The Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign (ICRSC) was an umbrella organisation active from 1969 to 1973, which sought to bring together organisations campaigning against Britain’s actions in Northern Ireland. From September 1970 it was known as the Irish Solidarity Campaign (ISC). It was spied on by HN135 Mike FergusonHN135 Michael 'Mike' FergusonMichael (Mike) Ferguson started as an undercover officer in March 1969 with HN336 ‘Dick Epps’. He infiltrated the Maoist Britain Vietnam Solidarity Front, the Islington branch of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign and the Stop The Seventy Tour. His deployment ended in July 1970. Ferguson would return in the late 1970s to lead the SDS for a couple of years. He retired in 1985 and died in 1999 at the age of 60., HN68 ‘Sean Lynch’HN68 ‘Sean Lynch’HN68 ‘Sean Lynch’ was the cover name used by a former Special Demonstration Squad undercover officer deployed between 1968 and 1974 into groups related to political violence in Northern Ireland. He held a managerial position as second-in-command of the SDS between 1981 and 1983 and retired from the Metropolitan Police in 1993. He is dead.Full page: HN68 ‘Sean Lynch’, HN298 ‘Michael Scott’HN298 'Michael Scott'‘Michael Scott’ is the assumed name of a former SDS undercover officer who infiltrated the Putney branch of the Young Liberals, Croydon anarchist group Commitment, the Little Ilford branch of the Workers Revolutionary Party and the central London branch of the Anti-Internment League between 1972 and 1976. In 1972, he did not reveal his true identity to the court when convicted alongside three anti-apartheid activists, leading to their convictions being overturned in 2023. The reliability of his testimony about the Young Liberals was challenged in the Inquiry by core participant Peter Hain., HN340 ‘Andy Bailey’HN340 ‘Andy Bailey’HN340 is the nominal given to the former undercover officer with the Special Demonstration Squad ‘Andy Bailey’. He infiltrated the North London Red Circle and spied on the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, later known as the Irish Solidarity Campaign, between July 1970 and June 1972. One of the first two SDS officers to travel overseas while undercover, to the Red Europe conference in Brussels in November 1970, he was also the first undercover to be withdrawn because of a possible risk to his safety, in mid-1972 after the landlady of his cover accommodation reported overhearing a threat to him.Full page: HN340 ‘Andy Bailey’and HN299/342 ‘David Hughes’.HN299/HN342 'David Hughes'HN299/342 'David Hughes' joined the SDS in 1971. He was deployed into the International Marxist Group, north London Claimants Union and Anti-Internment League between 1971 and 1975. He left the SDS in 1976, having heard lots of revolutionary talk but not witnessed any public disorder or subversion.
The organisation was structured with multiple local branches and a central steering committee. The latter included representatives from a broad range of other groups such as the Independent Labour PartyIndependent Labour Party (ILP)In the early 1960s, some 30 years after splitting from the Labour Party, the Independent Labour Party (ILP) became involved in opposition to nuclear weapons, promoted workers' control and campaigned for decolonisation and against South Africa’s apartheid regime. The party was infiltrated from 1969 to 1971 by the SDS undercover HN326 ‘Doug Edwards’. He targeted the London group, focusing on east London. Full page: Independent Labour Party (ILP), People’s DemocracyPeople’s DemocracyPeople's Democracy was a socialist organisation founded in Belfast in 1968 and closely associated with the Northern Ireland civil rights movement. Members included Bernadette Devlin and Eamon McCann, who are mentioned in SDS reporting on the group's activities in London.
, Communist Party of Great BritainCommunist Party of Great Britain (CPGB)The Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) was the largest communist organisation in Britain. It was established on 31 July 1920 and dissolved on 23 November 1991. For most of its existence, it aligned itself with the USSR and received funding from it. The British surveillance state saw it as the main subversive threat to the United Kingdom, and was consequently the target of many operations by MI5. However, the Special Demonstration Squad did not target it., International Marxist GroupInternational Marxist Group (IMG) The International Marxist Group (IMG) was a Trotskyist group in Britain in 1968-1982. It was the British Section of the Fourth International and a vital part of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign. At its peak, in the 1970s, the IMG had around 1,000 members and supporters. The IMG was spied on by HN336 'Dick Epps', HN340 'Andy Bailey' and HN353 'Gary Roberts' during the 1960s and 1970s; several other SDS officers reported on it.Full page: International Marxist Group (IMG)
, Poster WorkshopPoster WorkshopThe Poster Workshop, founded in 1968 in Camden, London, was a hub of radical political art. Inspired by the events of May 1968 in Paris, the Poster Workshop contributed to a variety of social movements through the creation of hand-printed political posters. In 1968, SDS officer HN332 Cameron Sinclair was assigned to spy on it.
, Revolutionary Socialist Student FederationRevolutionary Socialist Students Federation (RSSF)The Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation (RSSF) was founded in London in June 1968 and active until the end of 1969. Although short-lived, the RSSF created a national organisation, was central to the Vietnam war protests in universities and developed a critique of higher education. Several SDS undercover officers directly targeted the RSSF from July 1968. Full page: Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation (RSSF), London Federation of AnarchistsFederation of London Anarchist Groups (FLAG)The Federation of London Anarchist Groups (FLAG) was an umbrella organisation encompassing a number of groups in London between 1976 and 1978, including the Freedom Collective and Anarchy Collective. It was spied on by HN300 'Jim Pickford' and HN304 'Graham Coates' during this time. and International Socialists.International Socialists/Socialist Workers PartyThe International Socialists (IS)/Socialist Worker Party (SWP) is a Trotskyist political party. It started life in 1950 as the Socialist Review Group, changing its name to the International Socialists in 1962 and then to the Socialist Workers Party in 1977. The IS/SWP was of significant interest to the policing and security apparatus, spied on by at least 35 undercover officers. This profile is a stub that will updated.Full page: International Socialists/Socialist Workers PartyReport on the founding conference of the Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at Digbeth Civic Hall, Birmingham on 10-11 Oct 1970, inc constitution and other docs (not attached), 26 Oct 1970, Metropolitan Police Special Branch, MPS-0738146.View Document It also had close ties to the Anti-Internment League.Anti-Internment LeagueThe Anti-Internment League was formed in response to the introduction of mass internment in Northern Ireland in August 1971. Most active in the 1970s, and affiliated with the International Marxist Group, AIL worked with trade unions, republican groups, pacifists, and the broader left in Britain and Ireland. It was spied on by numerous SDS officers. Full page: Anti-Internment League
A 1969 article on the ICRSC in the International Socialists (IS) newspaper Socialist Worker set out the ICRSC’s six-point programme, which included: ‘One person one equal vote, one family one house, one man one job, disarm and disband the B-Specials and Royal Ulster Constabulary, and for the right of the whole Irish people to national self-determination.’
After changing its name in September 1970, the organisation did not dispense with the issue of Irish civil rights, but began to promote a more explicitly ‘anti-imperialist’ position and continued to seek support from a range of groups. Although there is no formal record of the dissolution of the ISC, in 1973 a new organisation, the Troops Out MovementTroops Out Movement (TOM)The Troops Out Movement (TOM) was an Irish solidarity organisation active from 1973 to the mid-2000s, campaigning for an end to British rule in Northern Ireland, a single-issue campaign that worked with a range of groups, including Irish cultural and religious organisations and trade unions. It was spied upon by HN297 'Rick Gibson', HN298 'Michael Scott' and HN25 'Kevin Douglas'. Though it sometimes distanced itself from the IRA, TOM nonetheless maintained that armed resistance was a legitimate response to British rule. Full page: Troops Out Movement (TOM), took over leading campaigning in this area.
G Dawson, J Dover, S Hopkins (eds), The Northern Ireland Troubles in Britain: impacts, engagements, legacies and memories. Manchester University Press (2016)
John Palmer, Socialist Worker, 12 June 1969: 'Build the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign' accessed 5 September 2024 John Palmer, 'Build the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign', Socialist Worker, Transcribed for Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line, 12 Jun 1969.
Report on meeting of North London Irish Solidarity Committee discussing arrest of ‘Fight Racism Fight Imperialism' newspaper seller, held at Camden Labour Club, Canal St NW1 on 9 July 1982
Report on first official meeting since the amalgamation of the Anti-Internment League and the Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at General Picton pub, Caledonian Rd on 22 Sep 1972
Phone Message on a joint public meeting of two branches of the Anti-Internment League and the South London Irish Solidarity Campaign on the topic of Derry Free zones, to be held at the Rotary Street Club on 28 June 72
Report on the first meeting of the Tottenham Red Circle enclosing a leaflet ‘Repression in Ceylon’, held at the Bricklayers Arms, Tottenham on 7 April 1972
Report on a meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign discussing recent police raids on the homes of members of the ISC and IS, held at Gen Picton pub on 17 March 1972
Report on meeting of Croydon International Socialists inc discussion of IS members raided by police after IRA bomb, held at Ruskin House on 16 March 1972
Report on meeting of the Irish Solidarity Campaign discussing activities of the Anti-Internment League & approving of bombing of Aldershot barracks, held at General Picton pub on 25 Feb 1972
Report of meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign featuring a talk by a member of the International Socialists on the IS Policy on Ireland, held at General Picton pub, Killick St on 18 Feb 1972
Report on meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign inc an ‘educational’ on ‘Republicanism and Marxism’, held at the General Picton pub, Killick St on 10 Dec 1971
Report on meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign inc update and discussion on the Anti-Internment League, held at General Picton pub, Killick St N1 on 26 Nov 1971
Report on personal details and political activities of Abhimanyu Manchanda and Diane Langford of the Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist League inc photo of Manchanda
Report on meeting of the Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign inc talk on ‘The past three months in Belfast’, held at the Earl Russell pub N! on 14 Jan 1971
Report on the founding conference of the Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at Digbeth Civic Hall, Birmingham on 10-11 Oct 1970, inc constitution and other docs (attached)
Report on meeting of Islington branch of Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing the Irish Solidarity Campaign national founding conference in Birmingham, held at 10 Venetia Road on 12 Oct 1970
Report on a meeting of Steering Committee of the ICRSC proposing name change to ISC, held at the Earl Russell pub NW1 on 17 Sept 1970, inc programme and conditions of membership of the ISC
Report on meeting of Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign steering committee, held at Earl Russell pub, Pancras Road NW1 on 27 Aug 1970, inc leaflet for rally at Co-op Hall on 3 Sept (attached)
Report on a meeting of North London Red Circle inc appeal to support ICRSC picket of the offices of The Guardian and The Sunday Times, held at 182 Pentonville Rd N1 on 21 July 1970
Telegram on details of International Socialism and the IMG’s intention to support the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign demo to held at Shephers Bush on 19 July 1970
Report on Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign steering group meeting discussing general election campaign esp disrupting National Front, held at 10 Venetia Road N4 on 3 June 1970
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC planning Conway Hall rally with Bernadette Devlin, held at Earl Russell pub NW1 on 14 May 1970, inc minute sheet
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC discussing public meeting at Conway Hall on 15 May, held at the Earl Russell pub NW1 on 9 April 1970, inc minute sheet
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign and upcoming ICRSC sponsored rally, held at Earl Russell pub on 2 April 1970
Report on meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing demo of 22 March 1970, held at the Earl Russell pub WC1 on 19 March 1970
Report a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign to discuss an upcoming demo on 22 March 1970, held at Earl Russell pub WC1 on 26 Feb 1970
Report on a combined meeting of the Islington and Camden branches of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at Earl Russell pub WC1 on 10 Feb 1970
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing upcoming demos, held at Earl Russell pub WC1 on 5 Feb 1970
Report on an allegation by a member of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign that the Treasurer of Camden branch was a member of National Front
Report on an aggregate meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing letter from People's Democracy critical of the ICRSC on financial and political grounds, held at Conway Hall on 22 Nov 1969
Report on a meeting of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign inc Paul Foot talk on 'Protestantism in Northern Ireland', held at The George, Liverpool Road N1 on 17 Nov 1969
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at the Dolphin pub on 14 Oct 1969, attaching a copy of 'Free Citizen' a People's Democracy publication
Report on a meeting of Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing Islington North by election campaign, held at the George pub, Liverpool Road N1 on 6 Oct 1969.
Report on a meeting of Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign to elect committee to run Islington North by election campaign, held at the George pub Liverpool Road N1 on 29 Sept 1969
2 reports- meeting of ICRSC Steering Committee, at the Dolphin on 16 Sept 1969; and Islington branch to choose candidate for Islington North by election, at the George N1 on 15 Sept 1969; attaching leaflet for Constitutional Conference on 27 Sept
Report on a meeting of the Executive Committee of Islington ICRSC discussing standing a candidate in the Islington North by election, held at 10 Venetia Road N4 on 27 Aug 1969
Report on a weekly meeting of the Steering Committee of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at private room of the Dolphin pub on 19 Aug 1969
Report on a meeting of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign planning a week of demos starting 5 Oct, held at the George pub, Liverpool Road N1 on 28 July 1969
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held in private room at the Dolphin pub, Bidborough Street on 15 July 1969, inc leaflet for upcoming march to the Ulster Office on 20 July 1969
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign mostly discussing NICRA demo of 22 June, held at The Dolphin pub, Bidborough Street WC1 on 24 June 1969
Report on meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign rejecting approach from NICRA for cooperation, held at The Dolphin pub, Bidborough Street WC1 on 24 June 1969
Report on upcoming private meetings of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign,to be held on Monday evenings starting 28 July 1969 at The George pub, Liverpool Road N1
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at the Grafton Arms, Prince of Wales Road NW5 on 18 June 1969, inc poster for upcoming civil rights rally on 22 June at Trafalgar Square
Report on a meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign inc electing committee to discuss groups affiliating, held at the Grafton Arms on 11 June 1969
Report on a private meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign discussing an upcoming NICRA demo of 22 June 1969, held at the Grafton Arms NW3 on 4 June 1969
Report on a meeting of the London branch of People's Democracy, held at private room of Grafton Arms, 20 Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town NW5 on 15 May 1969