ex-wives of Undercover Officers (Core Participants Category M, represented by Hickman and Rose) for Tranche 1
Opening Statement of Non State Core Participants (represented by Richard Parry and Jane Deighton) for Tranche 1
Exh ASR/3 to HN334’s Witness Statement: Photo of Helen Crampton, Joan Hillier and HN334
Exh ASR/8 to HN334’s Witness Statement: Photo of Dave Fisher and Ray Wilson
Exh ASR/2 to HN334’s Witness Statement: Photo of Conrad Dixon
Opening Statement of the Home Office for Tranche 1, Phase 1
Opening Statement of the Metropolitan Police Service for Tranche 1, Phase 1
Exh ASR/7 to HN334’s Witness Statement: Photo of Phil Saunders and Bill Furner
Opening Statement of the National Police Chiefs’ Council for Tranche 1
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Opening Statements - 3 Nov 2020
Exh ASR/5 to HN334’s Witness Statement: Photo of HN332, Conrad Dixon and HN329
Opening Statement of the National Crime Agency for Tranche 1
Exh ASR/9 to HN334’s Witness Statement: Photo of UCOs
Opening Statement of Undercover Officers (represented by the Designated Lawyers) for Tranche 1
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Opening Statements - 2 Nov 2020
Opening Statement of Counsel to the Inquiry for Tranche 1
Index to bundle for Hearing on 2 Nov 2020
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 13: Privacy and the GDPR (Day 2)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 13: Privacy and the GDPR (Day 1)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 14: Tranche 1 Directions hearing
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 12: Strategic Review
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 11: Anonymity V
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 10: Anonymity IV, Lambert Report
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 9: Anonymity III, Restriction Order Approach
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 8: Anonymity II, Restriction Order Approach (Day 2)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 8: Anonymity II, Restriction Order Approach (Day 1)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 7: Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 6: Anonymity I, Restriction Order Approach (Day 2)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 6: Anonymity I, Restriction Order Approach (Day 1)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 5: Use of Deceased Children’s Identities
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 4: Undertakings
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 3: Restriction order approach (Day 2)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 3: Restriction order approach (Day 1)
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 2: Legal Representation
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 1: Designation of Core Participants
Christopher Farrimond – Gist of Witness Statement
Witness Statement of Marcus Barnett
Second Witness Statement of Jeffrey Lamprey
First Witness Statement of Cairo
Fourth Witness Statement of Alan Pughsley
Witness Statement of Brian Healy re: restriction order application of HN14 Jim Boyling
Second Witness Statement of Neil Hutchison
Second Witness Statement of Alistair Pocock
Extracts of statement of Alan Pughsley for NPCC made 27 September 2017
Witness Statement of Harriet Wistrich
Fifth Witness Statement of Neil Hutchison
Fourth Witness Statement of Donal O’Driscoll
Second Witness Statement of Neil Cox
Witness Statement of Mary (NSCP)
Witness Statement of Paddy McGuinness on ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’
First Witness Statement of Neil Hutchison
Third Witness Statement of Donal O’Driscoll
Third Witness Statement of Michael Killeen
Witness Statement of Louise Meade
Witness Statement of Geoff Bluemel
First Witness Statement of Donal O’Driscoll
Witness Statement of Kenneth Neale
Third Witness Statement of Cairo