Targeted by:
At least spied on:
Other names:

Commitment was an anarchist group based in south London in the early 1970s. It shared members with the Young Liberals (YL).  Prominent YL member and chair of anti-apartheid group Stop The Seventy Tour (STST)  Peter Hain mentions Commitment in his witness statement to the inquiry. He recalls, for example, that Commitment activists attended the 1972 YL national conference, calling on people to burn their census forms to disrupt the National Census.

Hain’s recollection is corroborated by an SDS report discussing Commitment’s intervention in the 1972 conference and noting that the group viewed electoral politics with suspicion. This report also stated that the group had aligned itself with the Claimants Union.

Undercover officer HN298 ‘Michael Scott’  spied on the Young Liberals and Croydon Libertarians. He claimed that both of these groups shared members and aims with Commitment. Former Croydon Libertarian, Kevin Eady, denied this in correspondence with the Undercover Research Group, however, writing that the group was specifically anarchist in outlook.

The SDS reported that Commitment advocated 'industrial sabotage'.  Beyond this, Commitment’s aims and structure remain unknown. 

According to the SDS, most Commitment members were also members of Putney Young Liberals, which was Hain's branch. Hain mentioned in his witness statement that Commitment was a disruptive influence on YL meetings.

The only other mention of Commitment is a Special Branch report on members holding a joint meeting with Croydon Libertarians in August 1972 attended by seven people.



First witness statement of Peter Hain.



Metropolitan Police Service
MPS list of charges and sentences for everyone arrested (inc HN298) blockading the England rugby team's departure to South Africa at the Star and Garter Hotel, Richmond, on 12 May 1972.
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of South London Commitment and the Croydon Libertarians, held at redacted address on 22 Aug 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1972, inc letter to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet of reports of arrests and charges of demonstrators against English Rugby Team's departure for South Africa, May-June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the 'Croydon Commitment' discussing prosecution from anti-pollution demo & future action against Rio Tinto Zinc for incursion into Snowdonia, held at redacted venue on 23 Feb 1972