Tranche 6 of the Undercover Policing Inquiry’s work looks at the management and oversight of the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) and the National Public Order Intelligence Unit. This includes mid and senior officers within the police, other agencies involved and also government departments. It also includes how intelligence was disseminated to them.
For this reason, it has sought evidence from parties such as the Security Service (Witness Z) and officers who could attest to the distribution of SDS intelligence within Special Branch (e.g. HN3093 Roy Creamer ) and the Metropolitan Police Public Order / A.8 branch (witnesses: HN1742 Anthony Speed , John Cracknell ).
Due to the elderly nature of many of the witnesses for earlier periods, the Inquiry decided to run this tranche concurrently with the early ones, contrary to its original plan to run the tranches consecutively. In the Tranche 1 hearing, this was covered in the Phase 3 (T1P3) hearings. No senior police managers for the SDS in the Tranche 1 era (1968-82) were alive at the time of the hearing.
Likewise, the Tranche 1 Phase 3 hearings also included material relating to Modules 2(b) and (c) which looked at senior police managers, the handling of undercover intelligence and the involvement of other government bodies with connections to the Special Demonstration Squad.