
Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 20 May 2022


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kilburn SWP inc summary of recent Rank and File Conference held in Manchester, held at redacted private home on 4 July 1979
Mike Ferguson
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6, inc requests for information both ways, held at MI5 on 22 July 1980
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of 9 pages listing participants in the SCARF counter-demo against the National Front, held in Southwark on 2 March 1980
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Greenwich SWP inc talk by HN124/HN356 on Southern Africa and personal experience of apartheid, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road SE7 on 12 Dec 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing SWP members who took part in a demo against financial cuts affecting schools and hospitals in Hackney on 13 Sept 1979, inc leaflet (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Haringey SWP inc HN80 being proposed for nomination to District Treasurer, held at the Ship pub, High Road, Tottenham N17 on 21 Nov 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on pre-conference aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP, held at Labour Rooms, Trades Hall, Bruce Grove N17 on 31 Oct 1979, inc weekly internal news sheet (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing names, addresses and occupations of members of Enfield SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on first meeting of the SWP Central Committee elected at 1979 conference and the roles allocated
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing names, addresses and occupations of members of Haringey SWP inc HN80
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of Haringey SWP, held at The Ship pub, N17 on 7 Nov 1979, inc internal news sheet (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on redacted SWP official's promotion to Industrial Dept at HQ, inc 25 page draft policy document about building rank and file support 'Shop Floor Politics and the Experience of Lea Valley' (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a picket at Tottenham Police Station to protest against the killing of Blair Peach, held at Tottenham Police Station on 10 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants at the SWP 'National Lobby Against the Cuts' demo, held in London on 28 Nov 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of an SWP member in response to MI5 request, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees at a social organised by NWt London SWP, held at redcated private home on 24 Nov 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and employment details of a member of Cricklewood SWP inc photograph (attached but redacted) 
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the number of SWP members in South London
Mike Ferguson
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between H/SDS and F6 to discuss intelligence requests
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal temporary accommodation details of a couple who are members of the Spartacist League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting to re-form Plumstead SWP, held at redacted private home on 15 Nov 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of Cricklewood SWP inc photograph taken on an End Low Pay demo on 3 March 1979 (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
MI5 Loose Minute on the SDS being prepared to lecture at the MI5 agent-running course
Mike Ferguson
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting with DCI Ferguson to deliver briefs requesting info from upcoming SWP national conference (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing committee members of Hackney District Socialist Workers Party inc HN96
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation details of a member of the Spartacist League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing a photograph taken at the funeral of Blair Peach of a woman who has left the SWP but is involved in Women's Voice and the Anti-Nazi League (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that an Oxford University Professor receives copies of Spartacist Britain and Workers Vanguard
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing a photograph of a person taken at the funeral of Blair Peach (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of Haringey SWP inc lecture on democratic centralism, held at The Ship pub N17 on 11 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Haringey SWP discussing the relationship between the SWP and Women's Voice, held at The Ship Inn N17 on 19 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the Spartacist League on 'For Workers Revolution in Iran', held at Conway Hall on 14 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing a photograph of a person taken at the funeral of Blair Peach (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing a photograph from the Kilburn Times of a man taken at vigil for Blair Peach organised by the Anti-Nazi League at Kilburn police station on 12 Oct 1979 (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation details of a leading member of the Spartacus League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report identifying two Oxford University contacts of the Spartacus League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Hackney District Socialist Workers Party second pre-conference aggregate, held at the Britannia pub, Mare St E8 on 15 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Spartacus League, held at redacted venue on 14 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a picket at Woolwich Police Station on the eve of the inquest into the death of Blair Peach, held at Woolwich Police Station on 10 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Spartacus League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing people at a picket about the death of Blair Peach organised by Socialist Workers Party, held at Stoke Newington police station on 10 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a picket on the eve of the inquest into the death of Blair Peach, held at Harlesden Police Station on 10 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a picket at Kilburn Police Station on the eve of the inquest into the death of Blair Peach, held at Kilburn Police Station on 10 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Clapton Socialist Workers Party chaired by HN96 inc discussion of Blair Peach inquest, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 3 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Hackney District Committee of the SWP dicussing upcoming demos about Blair Peach inquest, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 1 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a NW London District Committee meeting of the SWP inc planning demos for Blair Peach inquest and against the National Front, held at The Vale W3 on 1 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting DI McIntosh of the SDS and the introduction of his successor, Trevor Butler, discussing training, cover identities and future coverage, held at Curzon St House on 2 Oct 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kilburn SWP discussing the campaign against the proposed Abortion Amendment & ANL Blair Peach demo, held at redacted venue on 26 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc a talk on 'Selling the Socialist Worker' and discussion of demos at police stations regarding the murder of Blair Peach, held at redacted addtess on 24 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that there will be a re-election of party officers in the Waltham Forest District of the SWP as Treasurer HN354 'intends taking a prolonged holiday in the USA'
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP discussing the upcoming Waltham Forest Trades Council Conference and SWP influnce there, held at redacted address on 20 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP discussing cancellation of the Socialist Worker conference, held at redacted private home on 17 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Clapton Socialist Workers Party, held at the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 5 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Plumstead and Greenwich branches of the SWP have amalgamated
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Hackney District Committee of Socialist Workers Party discussing Stop the Cuits demo in Hackney on 13 Sept, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 10 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Socialist Workers Party Women’s Aggregate involving a general discussion on 'Women’s Voice' and role of women in the party, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 10 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc discussion of poor attendance, held at redacted private home on 10 Sept 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of co-ordinating committee for 'Stop the Cuts' demo, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 28 Aug 1979, inc 2 leaflets (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Spartacus League and his partner
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants (7 pages, almost entirely redacted) in a demo commemorating 10 years of British troops in Ireland organised by the National League of Young Liberals, held at Speakers Corner on 12 Aug 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP inc member accused of setting fire to chairs and a garden fence at an SWP fundraising party, held at redacted private home on 28 Aug 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kilburn SWP discussing Right to Work campaign and plans to oppose the new Abortion Bill, held at redacted venue on 15 Aug 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of two people, one of whom is a member of Haringey SWP and Lea Valley Women's Voice
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a 16 year old member of Clapton Socialist Workers Party
Mike Ferguson
MI5 note for liaison file summarising interaction of MI5 and SDS - largely MI5 being supplied with info - since the start of 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Clapton SWP inc summary of recent Rank and File Conference and plans for demo in Hackeny against cuts, held at Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 25 July 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report naming 2 people elected to the newly-formed steering committee of the Anti-Nazi League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accomodation, vehicle, physical and employment details of an SWP member who has become a supply teacher at a primary school
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the main hearing at the 'International Tribunal on Britain's Presence in Ireland' of the case against the British Government, held at Conway Hall on 7-8 July 1979, inc agenda and indictment (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc talk bt Roger Huddle on Afro-American revolutionary music, held at Woodlands Ave E17 on 4 July 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal address and phone details of Judith Condon, member of the Women's Voice editorial board
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP on 'Police are the Murderers - Disband the Special Patrol Group' with 2 police spotted among attendees, held at Leytonstone Library E11 on 5 July 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees at a Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism / Anti-Nazi League Group fund-raising social, held at home of Bob Cox on 30 June 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees at the funeral of Blair Peach, held at East London Cemetery on 13 July 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly discussion group held of Haringey SWP on ‘The Two Bad Years’ (peasant and workers struggles in Italy 1919-20) inc personal descriptions of attendees, held at redacted private home in E17 on 1 July 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of London Squatters Union who has moved to Munich
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a child has been thrown out of his home following a fist fight with his brother
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a child who accompanies her parents to meetings of NW London District SWP inc photo (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Camden Anti-Nazi League on ‘Who killed Blair Peach?’, held at Camden Town Hall on 12 June 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on NW London SWP District Committee meeting, held at redacted private home on 18 June 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Clapton SWP at which it was decided to split to form an additional branch in Homerton, held at the Clarence pub, Clarence Rd E8 on 6 June 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation, phone and employment details of a leading member of the SWP in North London who is also active in the Anti-Nazi League and the United Troops Out Movement
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the relationship between the SWP and Women's Voice and WV resisting party control
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees of the 1979 SWP Easter Rally, held at Derbyshire Miners Holiday Camp, Skegness on 13-16 April 1979, inc programme (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of NW London District SWP inc talk by Duncan Hallas on the SWP after the general election, held at White Horse pub, Church St NW10 on 31 May 1979, inc a document titled 'The Friends of Blair Peach Committee' (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation and employment details of an SWP member who is a cartoonist for the Socialist Worker
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment details of SWP member 'Madeleine'
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting leaflet by Friends of Blair Peach Committee (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details and the breakdown of the relationship between two members of the SWP who are no longer living together
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal family, accommodation, vehicle and physical details of a member of Clapton SWP who is also in Hackney Women's Voice, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment, accommodation and relationship details of a member of Barnet SWP who is a National Union of Public Employees shop steward
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of the Finchley SWP, Rebel, School Kids Against the Nazis and the National Union of School Students, inc physical description and photo (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of Barnet SWP and Barnet Rebel, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on large public meeting of Hackney Anti-Nazi League, held at Stoke Newington Town Hall on 2 May 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on current activities and meetings of Walthamstow and Leytonstone branches of the SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the People's Commission on policing, held at Conway Hall on 30 March 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on committee meeting of NW London District SWP discussing arrangements for an anti-National Front demo in Leicerster on 21 April 1979, held at redacted private home on 17 April 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of anarchists to discuss the anarchist May Day picnic to be held in Highgate woods, held at the Metropolitan pub, Farringdon Rd EC1 on 19 March 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of NW London District SWP branch secretaries and Socialist Worker paper organisers (HN126 is the District Socialist Worker Organiser), held at redacted venue on 3 April 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on committee meeting of NW London District SWP, held at redacted private home on 2 April 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal education, employment, vehicle and physical details of a member of Clapton SWP and Hackney Women's Voice
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of Persons Unknown and Rising Free has moved in with a person waiting to stand trial for conspiracy to rob in the PUNK trial
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Kilburn SWP inc HN126 reporting on the recent District Committee meeting, held at redacted private home on 21 March 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees at a fund-raising party held by the Camden Socialist Challenge Group, held at redacted private home on 10 March 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Waltham Forest District SWP is going through a period of disorder and ineffectiveness as District Treasurer HN354 and the District Secretary have resigned
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a redacted individual's plans to travel to France to participate in 'May Day' demos
Mike Ferguson
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting with DCI Ferguson to discuss how cooperation between F6 and SDS could be developed, held at MI5 offices on 22 Feb 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a private meeting called by Persons Unknown to form a federation of anarchist groups to oppose increasing police powers, held at Conway Hall on 6 March 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a private meeting of Persons Unknown discussing participation in a television program on anarchists, held at redacted address on 4 March 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of SE London District SWP, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Rd SE7 on 13 Feb 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1978, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that an SWP member is an ambulance driver for Central Middlesex Hospital, a shop steward for the National Union of Public Employees and involved in the current inductrial dispute at the hospital
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of two members of the Socialist Workers Party
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing places where NW London District SWP members are employed and/or SWP publications are circulated
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a confrontation between National Front paper sellers and Socialist Workers Party/Anti-Nazi League members at junction of Church Lane and High Road E11 on 10 Feb 1976
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on two siblings who are members of Cricklewood SWP and involved in strike action at Smiths Industries as members of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a hospital porter at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond St, is a shop steward for the National Union of Public Employees and was engaged in industrial action at the hospital
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a general meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden / Anti-Nazi League chaired by HN126 inc a talk on Racialism in the Community, held at Methodist Church Hall, Quex Rd NW6 on 21 Jan 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain on ‘Three World Theory and the Strategy for Revolution in Britain’, held on 5 Jan 1979
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a couple who have separated, and their respective current addresses
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on joint public meeting of the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain and the Communist Workers Movement on ‘The Third World, The Main Force Opposing the Two Superpowers’, held at Co-op Hall, 129 Seven Sisters Road on 2 Dec 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of Bexley Anti-Nazi League, held at the Prince Albert pub, Watling Street, Bexleyheath on 4 Dec 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on two meetings of the London Workers Group discussing several industrial disputes and HN20 elected publicity manager, at Rising Up, 182 Upper St N1 on 13 and 20 Nov 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on informal meeting of Plumstead SWP at which HN124 is formally made branch paper sales organiser, held at the Lord Rupert pub, Earl Rise SE18 on 3 Dec 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc a report on the bakers' strike from a member of the Bakers' Union, held at the Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 29 Nov 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of Plumstead SWP chaired by HN124 at which he's announced as 'Socialist Worker' branch organiser, held at the Information Centre, Harrow Manor Way, Thamesmead SE2 on 29 Nov 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective discussing the forthcoming edition of the magazine Anarchy, held at redacted venue on 23 Nov 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that an SWP member has been sacked from Fords at Dagenham
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in an Anti-Nazi League demo against the National Front Rememberance Day march, held at the Cenotaph, Whitehall held on 12 Nov 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and employment details of a member of Fleet Street SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from DCI Ferguson to DCS Kneale on venue for SDS officers' promotion exams
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report detailing the vehicle and its owner in which members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League travelled to the Festival of Racial Harmony, held at Kilburn Grange Park on 23 July 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming public meeting organised by the Brent Trades Council on the topic of 'Racialism', to be held at Brent Town Hall on 21 Nov 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an SWP social to raise funds for a South African member's final degree year at Kilburn Poly, held at redacted private home on 21 Oct 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP ratifying new District Committee, and organising sleepover protection for Dagenham household suffering racist attacks, held at Leytonstone Library on 19 Oct 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Cricklewood SWP, held at Anson Hall, Chichele Road NW2 on 19 Oct 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on redacted person planning prison visits to Durham and Gertree
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report containing an overview of the six branches of the SE London district SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective, held at a private residence on 12 Oct 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective, held at redacted address (the home of Chris Broad) on 19 Oct 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP at which a new branch Committee was elected inc HN354 as Treasurer, held at Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 11 Oct 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees at an Anti-Nazi League Carnival (9 pages, almost entirely redacted), held at Brockwell Park on 24 Sept 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal domestic details of Julia Poynter
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report personal details of two co-habiting members of the Zero Collective
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing the main members and the weekly meeting location of the Anarchy Collective
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Organising Committee of West Hampstead Anti-Nazi League, held at a private residence on 4 Sept 1978, inc minutes of that meeting (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the inaugural meeting of the Bexley Branch of the Anti-Nazi League, targeted by a National Front protest, held at Welling Public Library, Welling, Kent on 30 Aug 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants at Right to Work picket outside TUC Annual Conference, held in Brighton on 6 Sept 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal detials of a member of Seven Sisters SWP who has recently returned from Italy
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on details of a car used in a paint-out of National Front slogans in Parliament Hill Fields NW3 on 19 Aug 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees at 'Carnival Against Racialism' organised by the Brent Trades Council, held at Stonebridge Recreational Ground on 20 Aug 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal detials of a member of the SWP inc employment, address, family and physical description
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of West Hampstead Anti-Nazi League, held at redacted venue on 7 Aug 1978, enclosing a copy of the August Newsletter (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on trades union membership and activism of a member of the NW London District SWP who is Secretary of the Barnet Trades Council
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal bank account details of seven members of the SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Dave Morris has recently bought a motorbike, inc registration details
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Cricklewood SWP, inc physical description, domestic circumstances and trade union activity
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Cricklewood SWP who was also a shop steward at the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in an anti-National Front, held at Brick Lane E1 on 29 and 30 July 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of someone who recently applied for membership of the Anti-Nazi League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a child who is the new secretary of Finchley and Barnet SWP inc minor criminal offence
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on committee meeting of Cricklewood SWP inc HN126 being made Socialist Worker Organiser, held at a private residence on 26 July 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of two co-habiting members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League and an article on the ANL for 'Womens Voice' authored by one of them (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on HN13's appearance, alongside three other individuals, on various public order charges arising from a National Front meeting at Loughborough School, Minet Rd, hearing held at Lambeth Magistrates' Court on 29 June 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a couple who are members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a leading member of School Kids Against the Nazis inc photograph
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc talk on the SWP attitude to terrorism, held at the Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 5 July 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a protest against racist attacks in Lewisham, held on 1 July 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a pre-conference aggregate meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP, held at Leytonstone Library on 12 June 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on sentences given to people at an Irish support demo in Sparkhill, Birmingham on 20 May 1978, and Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) policy on fines and imprisonment
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective discussing a Persons Unknown meeting and paedophiles, held at redacted venue on 22 June 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of School Kids Against Nazis
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Anarchy Collective discussing copy for the next edition of Anarchy magazine & planning Persons Unknown trial support, held at 29 Grosvenor Square N5 on 8 June 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP on immigration controls, held at the Library, Leytonstone High Street E10 on 10 May 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Barnet Trades Council to support the Hendon Times and Acton Gazette journalists' strike, held at Hendon Public Library, The Burroughs NW4 on 16 May 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the inaugural public meeting of NW London Anti-Nazi League, held at Anson Hall, Chichele Road NW10 on 19 April 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of the SWP Central Committee
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Dave Morris is secretary of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups, and physical description of him after recent change of appearance, inc photo (not attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on financial trouble of the Zero Collective due to expense of aertwork preparations
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Anarchist Centre - at 109 Back Church Lane E1 - the premises of the Anarchy Collective, and description of AC's financial dispute with the Zero Collective
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP to discuss the role of Women's Voice as a newspaper and the effect of the geographic groups, held at Chequers pub, High St E17 on 10 May 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc discussion on the National Front and how to oppose it, inc details of 20 arrests at counter-demo at Walthamstow High School for Girls that week, held at Chequers pub, High St E17 on 3 May 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees at the Anarchist May Day Picnic, held at Finsbury Park on 1 May 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of anarchists inc talk from a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange used to bait the National Front into a counter-demo, held at the London School of Economics on 19 May 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing 69 attendees (67 redacted) of an Anti-Nazi League rally and march from Algate to Hyde Park on 14 May 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on details of a vehicle and driver that took children to a School Kids Against Nazis meeting, held at the Labour Party rooms, Uxbridge W12 on 22 Apr 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a leading member of Finsbury Park SWP who's split up with her partner and moved out
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation, employment and physical details of a person who has applied to join Cricklewood SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing photo of a child taken at an anti-Nazi demo in Brixton on 14 April 1978 (not attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of Cricklewood SWP who attended the National Conference of Flame inc description of one, held in Birmingham on 13 May 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc discussion of Anti-Nazi League and branch elections with HN354 elected Treasurer, held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe Street E17 on 26 April 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing 229 attendees of the Anti-Nazi League 'Carnival Against the Nazis' (225 redacted), held in Victoria Park, Hackney on 30 April 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accomodation, relationship, employment and physical details of a member of Cricklewood SWP who was formerly a member of Swansea SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal physical, vehicle, employment and union details of a member of SE London IMG and Greenwich NUT
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the Anti-Nazi League and All Lewisham Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, held at Catford Town Hall SE6 on 11 April 1978, inc ALCARAF newsletter April 1978 (attached)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment, physical and medical details of a member of Cricklewood SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment, union and accommodation details of a member of Cricklewood SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from DCI Ferguson Det. Ch. Supt ?S Squad concerning info passed to A Dept regarding ANL rally
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Cricklewood SWP who works at the Socialist Worker print shop
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of London members of School Kids Against Nazis, held at Shepherd's Bush Labour Party Rooms, Uxbridge Road W12 on 22 April 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Finsbury Park SWP who is a guard with British Rail
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a child who is a member of Finchley SWP and School Kids Against Nazis
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing new appointments made within Plumstead SWP inc HN124/HN356 as Treasurer
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of Seven Sisters SWP has commenced a shorthand typing course
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on fortnightly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington District Committee of the SWP discussing Socialist Unity candidates in the forthcoming local election and the Carnical Against the Nazis on 30 April, held at the home of its secretary Don Trudell
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the final court appearances of 8 of those arrested (inc HN13) at an East London People's Front demo on 8 Oct 1977, trial on 12 April 1978 at Barking magistrates
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of Finchley SWP inc a talk by Paul Foot on 'Why you should be a Socialist', held at the Bull and Butcher pub, High Road, Whetstone on 6 April 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an organising meeting of North-West London Anti-Nazi League, held at Anson Hall, Chichele Road NW2 on 23 March 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP, held at the Rose & Crown E17 on 15 March 78
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details a member of Cricklewood SWP who is assistant shop steward of his union
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the formation and activity of Haringey and Enfield Anti-Nazi League
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Angel Road Cell of SWP, held at 32 Sutherland Road, Tottenham N17 on 16 March 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of Finsbury Park SWP discussing District business, held at the Queens Arms, Hornsey Road N7 on 15 March 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal, employment and union details of a member of Plumstead SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of Plumstead SWP, held at the Information Centre, Harrow Manor Way, Thamesmead SE2 on 8 March 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a North London District Anti-Nazi League organiser who plays saxophone in the funk band Limousine
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and employment details of a member of Leyton SWP who lives with 'Madeleine'
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the inaugural meeting of the Greenwich Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, held at Woolwich Public Hall, Market Street SE18 on 17 March 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an SWP public meeting titled 'Prisoners of War - political status for Irish prisoners', held at Conway Hall on 3 March 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP at which ‘little of interest arose’, held at the Rose & Crown E17 on 8 March 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Cricklewood SWP inc a talk on South Africa, held at Anson Hall, Chichele Road NW2 on 9 March 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of the Convenor of the Hornsey SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on internal dynamics within the Anti-Nazi League and its relationship with the Socialist Workers Party, as well as efforts by the SWP to mobilise people on behalf of the ANL
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of Hammersmith SWP discussing standing in the next general election, held at Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street W6 on 22 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a child who attends meetings of Walthamstow SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch report on personal details of a member of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP District Committee who is responsible for Industrial Affairs
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a picket outside a National Front meeting (6 pages, all redacted except Peter Hain), held at Ilford County High School on 25 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Cricklewood SWP, held at Anson Hall, Chichele Road NW2 on 23 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Seven Sisters SWP with redacted speaker on 'Women and Fascism', held at West Green Library, Vincent Road, Tottenham N15 on 8 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that two members of Seven Sisters SWP are assisting organisation of the strike by employees of Gazners Steak House Ltd
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of Walthamstow SWP with Tony Cliff speaking on 'What the SWP stands for', held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe Street E17 on 15 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the first District aggregate meeting of the Hammersmith and Kensington District of the SWP, held at the Distillers Arms pub. Fulham Palace Road SW6 on 9 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a routine meeting of Walthamstow SWP, held at Rose & Crown E17 on 8 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Plumstead SWP, held at the Information Centre, Harrow Manor Way, Thamesmead SE2 on 8 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a West London Anti-Nazi League counter-demo against a National Front paper sale, held at King Street W6 on 18 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that two members of Enfield SWP were recently married and on their domestic arrangements
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details inc address and vehicle registration of a member of Angel Road Industrial cell of SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a day school on the subject of Ireland organised by the Irish sub-committee of the SWP, held at the North London Polytechnic, Holloway Road N7 on 28 Jan 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP discussing the inaugural meeting of the Waltham Forest area committee, held at Rose & Crown E17 on 25 Jan 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on performance of the play 'Out of Control' by the theatre group North West Spanner, hosted by Waltham Forest SWP and Leyton Labour Party Ladies' Branch, held at the Leyton Labour Rooms, Woodgrange Road E10 on 1 Feb 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a leaflet by SW London District SWP on the relevance of the firefighters strike to all workers, copy attached
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on recent activities of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist), inc formation of 'Little Red Guards' for members' kids
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the SWP on the subject of 'The Trotskyist Tradition', held at Charlton House, Charlton SE7 on 24 Jan 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on bank account details of a woman who is married to a member of Islington SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal bank account details for a member of Islington SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal bank account details for a member of the Islington Teachers branch of the SWP and the North London District SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal bank account details of a member of the Islington NALGO SWP
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of Outer East London District SWP inc a talk by Tony Cliff on Zionism, held at the Eagle & Child pub, Woodgrange Road E7 on 16 Jan 1978
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report outlining the membership and various branches within Outer East London District SWP and proposals for reorganisation
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on declining attendance at the Federation of London Anarchist Groups, Dave Morris ready to step in to try to save it
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal education, employment, accommodation and phone details of Dave Morris, 'a leading figure in anarchist circles'
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regional centres/groups of Stop the Seventy Tour
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Service
Approved Commissioner's Commendation for HN135's work with the SDS, inc minute sheet
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Steering Committee of the ICRSC discussing Frank Keane Defence Committee, held at the Earl Russell pub NW1 on 18 June 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Steering Committee of the ICRSC, held at the Earl Russell pub NW1 on 11 June 1970, inc leaflet 'Smash Paisleyism!’
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign steering group meeting discussing general election campaign esp disrupting National Front, held at 10 Venetia Road N4 on 3 June 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo by Stop the Seventy Tour at the South African cricket team's arrival in England, to be held at Heathrow airport on 1 June 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the National Committee of Stop the Seventy Tour, held at 21a Gwendolen Ave SW15 on 3 May 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming regional conference of London Region Stop the Seventy Tour Committee, to be held at St Pancras Town Hall on 5 Apr 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of London Groups of Stop the Seventy Tour planning for South African cricket tour (later cancelled for fear of protests!), held at 54 Ravensbourne Park SE6 on 12 May 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Special Planning Group of Stop the Seventy Tour planning demos at Heathrow and Lord's, held at LSE on 7 May 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report noting that an appeal fund has been set up for ‘Non-racialist sports facilities’ by the South African Non-Racial Open Committee for Olympic Sport and Stop the Seventy Tour
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the National Stop the Seventy Tour Committee, held at 21a Gwendolen Ave SW15 on 3 May 1970 
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
5 reports on Stop The Seventy Tour; 1. a branch is to be set up at the 'North West Polytechnic' (North London Polytechnic?); 2. personal details of the secretary of the NW London Committee; 3. list of attendess NW London STST meeting of 28 April 1970; 4.
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo by Stop the Seventy Tour at the inals of the Sutton Hard Court Tennis Championships, to be held on 25 April 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Hampstead Anti-Apartheid Movement, held at 66 Primrose Gardens NW3 on 14 Apr 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign and upcoming ICRSC sponsored rally, held at Earl Russell pub on 2 April 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a London Region Conference of Stop the Seventy Tour, held at St Pancras Town hall on 5 April 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN1251 Philip Saunders to Arthur Cunningham on Squad expenditure
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing demo of 22 March 1970, held at the Earl Russell pub WC1 on 19 March 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet on potential actions of the Stop The Seventy Tour, 6 p. various senior officers incl Commissioner
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Letter to Richard James at the Home Office concerning possible tactics of the Stop the Seventy Tour Committee at forthcoming demos
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report covering the first National Conference of Stop the Seventy Tour, Hampstead Town Hall, 7 March 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a conference of Stop the Seventy Tour, held at at Hampstead Town Hall NW3, date unspecified (Mar 1970)
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Appendix to report on a conference of Stop the Seventy Tour detailing speakers, held at Hampstead Town Hall in March 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at Earl Russell pub WC1 on 26 Feb 1970 
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demonstration and vigil organised by Clann na h’Eireann, 21/22 Feb 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a combined meeting of the Islington and Camden branches of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at Earl Russell pub WC1 on 10 Feb 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing upcoming demos, held at Earl Russell pub WC1 on 5 Feb 1970 
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC, held at Dolphin pub WC1 on 13 Jan 1970 
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Islington ICRSC, held at the George pub N1 on 5 Jan 1970
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Stop the Seventy Tour Ad Hoc Committee discussing tactics for the England v South Africa rugby match at Twickenham on 20 Dec 1969, held at 21 Gwendolen Avenue SW15 on 5 Sept 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an allegation by a member of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign that the Treasurer of Camden branch was a member of National Front
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at the George pub, Liverpool Road on 1 Dec 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an aggregate meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing letter from People's Democracy critical of the ICRSC on financial and political grounds, held at Conway Hall on 22 Nov 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign inc Paul Foot talk on 'Protestantism in Northern Ireland', held at The George, Liverpool Road N1 on 17 Nov 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing Islington North by election campaign, held at the George pub, Liverpool Road N1 on 6 Oct 1969.
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign to elect committee to run Islington North by election campaign, held at the George pub Liverpool Road N1 on 29 Sept 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Founding Conference of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at Holborn Assembly Hall WC1 on 27 Sept 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the National Steering Committee of ICRSC, held at the Dolphin pub WC1 on 22 Sept 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC to dicuss upcoming Islington North by election, held at redacted venue N4 on 17 Sept 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
2 reports- meeting of ICRSC Steering Committee, at the Dolphin on 16 Sept 1969; and Islington branch to choose candidate for Islington North by election, at the George N1 on 15 Sept 1969; attaching leaflet for Constitutional Conference on 27 Sept
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Executive Committee of Islington ICRSC discussing standing a candidate in the Islington North by election, held at 10 Venetia Road N4 on 27 Aug 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC, held at the Dolphin on 26 Aug 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at the George pub, Liverpool Road N1 on 18 Aug 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign planning a week of demos starting 5 Oct, held at the George pub, Liverpool Road N1 on 28 July 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a reception given by the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, held at Camden Studios, Camden St NW1 on 29 July 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, held on Kilburn High Road near junction with Birchington Road NW6 on 19 July 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on NW London Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front planned participation in upcoming Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign demo on 20 July 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an emergency meeting of the London Region BVSF to expel Bateson and Ibrahim, held at Union Tavern on 26 June 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the 2nd conference of the London Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation, held at Union Tavern, Lloyd Baker Street WC1 on 22 June 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming private meetings of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign,to be held on Monday evenings starting 28 July 1969 at The George pub, Liverpool Road N1
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of the London Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation and attaching a leaflet advertising an 'Emergency Conference' on 22 June, held at Room 229, Portland Hall, Little Titchfield Street W1 on 11 June 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a joint meeting of BVSF and Friends of China to discuss the 9th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, held at Union Tavern on 1 June 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private weekly meeting of London BVSF held at the Union Tavern WC1 on 11 May 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet on a Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front conference covered by HN135 and HN336
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an open conference held by the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, held at Fyvie Hall, Regent Street Polytechnic W1 on 26-27 April 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, held at the Union Tavern on 4 May 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly private meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, held at the Union Tavern on 13 April 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front concerning a CND march and an upcoming conference, held at the Union Tavern WC1 on 6 April 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front, discussing RSSF conference and participation in 7 April CND march, held at Union Tavern, King's Cross Rd on 30 Mar 1969.
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front to assess the future role of the organisation, held at Union Tavern N1 on 16 March 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front to discuss policy after a demo earlier that day, held at the Union Tavern N1 on 9 March 1969
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Dixon to Cunningham providing a summary and requesting funds
Mike Ferguson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Gist of MPS Record of Service for Mike Ferguson, 1959-1986
Mike Ferguson


Document Type
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 20
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (September 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (March 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 18
Explanatory note
HN135 Mike Ferguson – Anonymity restriction order
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 17
Explanatory note
Press Notice: Chairman rules on anonymity applications from four undercover police officers
Press Notice
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Ruling 16)
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 16
Explanatory note
Press Notice: Final real name anonymity applications for the SDS published
Press Notice
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 14 and Ruling 14
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 13
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 12
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications following Minded-To Note 11 (Direction 33)
Restriction Orders (Minded-To Note 11)
Minded-To Note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 11
Explanatory note
Press Notice: Minded-To Note, explanatory note and directions for SDS anonymity applications
Press Notice
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 9
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications (Direction 31)
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications following Minded-To Note 8 (Direction 30)
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Minded-To Note 8)
Minded-To Note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 8
Explanatory note
Press Notice: Minded-To Note and explanatory note for SDS anonymity applications
Press Notice
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications (Direction 26)


UCPI Update – Matthew Ryder QC Delivers Opening Statement
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