Targeted by:
HN135 Michael 'Mike' Ferguson (1969 - 1970)
HN346 Jill Mosdell (1970 - 1970)
At least spied on:
Other names:

Stop the Seventy Tour (STST) was spied on by undercover officers HN135 ‘Mike Ferguson’ HN298 'Michael Scott' HN336 'Dick Epps'  HN339 'Stewart Goodman'   and HN346 ‘Jill Mosdell’   and reported on by HN338  between 1969 and 1970.

STST was launched in September 1969, with the initial aim of stopping the 1970 South African cricket tour in the UK through non-violent direct action. It quickly turned its attention to the Springboks rugby tour beginning in 1969. 

Don't Play With Apartheid
Peter Hain, Don't Play With Apartheid (1971)

While South African sports fixtures had been targeted for acts of sabotage on previous occasions, such as by rushing the pitch at a match at Gosforth in north-east England in January 1968, the formation of STST opened the door to mass participation in direct action against the apartheid regime. 

Targeting international sport, where racial segregation was visible to the world, was a crucial element in organising against South African apartheid internationally, helping to develop networks of resistance beyond the activist core.

STST had a central coordinating committee and networks of contacts around the country. Over 400 local groups were formed, and over 50,000 people participated in actions to disrupt matches. 

Actions were planned and executed autonomously, without direct input from the coordinating committee. These included locking on to goalposts, glueing the locks in rugby players' hotel rooms, and spraying weed killer on cricket pitches. 

Significant demonstrations throughout the tour included over 3,000 protestors in November 1969 at Twickenham, a 7,000-strong protest in Manchester soon after, and the movement's largest action in Dublin in January 1970. 

January also saw coordinated attacks on 14 of the 17 cricket grounds set to host matches for the cricket tour, which was eventually cancelled.

STST had close ties to the Young Liberals and the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM).  AAM was a more conventional lobbying organisation, focusing on petitions, garnering support from prominent figures in sports, politics, and religion, and sometimes organising demonstrations. 

As such, there were some tensions regarding STST's more militant tactics. Members of AAM were concerned that their organisation could be targeted with conspiracy charges or other legal action.

Peter Hain  was the chair of STST, a prominent Young Liberal , and was later involved in setting up the Action Committee Against Racialism.  Hain, along with his fellow campaigners Jonathan Rosenhead  and Christabel Gurney , is a core participant in the Undercover Policing Inquiry.

After STST successfully stopped the 1970 cricket tour, the organisation was disbanded. It was succeeded by the Action Committee Against Racialism, Stop the Apartheid Rugby Tour and Stop All Racialist Tours (SART), which were active through the 1970s and also targeted by undercover officers.

In 1972, activists were arrested for attempting to block the British rugby team's coach from going to the airport to play matches in South Africa. They were convicted for obstructing a public highway and obstructing the police.


Forward to Freedom: The History of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement: 1959-1994.

Sir John Mitting, Undercover Policing Inquiry Tranche 1 Interim Report, June 2023


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1979, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1978, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Richard Chessum's personal life and political activity
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1974, inc letters to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1972, inc letter to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of some of those arrested, inc HN298, at the demo in Richmond against the British Lions rugby tour of South Africa, Rugby Tour, held at redacted address on 11 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of people arrested blockading England rugby team's departure for their South Africa tour, inc HN298, held at the home of Jonathan Rosenhead on 25 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Service
Report on arrests at a demo to delay departure of the England rugby team for their South African tour, held at the Star and Garter Hotel, Richmond on 12 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Service
Form recording damage to the car of Jonathan Rosenhead caused by police at a protest against the England rugby team's South African tour, held at the Star and Garter Hotel, Richmond on 12 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Service
Two messages on a demo against the England rugby team held at the Star and Garter Hotel, Richmond on 12 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation details of a former member of SE London Stop the Seventy Tour
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch Annual Report 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of the Secretary of NW London Committee of Stop the Seventy Tour
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regional centres/groups of Stop the Seventy Tour
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of NW London Stop the Seventy Tour, held at Friends Meeting House, Heath Street on 29 July 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of NW London Stop the Seventy Tour, held at Friends Meeting House, 120 Heath Street NW3 on 15 July 1970
Metropolitan Police Service
Approved Commissioner's Commendation for HN135's work with the SDS, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo by Stop the Seventy Tour at the South African cricket team's arrival in England, to be held at Heathrow airport on 1 June 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the National Committee of Stop the Seventy Tour, held at 21a Gwendolen Ave SW15 on 3 May 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the NW London Committee of the Stop the Seventy Tour, held at Friends Meeting House, 120 Heath Street NW3 on 20 May 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming regional conference of London Region Stop the Seventy Tour Committee, to be held at St Pancras Town Hall on 5 Apr 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the North West Stop The Seventy Tour, held at Friends Meeting House, Heath Street NW3 on 13 May 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of London Groups of Stop the Seventy Tour planning for South African cricket tour (later cancelled for fear of protests!), held at 54 Ravensbourne Park SE6 on 12 May 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Special Planning Group of Stop the Seventy Tour planning demos at Heathrow and Lord's, held at LSE on 7 May 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report noting that an appeal fund has been set up for ‘Non-racialist sports facilities’ by the South African Non-Racial Open Committee for Olympic Sport and Stop the Seventy Tour
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the National Stop the Seventy Tour Committee, held at 21a Gwendolen Ave SW15 on 3 May 1970 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of NW London Group of Stop the Seventy Tour, held at Friends Meeting House, Alexandra Grove N12 on 28 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Stop The Seventy Tour march around Lord's cricket ground on 2 May 1970, inc leaflet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
5 reports on Stop The Seventy Tour; 1. a branch is to be set up at the 'North West Polytechnic' (North London Polytechnic?); 2. personal details of the secretary of the NW London Committee; 3. list of attendess NW London STST meeting of 28 April 1970; 4.
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on party organised by the North West London STST Committee inc supposed plan to abduct South African ambassador, held at a redacted address on 25 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on fundraising party held by NW London Stop the Seventy Tour, held at 37 Broadhurst Gardens NW6 on 25 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of NW London Group of the Stop The Seventy Tour, main topic Lord's demo on 2 May, held at Friends Meeting House, Alexandra Grove N12 on 21 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo by Stop the Seventy Tour at the inals of the Sutton Hard Court Tennis Championships, to be held on 25 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the inaugural meeting of the North London STST, held at at School of Librarianship, North West Polytechnic N1 on 17 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Hampstead Anti-Apartheid Movement, held at 66 Primrose Gardens NW3 on 14 Apr 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of NW London Stop the Seventy Tour, held at redacted venue on 16 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a committee meeting of the Stop The Seventy Tour, held at a redacted address on 12 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of the newly-formed North West London STST Committee
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Appendix listing Registry File numbers of those named in 10 Apr 1970 report by Wilson on tactics employed by Stop the Seventy Tour
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report with information on South Africa Commisson whose members participate in demos against the South African touring team
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a London Region Conference of Stop the Seventy Tour, held at St Pancras Town hall on 5 April 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on two Stop the Seventy Tour regional co-ordinators
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of information on a fundraising party of the SE London STST Committee, held at a redacted address on 21 March 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a SE London Stop the Seventy Tour fundraising meeting, held at redacted venue on 21 March 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet on potential actions of the Stop The Seventy Tour, 6 p. various senior officers incl Commissioner
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Letter to Richard James at the Home Office concerning possible tactics of the Stop the Seventy Tour Committee at forthcoming demos
Committee on Subversion (Home)
Meeting minutes of the Official Committee on Subversion at Home discussing student protest, 11 Mar 1970 (CAB 134-3248)
Committee on Subversion (Home)
Briefing note on upcoming meeting of Official Committee on Subversion at Home, and a note on the Stop the Seventy Tour Committee (CAB 301-536)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report covering the first National Conference of Stop the Seventy Tour, Hampstead Town Hall, 7 March 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a conference of Stop the Seventy Tour, held at at Hampstead Town Hall NW3, date unspecified (Mar 1970)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Appendix to report on a conference of Stop the Seventy Tour detailing speakers, held at Hampstead Town Hall in March 1970
MI5 briefing ‘The Current Situation Amongst British Students’ with cover note to Official Committee on Subversion at Home (CAB 134-3248)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Stop the Seventy Tour Ad Hoc Committee discussing tactics for the England v South Africa rugby match at Twickenham on 20 Dec 1969, held at 21 Gwendolen Avenue SW15 on 5 Sept 1969


Anti-Apartheid protesters’ historic convictions overturned by Crown Court.
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Ernest Rodker’s Statement
Hodge Jones & Allen
Jonathan Rosenhead’s Statement
Hodge Jones & Allen
Lord Peter Hain’s Statement
Hodge Jones & Allen
Ferguson Smith
Special Branch Memo. Anti-Apartheid Protest at Twickenham, Tear Gas Preparation. MEPO2/11477
Metropolitan Police Special Branch