478 results

Hearing Day
Second Witness Statement of HN3095 William Furner
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 13 May 2022
Exh 3 to Statement of Elizabeth Leicester: Chapter from Norman Harding’s ‘Staying Red: Why I remain a socialist’
Index to bundle for Hearing on 13 May 2022
Second Witness Statement of HN218 Barry Moss 'Barry Morris'
First Witness Statement of Elizabeth Leicester (non state core participant)
Index to bundle for Hearing on 12 May 2022
Exh 2 to Witness Statement Lindsey German: Report of the Lord Justice Scarman on the Grunwick dispute
Exh 1 to Witness Statement Lindsey German: Timeline from the book Reminiscences of RAR
First Witness Statement of Lindsey German (non state core participant)
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 12 May 2022
Exh 3 to Witness Statement Lindsey German: Excerpt from A People’s History of London by Lindsey German & John Rees
Opening Statement of the Other Non-Police, Non-State Core Participants (represented by the coordinating group of lawyers) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Opening Statements - 11 May 2022
Opening Statement of Dave Morris (non state core participant) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Index to bundle for Hearing on 11 May 2022
Opening Statement of Tariq Ali, Ernie Tate and Piers Corbyn (non state core participants) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Exh 1 to the Second Witness statement of 'Madeleine' - Postcard Vince front
Exh 2 to the Second Witness statement of 'Madeleine' - Postcard Vince back
Exh 1 to the First Witness Statement of Julia Poynter: photo of Poynter and HN155 'Phil Cooper'
Annex A Opening Statement of the Other Non-Police, Non-State Core Participants (represented by the coordinating group) for Tranche 1, Phase 3: Diagram of Hierarchy, Special Branch Squads and A8
Exh 2 to the First Witness Statement of Julia Poynter: photo of marble gift from HN354 Vince Harvey 'Vince Miller'
Second Witness Statement of 'Madeleine' (non state core participant)
First Witness Statement of Julia Poynter (non state core participant)
Exh 6 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 6
Opening Statement of Relatives of Deceased Individuals (Core Participants Category F represented by Bindmans) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Opening Statement of Lindsey German, Richard Chessum and ‘Mary’ (non state core participants) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Exh 5 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 5
Opening Statement of ‘Madeleine’ (non state core participant) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Exh 4 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 4
Exh 9 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 9
Opening Statement of Professor Jonathan Rosenhead and Lord Peter Hain (non state core participants) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Opening Statement Celia Stubbs (non state core participant) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Exh 3 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 3
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Opening Statements - 10 May 2022
Exh 8 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 8
Opening Statement of Individuals in Relationships with Undercover Officers (Core Participants Category H, represented by Birnberg Peirce, Hickman & Rose and Hodge Jones & Allen) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Exh 2 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 2
Opening Statement of the Home Office for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Exh 7 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 7
Exh 1 to Opening Statement Celia Stubbs Tranche 1 Part 3: Subject Access Request 1
Opening Statement of Diane Langford (non state core participant) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
The Times of 11 August 1977
Index to bundle for Hearing on 9 May 2022
Signatures: Deceased Tranche One Module 2a managers
Special Branch Report on a Meeting with representatives of the Observer on an article intended to be run on the WRP
Opening Statement of Undercover Officers (represented by the Designated Lawyers) for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Exh 1 to Second Witness Statement of Diane Langford: Record sheet of Diane Langford 1968 – 1980
First Witness Statement of John Rees (non state core participant)
Exh 6 to Opening Statement of CTI for Tranche 1, Phase 3: Extract from The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5 by Christopher Andrew.
Second Witness Statement of Diane Langford (non state core participant)
The Times of 17 August 1977
Exh 2 to Second Witness Statement of Diane Langford: info from Registry File log sheet cross referenced with UCPI disclosure
Note of ad hoc meeting of Ministers on the subject of demonstrations and student unrest held on Monday 16 September 1968
Exh 5 to Opening Statement of CTI for Tranche 1, Phase 3: Extract from The Manchanda Connection – a political memoir by Diane Langford
Transcript of HN41’s evidence to the Inquiry
The Times of 15 August 1977
First Witness statement of Joan Rudder (non state core participant)
First Witness Statement of Roy Battersby (non state core participant)
Exh 4 to Opening Statement of CTI for Tranche 1, Phase 3: Pages from the Autobiography of Sir Robert Mark
Transcript of HN341’s evidence to the Inquiry
The Times of 13 August 1977 (p2)
Opening Statement of the Metropolitan Police Service for Tranche 1, Phase 3
Gist of transcript of HN109’s closed evidence to the Inquiry
Exh 3 to Opening Statement of CTI for Tranche 1, Phase 3: The Times of 28 October 1968
Transcript of HN302’s evidence to the Inquiry
The Times of 13 August 1977 (p1)
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Opening Statements - 9 May 2022
Opening Statement of Counsel to the Inquiry for Tranche 1 Phase 3
Exh 2 to Opening Statement of CTI for Tranche 1, Phase 3: The Times of 24 October 1968
Appendix A Opening Statement of the Designated Lawyer Officers for Tranche 1, Phase 3: Prosecution of Cecil William Constant Mulvena, Media and Hansard Coverage
Transcript of HN21’s evidence to the Inquiry
WRP 1974 Election Manifesto
First Witness Statement of John Reed (non state core participant)
Annex A to Opening Statement of the Other NPNSCPs (represented by the coordinating group of lawyers) for Tranche 1, Phase 2: Link to School Kids Against Nazies video
First Witness Statement of Brian Lockie (police officer / risk assessor)
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 13 May 2021
Index to bundle for Hearing on 13 May 2021
Extract from David Reid’s Risk Assessment of HN155 Phil Cooper concerning his admission to sexual relationship
Supplemented Witness Statement of HN155 ‘Phil Cooper’
First Witness Statement of David Reid (police officer / risk assessor)
First Witness Statement of HN96 ‘Michael James’
Extract from Risk Assessors notes on HN155 Phil Cooper, 14 November 2017
First Witness Statement of HN106 ‘Barry Tompkins'
Transcript UCPI Evidence Hearings: 12 May 2021
Index to bundle for Hearing on 12 May 2021
First Witness Statement of HN126 'Paul Gray'
First Witness Statement of HN80 ‘Colin Clark’
Gist of HN354’s Accounts of Sexual Relationships
Index to bundle for Hearing on 11 May 2021
Supplemented Witness Statement of HN354 Vince Harvey ‘Vince Miller’
First Witness Statement of HN354 Vince Harvey ‘Vince Miller’
Exh 4 to Witness Statement 'Madeleine’: Photo related to the National Front from Camerawork magazine Issue 8, produced by 'Madeleine' 2
Exh 3 to Witness Statement 'Madeleine’: Photo related to the National Front from Camerawork magazine Issue 8, produced by 'Madeleine' 1
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 11 May 2021
Exh 5 to Witness Statement 'Madeleine’: First Additional Photograph of HN354 provided by 'Madeleine' 
Exh 6 to Witness Statement 'Madeleine’: Second Additional Photograph of HN354 provided by 'Madeleine' 
Transcript of UCPI Hearing: Evidence Hearings - 10 May 2021
Exh 1 to Witness Statement of ‘Madeleine’: Fragment of Madeleine's diary about Vince
Index to bundle for Hearing on 10 May 2021